Sj that is good news hopefully you will start to feel like a new women soon it must be somewhat of a relief .
Girls wish me luck and keep everything crossed that I get the green light today at my appointment
Regina xxx
Yes, 3 years, what a lot has happened in that time. When I started this post 3 years ago I was at a very low point in my life. This thread and the wonderful ladies on it have been there for me all through that time. Big hugs and thanks to all you wonderful people xx
Just seen Becks has posted on another thread that she's pg again, hopefully she'll be back to us soon, so we can support her through this. Sending big hugs Becks.
SJ, yay for reduced ms, hugs it only gets less from now on!
I have picked up my regimen of supplements that supposedly enhance egg quality; I never used metformin before but am giving it a go alongside Q10 (ubiquinol), DHEA (low dose and as 7-Keto instead if straight DHEA), PQQ, Inositol in combination with Melantonin and a Multi. I am trying to down wheatgrass shots as I just started that prior to falling pregnant in January, could have been a coincidence, but who knows . And if course the baby aspirin.
Now I wish I knew where in my cycle I actually am !