Next month JJay!! Fingers, toes, EYES crossed for ya!!
I haven't tested yet. Too nervous. I weed around 430 am and just want to hold onto this urine a little longer

But like I said before, not too hopeful. Temps still high, even though AF is due today (well technically yesterday but due to BCP it keeps pushing it a day further every month).
I'm not sure if you mentioned using preseed or not. Try it! I haven't yet, but if this isn't it we're going to start using it this month. I've heard A LOT of good results with it. And if next month isn't it, well I might consider Instead cups as well.
If AF arrives for you JJay I DO hope you get an August

I think I'm more bummed out hearing your result then learning mine later.

But there goes my hormones again! I've been very sad/teary since yesterday. Another reason why I expect AF. It's one of my pre-menstrual side effects that was harbored on the pill.
I'll keep you ladies posted. Most likely

later but it's not over till
