Hi everyone
Hey Laura glad you found us -other bonfire babies threads got closed down due to duplicate posts - so here we are!! Welcome

Hope you are all good.
Muncho -I haven't told my other kids we are ttc, but at 15 I think my daughter has worked it out, seen the folic acid, BBT chart or something or has heard us talking cos she keeps going on about babies, how much she thinks we should have another one and how much help she would be if we did have another one lol -May hold her to it, she even mentioned helping with night time feeds lol
-- And I have been on holiday from work this week

, so i have had a lot more time to come on here than usual, back to the grind from Monday lol - so may only get on once a day lol -although BD-ing like mad that week so may be absent for a while
Oh Bubbles sorry the witch got you

, but at least you can join us for ttc a bonfire baby now, and we can all be bump buddies lol. fx'd for November xx
The Dr. Shettles Method - quote ' In order to have a boy, insemination should occur as close as possible to the moment of ovulation so that the faster, Y-sperm arrive first and achieve conception. When seeking a girl insemination the couple should seek to have sex 2½ to 3 days before ovulation. Also Female Orgasm favors male sperm because they make the vaginal environment more alkaline'
So thats the Shettles Method, however I wonder in that case, how are boy and girl twins conceived ?? lol
I really just want a baby - so in all honesty I'll prob just bd every day for a week and keep everything (except legs) crossed xx