TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

meg that poem was lovely and oh so true:hugs: things us ladies have to go through
Wow - I just saw my post count. I only joined B&B 6 weeks ago and am up to 600 posts already. I really do talk too much.

LOL Nothing wrong with being chatty :friends:

Wow - I just saw my post count. I only joined B&B 6 weeks ago and am up to 600 posts already. I really do talk too much.

hahaha Better to post then to lurk as the other board members have been known to say! :headspin:

Oh good - I'll carry on being chatty then lol

Thanks Vickieh, i didn't know i still had a chance if i was still bleeding! Might give OH a treat tonight, if the bleeding stays away (i don't like the thought of DTD while bleeding lol...) He's gagging for it bless him..:haha: x

And WOW that is a lot of posts in 6 weeks lol....but, better a poster than a lurker! x

My dr said that you can still fall while bleeding. I was still spotting when I ovulated on both m last two cycles.

Hey ladies....I have been lurking (please don't hate me!)....I can't leave you completely alone for some reason!!

Why would we hate you? Lurk as much as you like.

:cry: :cry: now getting :bfn:'s am expecting the worst now only tested to see if it got darker :cry: :cry: why did I do this to myself :cry: :cry:

Shit. I am so sorry, I had this in December and it's horrid.

I must be an official lurker! LOL!
I am always checking this thread and jumping across to the TWW section, but never seem to get the time to post!!
I have just had a CP. Boo! Bfp on 11dpo then brown cm since. Blah!
Still cramping n spotting now at 15dpo, so just think the wicked witch is around the corner! All tests now Bfn.
(I really wish smilies would work on my iPhone!)

congrats to all the new Bfp's and hugs to ruskie, a fellow CP sufferer. <<hugs>>

Sorry you had this happen to you.

Meg - that poem was lovely
Big hugs Dawny <<hugs>>
Thanks for the kind words girls. I am just soooo bummed out right now. Ya know, that time that overwhelms you and makes you want to use every expletive in the book and then make some up on top of that!!! LOL!!
Then vow, "that's it I quit"!......well until next month!

At least I have my RE app on Monday. Got to take the whole family as app is 0900 in Edinburgh and it takes us over an hour to get there, meaning the kids wouldn't be able to catch the school bus at 0830! Bugger!
Why do hospitals always give the earliest apps to folk who live the furthest away?!!!

Sorry for the rant! On top of all this, my eldest who will be 10 in June has just been diagnosed with having no reflexes in her limbs so has to see a paediatric orthapaedic surgeon!
I have battled for years with the GP about her inability to walk on flat feet and he has always pooh poohed it as tiptoeing and she'll grow out of it!

Any hoo.... cm!!! Yay!
MissMat...GL hunni!
Vickie.....keep chatting hunni!!
Sorry if I've missed some crucial info in older posts, big hugs to all!!!
awwww dawny im so sorry hunni!!!! :hugs::hugs:
sorry mummytofour :hugs:

hiya girls pls can i join??

please can someone update me on this thread as its 2 much 2 read lo
sorry mummytofour....:hugs:

thanks for the poem Megg, (so true, so true)

:hugs: dawny
Woo Padbrat let's hear it for the PMA :happydance: It's been 9 days since i gave birth to Freya, and i haven't had any bleeding now for 2 days...I'm looking forward to getting down to TTC again! Will probably leave it another 2 days just to be sure there's no more bleeding though. I feel sort of guilty for Freya because i want to try again so soon, but i know she would want a little brother or sister to watch over :hugs:x

Yay check you out Miss! Good for you!
Please don't feel guilty for Freya, she would want her Mummy to be happy :hugs:

I wish I had stopped bleeding... bloody 16 days now!!!! :growlmad:
Can't TTC anyway until after seeing consultant on 1st July... Hubby is on the brink of throwing himself out the window!!!:blush:

Aww honey 16 days of bleeding, i really hope it stops soon.

I have seen you around on this forum, and just wanted to say that i am glad they are going to start investigations for you now. It seems so sad that you had to suffer 4 losses to get there though :( I really hope you can get some answers. xx :hugs: xx

Hello Miss! I have been around and about here for a little while :hugs: Gives me hope being with all the lovely ladies on here!

Answers would be really good, and I know that everyone on here is a font of info and inspiration! :kiss:

Amos, so good to see you back chick... why would we hate you for lurking chickadee? :hugs:

Megg what have the bad docs been doing now???? :growlmad:... or should I say what haven't they done??

Dawnie... how are you feeling? Have you spoken to the doc? Have you had you hcg levels done? Are sooo hoping it is all OK for you :flower:

TMI Quick question.... got me and hubby on Pregnacare and Wellman Concieve ... does it make your wee go bright yellow???? :blush:

Yes, anything with Vit B in it can make your wee go bright yellow. Weeing out excess Vit B makes for highlighter yellow wee! LOL

The doctor made me come in for another blood test to check my glucose because some moron marked that I was fasting (when no one told me and no one asked me if I was) and my glucose was 140. Nevermind that I'd just eaten lunch about 30 minutes prior! She just saw it at 140 and saw that they marked I was fasting and got all excited. If I wasn't a hard stick, I wouldn't care. But my veins are bloody terrible. I don't need to be stuck any more times than necessary! Whatever though... maybe I'll be wrong and it really is high for some other random reason. I'd be satisfied if there was SOMETHING wrong with me at this point. Healthy becomes a detriment when you need an explanation and one doesn't seem to exist!

Had 2 :bfn:'s today so I know its over even without the blood :cry: xxxx

:hugs: Dawn! :cry:

Big hugs Dawny <<hugs>>
Thanks for the kind words girls. I am just soooo bummed out right now. Ya know, that time that overwhelms you and makes you want to use every expletive in the book and then make some up on top of that!!! LOL!!
Then vow, "that's it I quit"!......well until next month!

At least I have my RE app on Monday. Got to take the whole family as app is 0900 in Edinburgh and it takes us over an hour to get there, meaning the kids wouldn't be able to catch the school bus at 0830! Bugger!
Why do hospitals always give the earliest apps to folk who live the furthest away?!!!

Sorry for the rant! On top of all this, my eldest who will be 10 in June has just been diagnosed with having no reflexes in her limbs so has to see a paediatric orthapaedic surgeon!
I have battled for years with the GP about her inability to walk on flat feet and he has always pooh poohed it as tiptoeing and she'll grow out of it!

Any hoo.... cm!!! Yay!
MissMat...GL hunni!
Vickie.....keep chatting hunni!!
Sorry if I've missed some crucial info in older posts, big hugs to all!!!

Yes, I definitely know that feeling! I do it a lot! :hugs: Sorry about the docs not listening about your DD! I hope they get something worked out to help her!

hiya girls pls can i join??

please can someone update me on this thread as its 2 much 2 read lo

Of course you can join! If you'd like added to the first page, I just need the month and year of your most recent loss and how many losses you've experienced! :hugs:

First, let me say that I'm sorry you're having to post in this section. I wish none of us were here! :hugs:

Second... Catching you up on the thread? Uhm.... err... How long do you have? LOL There's a ton of us, but about... 20? (maybe?) that keep up with it pretty well! We've had people come and go within that 20... Most of the preggos have mostly moved on to PAL, but we're happy that Louise (TripleB) has stuck with us so far! I started the thread and do the updating. Sometimes I'm slow. Sometimes I miss things. You might to tell me something more than once! Sorry in advance! LOL

You'll likely learn our stories after a little while. We have a lot of joy and a lot of sorrow here. It seems to come in waves. We get a ton of BFP's, and then (as statistics would suggest) not everyone makes it. Then we all have a cry together! Those bad bits seem to come in waves too. Right now, we're mostly doing well. Tomorrow... I hope we still will be. You never know though. The # of BFP's in our thread has been above 50 at least 4 or 5 times now. This is the longest that it has stayed above 50! Of course, I remember when we didn't have 10! And, I only started this in January! :) The real excitement will be when the first "Race" baby is born! I'm not sure who is farthest along, but I think now I should find out! :)

My story is that I get pregnant and then find out at my first u/s (about 10-11 weeks) that I've got nothing but an empty gestational sac that measures almost 2 months behind. It happened in Dec and just happened again on May 7. I'm great for PMA when you need it, but I will always assume the worst for myself! That's me in a nutshell!

That's about all the catching up I can do! Even that was long! I hope you get comfy in here and decide to hang out with us until you get your BFP! I also hope it comes quickly and painlessly! Tell us about yourself! :hugs:
Oh! And, girls... Thanks about the poem! I wrote it not quite a year ago! I appreciate that you enjoyed it! :)
Megg, you are an absolute STAR! No one else could sum up this thread so eloquently and with the perfect mix of humour, heartfelt sentiment and hugs. Fabness. X
Thanks, Louise! :hugs: I appreciate that! :D You made a bad day a little better for me!
Megg im so sorry to be awkward but could you not add this whats going on atm as a loss please as its too painful to see 4 when I haven't started bleeding yet :cry: xxxx

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