the wedding is end of i got a good 4 months to get that BFP!! have a look at my opks in my in sig...hope the witch comes soon hun
I feel silly for even asking the question but (TMI) I have had lots of creamy white CM today and can't remember - does that mean ovulation? Been on BCP pills so long I don't ever remember having this before
EWCM is when ovulation is approaching and upon you. It isnt until after ovulation that sometimes the creamy white shows up. I have also read that creamy white cm is sometimes and early sign of pregnancy...however I know that after coming off the pill the different array of cm is overwhelming and mine was just so whacked out for a while(I wrote about this in your journal). So at this point it really could mean something or nothing at all. to you hunny!
happyladybugg- how are u hun? my opks are is my im hoping for ov tomo...had stabbin pains on right side? ov pains?! we tonight so hoping that will help build up are u xxxx
Happyladybugg - Thanks so much for your reply I will keep my fingers crossed that this is the after ovulation CM I can't remember, how long have you been off bcp now?
Since Oct 08 so almost 7 was just my cycle in March/April that everything was finally working like it should and so far this cycle the same...I'm about a day or two away from ovulation and I started getting the ewcm last night.
Hi maybebaby... Those little pains your feeling are probably ovulation pains along with your opk's getting darker...Good job! With all the theres no way you're gonna miss that eggy I'm thinking!!! Wow I hope I can do as good as you! Cant wait to see what happens in a couple weeks!
hi everyone,hope your all well,ive just been catching up,havent been on for a couple of days.
i see a couple of you are about to ovulate or just have,hope youve got plenty of in,fingers crossed for you.
according to ff im on 6dpo,but im not convinced,well see.
Hi everyone. I'm glad to see lots of you have ov signs. Can you all hurry up please, it's lonely over here I have lots of to share, so I hope to see some BFP's soon
[QUOTE2] my opk this mornin is same as 8am yest...this makes me think...i ov'd last night?! cos the 1pm and 12am were darkest i had?? xx[/QUOTE]
Hi everyone. I'm glad to see lots of you have ov signs. Can you all hurry up please, it's lonely over here I have lots of to share, so I hope to see some BFP's soon
According to an ov calendar I'm supposed to be ov Thursday May 14th but I'm not getting very many signals that it is happening. OH and I have been since Friday...I'm really starting to feel like that wrangled monkey I was talking about...Is it Friday yet?? Green Week(I call it that cuz the week was green on the ov calendar) is making me GREEN!!!!! to all even though I dont have much dust to be giving out right now...I'm thinking I need all I can get myself right now!!!! My PMA is shot!!!!
EDIT ALERT This is going to be TMI but I literally wrote the above, went to the and lo and behold on the tissue was tons of ewcm!!!!! Sorry I know that is way tmi but I just couldnt let things go without saying my PMA just creeped up a little bit!
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