Hi girlies :wave:
Well I haven't been on for a few days, and seriously -getting withdrawal symptoms lol
Hey Muncho -yep I was back at work and really hectic -I work 12 hour shifts, between that and getting home, checking the kids homework's done, kids bathed, school uniforms ready etc lol -not much time for anything else. Just as well I am off for 7 days now -CD10 so lots of bd-ing to be done lol

Hows the OPK's going? Ovulated yet?? Hope you get that eggy this month, although wait for me in first tri??
Charmed - so sorry to here you have been poorly. Hope you are feeling better; and also your little bro' - how's he doing now?
Ohhbabybaby - Yay

The big O - hope you caught that eggy!! 2ww sucks but hopefully this will be the last one for you, let us know if you get any symptoms. Or are you one of the sane ones who can resist SS lol?
Jaytee -Hi and welcome to Bonfire babies :wave:. Lovely to hear from you.
AvaGrace - Hi, Welcome too :wave: Wouldn't that be a fab anniversary present if you got your

then. I found out I was expecting my youngest son on my birthday and it was THE best ever present
Hope everyone is well, I am just praying that I dont get swine flu- working with a patient on Monday who was confirmed with having it yesterday and ventilated throughout so high risk of aerosol spread. So I am off for a week and cant go and visit my new nephew for a cuddle cos I am quarantined until the incubation period is over (he was born 9 weeks premature, and only got home last week age 2 months; so cant take any risk with him)
Oh well house to get tidied anyway -lots to do (B&B included lol)
