TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

Megg hope they let u know something soon. waiting is killing me.

Sorry! I didn't get home until about 2am! I was watching "Invention of Lying" and playing charades, tbh! :rofl:

I am so sorry I am so late. We had to leave as soon as I got home because we had a appt.
Well ladies I went to my FS and he did the post coital........ It basicly was a pap smear with a transvaginal scan. Well, first he said my ewcm was fantastic! Then he took a sample to look at under the microscope. Then he did the scan and I have a 23 mm follicle on my left side!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: Well he took the sample and looked at it under the scope to make sure my ewcm wasn't hostile and that that dh's swimmers were swimming in the right direction. Well they looked great! And best of all was I got to see them!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing and kinda gross all at the same time! :rofl: Pretty cool!

That sounds SO cool! :)

AFM... My ANA came back negative. So, I get the impression that means no autoimmune disease! Yay! :)

HCG was also negative... Shocking @ CD6... Official earliest testing EVER! :rofl:

Joanne - glad things seem to be going well and it would of been cool to see DH's spermies

Megg - cant wait to hear your latest update on the next visit to your DR.

Uhm... update at the bottom... got excited too soon! :(

Jonnanne3 - Sounds really interesting and would be the sort of thing i would think was pretty cool as weel. Its great news about the results as well.

josiejo - Congrates on the good news wishing you a very H & H 9 months ahead :hug:

AFM - Temps have gone down to 36.74 so only just above the cover line and my CM is stained a wee bit. The :witch: is on her way in the next day or so i feel. I know it prob for the best to have an AF after a MC but its still a bit crappy. Had a rough night last night as well so hope everyone doesnt mind if i vent a wee bit?

When i first joined the forum i became part of a TTC group and it was a really nice group. Now however i am the only one that is still about and TTC everyone else has there baby or is in 3rd tri. After the first loss with every new person that moved on while i was happy for them it sent a little stab of pain to my heart. Since then with every failure and the new loss its been getting harder and harder to fight back against the jealously and bitterness that threatens to engulf and darken my soul. Last night i read that one girl is now expecting her 2nd while i am still trying to have my first and it was just too much and really upset me. I know i should be happy for her but it justs so hard to see others get what you so desprately want, my mind is screaming its not fair and when is it going to be my turn? Wheres my baby? Last night i really had just had enough of it all. Then i feel ashamed at myself for feeling this way.

Sorry for the long post but i just needed to get it of my chest with people that will understand.

SOrry hun, it's horrid when you know she is on her way. I know what you mean. I am happy for people when they are pregnant but I am so terribly jealous of them and every time my period arrives I get so angry because I should be enjoying her kicks not ttc again.

Megan dont be so down on yourself babe you have a fab dr who is happy to do your tests and you will get to 7dpo im sure of it im that sure I would put money on it if I was a betting woman :lol: let us know how you get on xxxx

Aww! :hugs: Thank yoU!!! Re-reading my post, it does sound kind of down... but it actually wasn't! LOL I'm really excited that someone is doing these tests, and I'm totally okay with the prospect of failing my 7dpo progesterone test. I'm almost excited to fail it. It would explain a lot of things and its easy to fix! I'm just annoyed that I likely have about 16-17 days left before 7dpo! I'm not a patient woman! :haha: I'm also very happy that I probably don't have an autoimmune disease. I was pretty scared about that. Hell, things might be looking up for me, atm! You all will definitely know anything I know soon after I find out... unless I'm watching a really good movie and playing charades! Then it might take several hours! :winkwink:

P.S. Ovaries are already cramping a tiny bit after 2nd dose of soy. I forgot how much I both loved and hated that sensation!

Hope that means that ovaries are gearing up.

Definitely *should* mean that! LOL

megg - i think you and i could be on par cycle length wise. But i think i'm behind you testing wise i have to have a 7dpo test done next cycle so i got at leas another 30 to 40 days wait.

Hopefully i only have another 14 days untill i get a BFP or the witch arrives. Then i've got about 27 days to wait to do my 7dpo tests.

Yep, my test will likely be on CD23. That's a good 16 days away still! *sigh*

Ok so my midwife just called and the numbers they gave me yesterday were from my 2009 ectopic. My real numbers were HCG 155 and progesterone 10.7 so much better than 6.9 talk about freaking out for a day. and the HCG is normal for being so early. They are gonna retake them today and see if they double and I'm gonna stay on the progesterone just to make sure and make it go up more. So releaved.


Sometimes I wish I could just reach through my laptop and give you all a hug :hug:

Me too!

Im hugging my computer monitor...can anyone feel it??? LOL

I wondered what was going on! Thanks! :flower:

Hello ladies .... good news, my progesterone levels are in. I've posted them in my journal rather than cluttering up the forum (also another bfp photo). Amy, I've posted a message in your journal too .......... so relieved for you love xx

Saw it! :yipee:

Just thought we could all use some :dust:

I could use to roll around in some... maybe even snort a bit of it if it would help!

So, negative ANA doesn't rule out ALL autoimmune diseases. It only ruled out SOME autoimmune diseases! That's what I get for listening to the nurse instead of waiting to talk to my doctor. Now we're testing for others, checking AGAIN for PCOS, and trying to rule out a pituitary tumor! Bloods tomorrow... again!

Advice: If I want a blood test to try and catch my LH surge before O and I usually O around CD16, when should I get it done? I'm going to see if I can convince her to check for it! Hell, I'd love an u/s of my ovaries at about CD14!
Oh tricky one, in reality most people you see get the surge the day before, perhaps bloods taken late the day before O??? How long is a piece of string I guess??!!:dohh:
Oh tricky one, in reality most people you see get the surge the day before, perhaps bloods taken late the day before O??? How long is a piece of string I guess??!!:dohh:

That's the shit part... I can't guarantee that I'll even O on CD16. In fact, I can almost guarantee that I WON'T if I try and get the test done... just to spite me! Maybe I can get her to schedule an u/s for CD12! That would give me a good idea about my follicles and probable O date. I really just want to know what my blood LH level is at surge so I can take an OPK and compare, iykwim? Hard evidence that the OPK and LH #'s do or do not match!
Well my u/s on cd10 showed the follies pretty clearly and I O'd cd15 I think on that cycle, that was the one before this one, so cd12 should reveal all!
Woohoo! I'll beg! I'll do it under the guise of re-checking me for PCOS! :winkwink:
Well... I've seen my ovaries! I've seen them plenty of times! But, I am going to see if I can get one scheduled for CD12. I really don't want to make an appointment just to get it scheduled. I wonder if she's fax it in based on a phone call? We'll see what I can get done! I'll post pics of my follies if I get it done!
Razcox, I feel that way now more than ever. My mom decided to show me pictures of my nephew that is just over a year old yesterday. I am so brokenhearted and I love my nephew but didnt care to see them. I dont even want to go to the grocery store today I am not sure how I will handle it to be honest.

:hugs: Shannon, we all know how it feels hun, others sometimes don't realise the things that hurt us. A week after my m/c my Mum started showing me all the new cute little newborn clothes she had bought for my nephew who is due next month.....I just turned away and looked at my DH, it was all I could do not to break down there and then...she got the hint, and removed the clothes! Similar has been done with scan piccies of said nephew....I love my Dad...but walked out of the room leaving him stood holding the pic alone...I just couldn't handle it at the time!

You're strong hunny you can get through this xxx

Its so weird to hear similar stories (sometimes before i came here, i felt like i was the only one that felt that way), I can completely relate.

I have 5 siblings and all have 2 or more children (except my 13 year old sister, she better wait lol), and every time we have family gatherings I get the "Christina, why dont you guys hurry up and have a baby already" its like they completely forgot we been trying for years, and have had losses, and that i have a hard time carrying. Sometimes I get a little snappy but if it was that simple I would probably would have a handful of kids by now?! err!!:cry:
and and 1 week after my MC in sept.09 I had previously agree to through my sisters her baby shower, talk about wanting to find a closet and hide in, I felt awful for feeling that way i was really excited to have nephew. Sometimes it hurts and its ok to feel the way, its part of the healing process. :hugs:
Puppy - what a relief! :happydance:


Megg- Thats some what great news, I hope you get all your prayers answered soon!:hugs:


And LOTS OF BABY DUST to Everyone
Ooo Meggles we can take one of those nasty mcs down too cant we since shaerichelle's wasnt one??? Hate that those bloody faulty hpts put her through all this stress and grief for no good reason!:growlmad:
Puppymom - so glad the numbers are good but so sorry they put you through all that stress xxx

Thanks for all the understanding guys, i think we all have good and bad days still so its so nice to have a bit of cyber support on the bad ones. Today i have picked myself up and i am ready to move onto this cycle of TTC. Ordered my softcups, preseed and CBFM sticks so as soon as AF is gone we can get busy. At the min she is here with a vengence and while i am not in pain (touch wood) i am bleeding ALOT, TMI but i got up this morning and it was too much for my nighttime towel and blood was running down my legs!!! :wacko: So much for a lighter AF the 1st time after my MMC . . .
Well not good for me beta's didnt double. They only went from 155-190 in 48 hrs. Still not sure if it is just a mc or an ectopic gonna get betas done again tomorrow to see what is goin on but this is me pretty much done with this pregnancy. Still no bleeding but didnt really have that with my ectopics until much later.
Well not good for me beta's didnt double. They only went from 155-190 in 48 hrs. Still not sure if it is just a mc or an ectopic gonna get betas done again tomorrow to see what is goin on but this is me pretty much done with this pregnancy. Still no bleeding but didnt really have that with my ectopics until much later.

:hugs: I hope it's good news. :hugs:
Oh puppymom, I hope it's just a glitch and your numbers soar for the next test! <<<big hugs>>>
Yup take it down. I am not sure if I had one or not, or what the hell is going on with my damn body. Ill take it off of my sig soon too.

WannaB ..that was three tests that gave me faint lines and then one gave me a darker line that everyone could see. It is weird.
Yup take it down. I am not sure if I had one or not, or what the hell is going on with my damn body. Ill take it off of my sig soon too.

WannaB ..that was three tests that gave me faint lines and then one gave me a darker line that everyone could see. It is weird.

What is making you think that you didn't have a loss hun?
Puppymom - so glad the numbers are good but so sorry they put you through all that stress xxx

Thanks for all the understanding guys, i think we all have good and bad days still so its so nice to have a bit of cyber support on the bad ones. Today i have picked myself up and i am ready to move onto this cycle of TTC. Ordered my softcups, preseed and CBFM sticks so as soon as AF is gone we can get busy. At the min she is here with a vengence and while i am not in pain (touch wood) i am bleeding ALOT, TMI but i got up this morning and it was too much for my nighttime towel and blood was running down my legs!!! :wacko: So much for a lighter AF the 1st time after my MMC . . .


Well not good for me beta's didnt double. They only went from 155-190 in 48 hrs. Still not sure if it is just a mc or an ectopic gonna get betas done again tomorrow to see what is goin on but this is me pretty much done with this pregnancy. Still no bleeding but didnt really have that with my ectopics until much later.

Hoping that its still okay, love! :hugs:

Yup take it down. I am not sure if I had one or not, or what the hell is going on with my damn body. Ill take it off of my sig soon too.

WannaB ..that was three tests that gave me faint lines and then one gave me a darker line that everyone could see. It is weird.

Okay, hun! Will do! :hugs:
I am sooooo annoyed with the mutha effin lab right now....I went in to get my bloods done on wednesday and for some reason they had me take a urine test. Im like WTF??? So I did it anyways and just thought they knew what they were doing. So I called my dr's office today to find out if the results had come back and she tells me "well they were supposed to do a blood test and check your levels" I KNEW THAT! Then goes "well I will have to give this to the doctor and see what she wants done" GRRRRR I want my damn levels! I keep having these cramps on either side of my pelvis and now every single little twinge is making me go " OMG ITS A MC!!!!" Im stressing myself into loosing this baby....I am just sooo angry!!!!
Yup take it down. I am not sure if I had one or not, or what the hell is going on with my damn body. Ill take it off of my sig soon too.

WannaB ..that was three tests that gave me faint lines and then one gave me a darker line that everyone could see. It is weird.

What is making you think that you didn't have a loss hun?

Her blood work came back showing her LH at ovulatory peak levels... which strongly suggests that she hasn't even ovulated yet and couldn't have been pregnant. FF also took the crosshairs off her chart. So, it would seem that the blood work is speaking the truth. Very late ovulation is common for her, so it seems really likely that there was something wonky with the tests. Damn stupid tests! I hate how they mess with us!

Shan - If you're reading this... I hope I didn't step out of bounds by answering. I just thought you might be taking a break from BnB since I haven't seen you on today! :hugs:

I am sooooo annoyed with the mutha effin lab right now....I went in to get my bloods done on wednesday and for some reason they had me take a urine test. Im like WTF??? So I did it anyways and just thought they knew what they were doing. So I called my dr's office today to find out if the results had come back and she tells me "well they were supposed to do a blood test and check your levels" I KNEW THAT! Then goes "well I will have to give this to the doctor and see what she wants done" GRRRRR I want my damn levels! I keep having these cramps on either side of my pelvis and now every single little twinge is making me go " OMG ITS A MC!!!!" Im stressing myself into loosing this baby....I am just sooo angry!!!!

:hugs: honey! I hate how they get things screwed up like that! :(

AFM.. Went for bloods again today!

This is fun! Posted at the hospital I go to for my testing! Who wants to see how the U.S. doctors take advantage of people and steal our money!

Greedy Hospital's Wall Sign said:
Current Established Charges for Services Posted as Required by Healthcare Regulations

Private Room $875.00
Semi-Private Room $875.00
Intensive Care Room $2635.00
Emergency Room-1 $190.50
Delivery Room (Normal Delivery) $1342.94
Operating Room Class 1- First Half-Hour $4927.66
ENG. $281.33 (no clue what this is!)
Anesthesia (per minute) $49.42
Chest X-Ray (one view) $179.30
Upper GI Series $665.28
Blood Sugar $37.74
Urinalysis $53.08
Blood Count $80.80
Blood Chemistry (MPB) $102.34
ABO Blood Typing $64.28
RH Typing $59.28

Our charges are available for public examination. The above are examples of our prices and reflect only a portion of an entire hospital bill.
All prices are subject to change.

Today, I lost another 3 vials of blood... Good times!

Tested for:

Total Testosterone (including Free & Weakly-Bound)
Prolactin (didn't get done last time apparently)
DHEA sulfate

Got a call from my MW's office. The OB/GYN there (who specializes in thyroid therapy for infertility) says, "Thyroid looks pretty good." So, that's good... I guess. She passed along a list of OTC vitamins that he wants me taking though.

I'm supposed to add:
Zinc 50mg
Selenium 200mg
B Complex
Vitamin D 5000 IU (which I already started taking a couple of weeks ago)

That's about all I know! My left ovary is doing its thing... which is good! We shall see soon enough!

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