Natasha, my husband loves spiders. He mowed a tarantula once and dang near cried about it. I just don't get it lol.
Laura, once a day for sure

Are you closer in age to nieces and nephews than siblings? I have a sisterly relationship with my 3 oldest nieces because we grew up together. No Aunt Bethany here lol. And people always think that my oldest sister is my mom. Ugh.
Amy, I always have "lazy head" with my mom around- rest my head on her shoulder. I also play with her hair and she'll hold my hand. I have such a super cuddly family that people blink at us funny. We are all girls practically though and we like to snuggle!
Though I guess they blink by our complete lack of boundaries. If one of my sisters is laying on the couch with cold feet and I am dumb enough to sit down, she will work her feet under my butt for warmth lol. Isn't that a natural reaction?! My DH doesn't think so when I do it to him hehe.
Go get in ze secz!

Eek I made my husband turn his back when I was weighed at doc's office! But I don't want him to even know what I normally weigh hehe.
As for leakage, I have more of it when I am ovulating. Because I am juicy and I make him take vitamins for his seminal fluid gets messy down there. Softcups will help (whistles innocently)
Jen, I agree with Laura that Liam is perfect

And you are getting me so excited for a baby belly!*
I am a home body too. If you guys were housewives we could all meet up sometimes for lunch. Or just girly movie nights. My husband is mean and won't watch Gilmore Girls or Golden Girls with me lol. Or Practical Magic. All my go-to girl viewings!