Amy yay for seducing the spouse! Haha was he bored and decorated the cat? My husband bought a coat that goes on a small dog and lives dressing our cat in it. Doyle is fat enough now that he can't take it off. Poor boy
Spiders, yikes! I'd be running to my ma too!
I tried convincing my DH we could start trying again (you all have me so motivated), but he is being a stickler following Dr's orders! Grrr. Never thought I'd be wishing for my AF to just come on already!
I had some faint spotting today (d&c was 3w2d ago)...could it be ovulation? In the past that would happen 2-3 days after a +opk. I haven't been using my OPKs though b/c they were + as was my hcg, just over a week ago. Maybe I should give them a go starting tomorrow. I've read they aren't as accurate just after a mc, so I'm not sure...
What is a softcup?
A softcup is used to keep the swimmers close to the cervix after bd you insert it and can leave it in for a few hrs. Helps prevent leaks also.
I would save opks for after af. Bd now if u can convince him and doctor cleared you. After d&c i spotted lighty on and off for a few weeks. Took 6 wks for af. Dh and i dtd 12cd after d&c often but doctor cleared us. Do what you feel is best i just think its best not to stress.
Bethany, I feel bad for my boys sometimes too. DH is like a big kid and when he gets bored or disracted, this is the kind of stuff that happens

. When people meet him, they dont believe me when I say he is goofy and off the wall sometimes because he is so shy and quiet but this is proof!! I love my furry boys, I dont know what I would do without them. My other kitty (not the one in the pic) does the same thing with his paws in my face... I heart them!!!

Angel, the waiting is so tough

! I too was anxious to get started again but also was scared. DH told me the same thing (repeated what the dr said) and I just wanted to throw a fit

but kind of glad he said it. That part of me that wanted to wait was there and now that we did for atleast one cycle, I feel like my uterus was given a little break and we are back to starting again

. Cant believe its only been 7 weeks since D&C for me but again, glad I had af clean out things once before we out a new lo in there

. Up to you ofcourse but thats just what I did. It seems like it took all of us about 6 weeks for the

to come for the first time so I hope you can find some comfort in that babe
Jen, you and Bethany really make me want to try these soft cups!! Im just scared that Im going to have an "Amy moment" and do it wrong

But if I keep having the leakage then Ill def have to try them out!
Hope all you gals had a great weekend!!!

to all and lots of

to you girls!