hello everyone. I posted many weeks ago and then disappeared. I was one of the very lucky TTC who got pg the first cycle after proper AF following stopping the pill. I was delighted considering I am 38. Unfortunately, this pg, resulted in an ectopic. It has been a very hard experience to go through.
The reason why I am posting is because after spending hours looking for as much info as I could on the internet, I have learnt that being on the mini-pill put you at an increasing risk of an ectopic pregnancy. I spoke to the consultant about it, and she confirmed that indeed, it was likely the reason why I had one (I do not fall under any other the other at risk category and already have two children with whom I had no problems at all). She said that ideally, everyone stopping the mini pill should wait one or two cycle before ttc.
It was hard to hear as it was my GP who insisted I go on the mini pill rather than the combined, because as he put it 'with your age, your fertility as now started to decrease significantly'. No problems with my fertility, I fell pg right away, but here I am...
Anyway, not writing this to worry anyone, being on the mini pill only increases the risks, they still remain very low (less than 1 in 100 pg), but going through the experience of an ectopic, I wish I had known and waited a cycle before ttc.

to everyone.