TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

af sympts??? I have ALWAYS been able to know I was preggers b/c of my bb's..the bb's NEVER lie...BUT as crazy as it is.....since surgery...enlarged bb's JUST LIKE WHEN I"M PREGGERS is NOW FOR whatever stinking reason a sympt of af for me:(

Did you test this morning????
woot woot!!!! I just got a positive's ON's ON!!!! Smep's been great, but I got bd-ing to do the next THREE nights!!! woot, then that's it, the waiting starts...:wacko:
mucinex IS working..when I :loo: CM drips out!!!
funny to me though, when I check w/ my finger it doesn't seem like a LOT AT ALL, but it must be plenty to be dripping:thumbup:
woot woot!!!! I just got a positive's ON's ON!!!! Smep's been great, but I got bd-ing to do the next THREE nights!!! woot, then that's it, the waiting starts...:wacko:
mucinex IS working..when I :loo: CM drips out!!!
funny to me though, when I check w/ my finger it doesn't seem like a LOT AT ALL, but it must be plenty to be dripping:thumbup:

First off yay tater I hope this is it for you girl :happydance:
Im never crampy before af and the bbs are usually sore before but not this bad, who the hell knows lol it could be anything
thaaanks!!! Not sure why I thought I needed to announce it, but I tell you girls EVERYTHING!!!!

Hmmm, weird then isn't it now?!?!??!! Did you test this A.M.?????

:dust: :dust: and MORE AND MORE :dust:
thaaanks!!! Not sure why I thought I needed to announce it, but I tell you girls EVERYTHING!!!!

Hmmm, weird then isn't it now?!?!??!! Did you test this A.M.?????

:dust: :dust: and MORE AND MORE :dust:

We love to here good stuff like you oing :happydance: yeah i tested this am bfn im sure im not pg its just so werid that im having such funky symptoms:dohh: I will keep you posted af usually arrives right on time in the am
Hey girls question Im going nuts, So when i wake up in the am my bbs are sore and my belly are sore and as the day goes on everything gets worse and by night im even getting nausa, my boobs hurt soooo bad hubby says they look bigger and my tummy is super crampy! then when I wake up again symptoms are not that bad there just not bad then as the day proggresses they get worse, whats up with this?!

Momma, that was my thing too. I never cramp really bad before af , not until she arrives. So that was making me think. BB's usually get sore before af, but not to the point where I can't sleep and that's how my bb's were before I got my bfp. And my nipples....I never have problems with them even with af. So when they were super sore I knew something was up. FX hun :hugs:
woot woot!!!! I just got a positive's ON's ON!!!! Smep's been great, but I got bd-ing to do the next THREE nights!!! woot, then that's it, the waiting starts...:wacko:
mucinex IS working..when I :loo: CM drips out!!!
funny to me though, when I check w/ my finger it doesn't seem like a LOT AT ALL, but it must be plenty to be dripping:thumbup:

Great! Now catch that eggie! :thumbup:
Hey girls question Im going nuts, So when i wake up in the am my bbs are sore and my belly are sore and as the day goes on everything gets worse and by night im even getting nausa, my boobs hurt soooo bad hubby says they look bigger and my tummy is super crampy! then when I wake up again symptoms are not that bad there just not bad then as the day proggresses they get worse, whats up with this?!

Momma, that was my thing too. I never cramp really bad before af , not until she arrives. So that was making me think. BB's usually get sore before af, but not to the point where I can't sleep and that's how my bb's were before I got my bfp. And my nipples....I never have problems with them even with af. So when they were super sore I knew something was up. FX hun :hugs:

huh Im so thankful that tomorrow I will know whats up, Goodness I wish I could remember my past 3 early preggo signs but the ony thing I can remeber is always having to test alot and having bad cramps thinking period was coming and it just never did :shrug: i will let yall know as soon as I do. ps: super I hope your symptoms this month are going to turn into a bfp:hugs:
Thanks hun... I am kinda symptom less really. I know every pregnancy is different. But if I o'd I should be maybe 8 dpo...and not having much of anything go on :( I just wish af will come and get on with FX!!
Hey girls question Im going nuts, So when i wake up in the am my bbs are sore and my belly are sore and as the day goes on everything gets worse and by night im even getting nausa, my boobs hurt soooo bad hubby says they look bigger and my tummy is super crampy! then when I wake up again symptoms are not that bad there just not bad then as the day proggresses they get worse, whats up with this?!

Hey, Tater! I tried to post a link to my chart in my signature...but it still prompts a I will have to play around with it and see what I can figure out. I did see your chart you posted looks good! When you ovulate you should notice a temp rise a few days later, and once your temps have been steadily elevated for 3 days, FF will put the crosshairs on your chart and show that you stuff.

And Momma...I know how you feel. It's all so CONFUSING! My cycles have gotten so much easier since before TR. But all the symptoms I had for years have gone away or changed! I don't know what to expect anymore. I ALWAYS had cramps and a low backache starting at 10dpo...but this last time, I barely had any cramps at all, and NO backache! Then, I never, ever used to spot before the day before AF and sometimes I didn't even do it then. This past cycle, I started spotting on 12dpo (AF usually shows up 14 to 15 days after O)!!! Everything that was constant and steady now isn't...and I don't know what is going on anymore! So far though, I could ALWAYS tell when I was about to ovulate because my boobs would get sore on the sides...and they are now. I hope that doesn't change. I think I ovulated this morning, actually. I had pain on the right I will jump my hubby when he gets home and that will officially be the end of trying to make a baby this month. Either we did or we didn't and tomorrow begins the 2WW.

Oh how I hate you, 2WW.
Thanks hun... I am kinda symptom less really. I know every pregnancy is different. But if I o'd I should be maybe 8 dpo...and not having much of anything go on :( I just wish af will come and get on with FX!!

I'll be crossing my fingers for your BFP!
Super Im still praying for you to get your bfp! symptoms or not :)
Sag I know this is just to much! everymonth since my tr has been a little different I think its all about the healing in the first few months anyways. good luck i hope you catch that egg this month and may your 2ww go quick!
Hey girls question Im going nuts, So when i wake up in the am my bbs are sore and my belly are sore and as the day goes on everything gets worse and by night im even getting nausa, my boobs hurt soooo bad hubby says they look bigger and my tummy is super crampy! then when I wake up again symptoms are not that bad there just not bad then as the day proggresses they get worse, whats up with this?!

Momma, that was my thing too. I never cramp really bad before af , not until she arrives. So that was making me think. BB's usually get sore before af, but not to the point where I can't sleep and that's how my bb's were before I got my bfp. And my nipples....I never have problems with them even with af. So when they were super sore I knew something was up. FX hun :hugs:

huh Im so thankful that tomorrow I will know whats up, Goodness I wish I could remember my past 3 early preggo signs but the ony thing I can remeber is always having to test alot and having bad cramps thinking period was coming and it just never did :shrug: i will let yall know as soon as I do. ps: super I hope your symptoms this month are going to turn into a bfp:hugs:

That is the way it was for my first pregnancy...I had cramps and thought that my period was coming. I thought it DID come. I actually had bleeding and not just was bright red blood. So I went on until my next cycle should have been due before I realized I was preggers. I had spotting after that first initial "period". My doctor said because it was heavy that he thought implantation must have happened 12dpo or later...

With my second pregnancy (a twin pregnancy) I had NO symptoms at all. No cramping, no spotting, no nausea, no nothing...I got the clue after my period was late...

So I am not sure what to expect when I get my BFP...anything could happen!

I am hoping for YOUR BFP! I am crossing my fingers big time!
Hey girls question Im going nuts, So when i wake up in the am my bbs are sore and my belly are sore and as the day goes on everything gets worse and by night im even getting nausa, my boobs hurt soooo bad hubby says they look bigger and my tummy is super crampy! then when I wake up again symptoms are not that bad there just not bad then as the day proggresses they get worse, whats up with this?!

Momma, that was my thing too. I never cramp really bad before af , not until she arrives. So that was making me think. BB's usually get sore before af, but not to the point where I can't sleep and that's how my bb's were before I got my bfp. And my nipples....I never have problems with them even with af. So when they were super sore I knew something was up. FX hun :hugs:

huh Im so thankful that tomorrow I will know whats up, Goodness I wish I could remember my past 3 early preggo signs but the ony thing I can remeber is always having to test alot and having bad cramps thinking period was coming and it just never did :shrug: i will let yall know as soon as I do. ps: super I hope your symptoms this month are going to turn into a bfp:hugs:

That is the way it was for my first pregnancy...I had cramps and thought that my period was coming. I thought it DID come. I actually had bleeding and not just was bright red blood. So I went on until my next cycle should have been due before I realized I was preggers. I had spotting after that first initial "period". My doctor said because it was heavy that he thought implantation must have happened 12dpo or later...

With my second pregnancy (a twin pregnancy) I had NO symptoms at all. No cramping, no spotting, no nausea, no nothing...I got the clue after my period was late...

So I am not sure what to expect when I get my BFP...anything could happen!

I am hoping for YOUR BFP! I am crossing my fingers big time!

Thanks sag :hugs: wow twin pregnancy adn no syptoms you would think you would be loaded with symptoms x2 lol It will happen hopefully sooner then later
Hey girls question Im going nuts, So when i wake up in the am my bbs are sore and my belly are sore and as the day goes on everything gets worse and by night im even getting nausa, my boobs hurt soooo bad hubby says they look bigger and my tummy is super crampy! then when I wake up again symptoms are not that bad there just not bad then as the day proggresses they get worse, whats up with this?!

Momma, that was my thing too. I never cramp really bad before af , not until she arrives. So that was making me think. BB's usually get sore before af, but not to the point where I can't sleep and that's how my bb's were before I got my bfp. And my nipples....I never have problems with them even with af. So when they were super sore I knew something was up. FX hun :hugs:

huh Im so thankful that tomorrow I will know whats up, Goodness I wish I could remember my past 3 early preggo signs but the ony thing I can remeber is always having to test alot and having bad cramps thinking period was coming and it just never did :shrug: i will let yall know as soon as I do. ps: super I hope your symptoms this month are going to turn into a bfp:hugs:

That is the way it was for my first pregnancy...I had cramps and thought that my period was coming. I thought it DID come. I actually had bleeding and not just was bright red blood. So I went on until my next cycle should have been due before I realized I was preggers. I had spotting after that first initial "period". My doctor said because it was heavy that he thought implantation must have happened 12dpo or later...

With my second pregnancy (a twin pregnancy) I had NO symptoms at all. No cramping, no spotting, no nausea, no nothing...I got the clue after my period was late...

So I am not sure what to expect when I get my BFP...anything could happen!

I am hoping for YOUR BFP! I am crossing my fingers big time!

Thanks sag :hugs: wow twin pregnancy adn no syptoms you would think you would be loaded with symptoms x2 lol It will happen hopefully sooner then later

Yep, and they are two sacs, two placentas....tremendously MORE hormones...I thought I would have been twice as nauseous, twice the cravings, twice as tired, etc...but nothing. In fact, I did not have food cravings at all...I craved the smell of Pine-Sol. I would have worn it like perfume if I wasn't still rational enough to know that would have earned me a fitting for a nice straight jacket...but before I went on bedrest, I had the CLEANEST kitchen floors ever!!!!!!! HAHA!
awww sag I love it! pine sol lmao
twins do they run in your hubby family?
awww sag I love it! pine sol lmao
twins do they run in your hubby family?

Nooo...finding out I was having twins was a total shock! I didn't even know there were TWO until I was 16 weeks along! There are no twins anywhere in my family...but the doctor says it has to start somewhere. So, because I already have a history of multiple ovulation AND because I am over 35 now (36 in February), there is a pretty big chance it could happen again...:shock: I would definitely need to buy a minibus if that happens...haha.
awww sag I love it! pine sol lmao
twins do they run in your hubby family?

Nooo...finding out I was having twins was a total shock! I didn't even know there were TWO until I was 16 weeks along! There are no twins anywhere in my family...but the doctor says it has to start somewhere. So, because I already have a history of multiple ovulation AND because I am over 35 now (36 in February), there is a pretty big chance it could happen again...:shock: I would definitely need to buy a minibus if that happens...haha.

lmao! That would be one full life you would have on your hands:baby::baby:
awww sag I love it! pine sol lmao
twins do they run in your hubby family?

Nooo...finding out I was having twins was a total shock! I didn't even know there were TWO until I was 16 weeks along! There are no twins anywhere in my family...but the doctor says it has to start somewhere. So, because I already have a history of multiple ovulation AND because I am over 35 now (36 in February), there is a pretty big chance it could happen again...:shock: I would definitely need to buy a minibus if that happens...haha.

lmao! That would be one full life you would have on your hands:baby::baby:

YES! But as it turns out, I may have 5 kids no matter what. I have three from a previous marriage and my hubby has none. He loves my kids like his own...but we both want one together too.

He told me last night he wants a boy...and I told him he's the one who really controls that...he said he knew, but if we have a girl, he'd like to try again for a boy...

I almost fell off the bed.:huh:
ohhh mini bus days!!!!! that's FUNNNNNY!!!!! you girls!!~just make MY DAY!!! I'm also baffled NO sympt's w/ TWEENS...wowza!!! that's AMAZING!!!

Momma, I can't believe what's going on w/ you..HOW annoyed are you?!?!? AF due in a.m huh?? what time cuz I'll be stalking!!!

Super, i gots my fx'd for a "surprise" BFP!!!! You should know pretty darn quick huh?!?!? not quite a week!!! WIll you test early?

OK, so earlier I posted that I got a +OPK and now I'm questioning that...I TOTALLY swore it was +..I even showed my 4yr old..who should be 9...and I was like hey, which line is more purple and he says, they're the same mom...and that's exactly what I THOUGHT..that was around 10:30 ish...I re-tested about 2 and it was MUCH lighter this time def NOT positive..SO, now I HAVE NOOOO clue wtheck is happening...last night was SMEP and don't really wanna do it tonight to mess up our 3 day in a row thing for O...GOSH..

I also have WAAAAAYYYY different things going on w/ me now that I've had TR..why IS that?!?!?!? It's totally different...I hate it...I'll be 30 in April so I know age DOES matter, but I can't see that being 30 can make THAT big of a diff..?
:dust: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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