Can I please join u all here
As most of you know I had a very early Misscarige/chemical pregnancy just over a month ago.
I wudnt of even of known I was pregnant if it wasnt for all the symptoms I had.
My breasts started getting tender at 8dpo and then at 11dpo I woke up with terrible morning sickness. So I decided to take a CB early detection test and within 2 mins a very very faint blue line popped up.
So I decided to do a Frer and again within 1 min a very faint pink line popped up.
I had had chemicals in the past and was so worried the line was so faint for 11dpo. With my son by 11dpo my lines were dark.
So I kind of new something wasnt right.
I tested the following day with FMU and the line was fainter.
The following day I tested again and the line is so faint u can hardly see it.
I new it was a chemical pregnancy because I had been there twice b4.
By 13dpo my pregnancy symptoms vanished and I was just left feeling empty i guess.
I dont know what the right word is but its just that feeling. It's horrible.
Anyway I started bleeding very heavily, soaking through night time pads and PJ bottoms. I had so many clots and the pain was awful. I wud of only been 4 weeks pregnant so I dont know why it was so painful.
By day 3 the bleeding was more like a normol period and I started to get excited that a new cycle had begun.
But for some reason my body decided to throw a spanner in the works and on CD7 (yes 7) I had a positive OPK and I ovulated a day later on day 8 of my cycle. (5 days earlier than normol)
That cycle ended on Saturday giving me just a 23 day cycle.
So here I am now on CD5 of a brand new cycle.
Terrified I'm going to ovulate to early again but trying to stay hopful that ovulation will hold off untill after day 11.
Anyway that's me.
Hope u dont mind me coming in here.
So sorry for all ure losses ladies. It's so horrible.
I've had 4 losses in total.
I had a miscarriage at 10+4 weeks
Then a chemical pregnancy at 5 and a half weeks
Another chemical at 5 weeks and then this recent chemical at 4 weeks.
Sending u ALL lots and lots of supper sticky baby dust, I pray we all get our rainbow soon