TTC Chitchat, advice and Rants!

I've been taking a poll and Maci Lynn and Milo Jeffrey won by a long shot!

I know...I just hope we can get in on June 14th!!! Yes my hubby will be going! He has gone to EVERY appt I've had...even if it was just to meet with the nurse. He's so sweet. But if not they say they want me in between 18-20 weeks so even if we can't do the 14th it will be within a week of that either direction. But if its the 14th I know my mom can go!!! She is SO excited:) This will be her first biological grandchild. I have a stepdaughter, my brothers future wife has a daughter, my step sister has a son and my step brother has 3 she kinda has 6 grandchildren but this one is going to be different if you know what I mean. Kinda like I love my stepdaughter to death and would do anything for her and I kinda hate to say this but this child will be different. Part because I'll be there every step of the way from the time its born. And I'll spend every day with this child...and well its hard to explain. I'm not saying I will love my stepdaughter any less but this is my baby!!! Not to mention we only have her every other weekend. I don't know if thats wrong of me but its different to me and I think its the same for my mom.

I'm so excited for you to be done with work. A little jealous to be honest...but excited for you!!! It will be good for you to get lots of rest and relax durring this time!

Knock on wood I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. Well my back is killing me but I got a heating pad so thats helping. But as far as getting sick I used my netti pot this morning and have been fine since then!!! Hope it stays that way.

The baby moved a little bit today. It seriously must have like adjusted itself and gone back to sleep. Most days I feel it a lot but today its just been a few times for like 1 min...if that. Just enough to make me feel better:) It was as if the baby said Mommy I'm ok just tired. (or at least thats what I tell myself:))
Hey! How are you? Over here it's been national holiday weekend for the queen's jubilee so my hubby has been off work for a long weekend. It's been great! Had a awesome few days. Shame he goes back tomorrow. But it's my second midwife appointment Thursday at 9 am so really excited about that. I think it's just a check up etc I'm going to ask about antenatal classes too as we want to attend them :) do you have these classes? I'm glad your hubby is coming to every appointment you have. My husband is the same.

Awe your mum will definately think of this grandchild differently. It's her true blood :) I'm sure in a secret way it's extra special even though she loves the others greatly. Yeah I understand about your feelings for this child and your step daughter. It's only natural. A bond that cannot be touched :) are you defo going on 14th?

How's your pain been? Hope it's settled !

I was going to ask... What creams/oils are you using? I've been using palmers cocoa butter and bio oil, but I've done some research and I've bought pure vitamin E oil. It's amazing and my skin feels beautifully soft. I've used a little in the shower when my pores are open from the hot water and I've applied it afterwards too. I'm still mixing it up and using my cocoa butter too. I use a normal thick moisturising cream too. Fingers crossed I'm helping my skin ready for the stretch. Lol

I'm doing GREAT today! Yesterday was another was a bit rough but today is much better thank goodness!

I'm glad you and your hubby had a good time together!!! Sounds like you had a nice weekend:)

What are antenatal classes? I want to take a birthing class and a brestfeeding class...but I haven't heard of an antenatal class.

So I just had my dr. appt yesterday. And guess what? We won't have our next ultra sound until JULY 6th:( I'm so upset. I thought for sure I'd get to find out the gender of my little one in the next week or two but no...not until July 6th. Guess I will just have to wait some more. I'm not happy about it but I guess its better than waiting till they are my opinion!

I use two lotions. I HATE cocoa butter but I hear its best so thats what I use everywhere except my lower legs and arms...I don't plan on getting stretch marks I use my regular lotion that I like much better! I haven't tried the oils but they sound wonderful!!!

My pain is still there but not nearly as bad as it has been in the past. At work I just make sure I get up and move around at least once an hour and I've been leaning against a heating pad which helps TONS!!! Dr. said its fine to do but its not going to help the pain. I told him I get temporary relief from it and he said if it makes me feel better than use it!!! YAY!

At work we are having some contest to see who can walk the most in the next 6 weeks. I have no intentions on winning but I joined just to get myself motivated to move more. Last night my hubby got so annoyed because I was pacing all night and wouldn't sit down! I think this will be good for me to move more:)

When do you get your next Ultra Sound?!?!?!
Hey. I get my next ultra sound scan on the 5th July. That's when I'll find out the gender, so the day before your appointment :) its nice as we get to find out together! Shame you have to wait though as I know how much you wanted to do it on the 14th. Can your mum still go with you?

I love cocoa butter haha :) I'm slapping it on aswell as the pure vitamin E oil ;) I really hope I don't get any stretch marks too. I'm scared of them!!! Lol.

I'm glad the pain in your leg has lessened off. The walking is a fantastic idea for you. I need to get back to the gym. It's hard finding extra energy specially when being pregnant and working. Lol but at least I finish this week so no excuses from me I guess.

Antenatal classes are like birthing classes, breast feeding classes etc :)

Thats pretty cool that we will find out the same time!!! (well a day apart). I don't know if my mom can go:( I'm sure she probably least I hope she can! She is out of town right now and has no cell phone reception so I won't get to talk to her for another 5 days or so. I HATE not being able to talk to her!!! We usually talk like twice a day and then email throughout the day when we are at work. My mom is awesome!!!

Well I'm suddenly not feeling so hot...think I'm gonna try and get something to eat. Have a great day and hope all is well for you! Enjoy your last days of work!!!

I felt baby Q move for the first time last night!! It was amazing!!!! It only lasted a second or so, like butterflies in my womb then a pop. i froze as I'd just got back in bed about 1 am after my millionth pee lol. I layed on my tummy just now and I can feel the popping again, faint but its so amazing. I can't stop smiling hehe.

Still not Showing yet and I'm 17 weeks this thursday lol. on the plus side I have managed to attach baby Q 12 week scan pic as my avatar! yey lol

how are you? xxx
HOW exciting!!! You are right around the same time I first felt my little one move!!! Isn't it the best feeling EVER?!?!?! Its still very light and not as frequent as I wish it was for me. I am hoping in the next week or two it will become stronger and more often!!! It makes me smile every time too! Sometimes it comes at the most PERFECT moment. I'll be upset about something and I feel it. Maybe I'm being silly but its almost like my little one saying "Mommy its ok I love you"

I can't believe you still arn't showing!!! I started showing at 13 weeks...I don't think I have grown a ton since then though...still just a little bump that could be construed as me packing on a few lbs.

I LOVE baby Q's 12 week photo!!! He/She looks so content!!! I can't wait to see my little one again! I haven't seen him/her since the pic in my a day before 8 weeks. I get to see him/her again on the 27th...two weeks from this wed. When do you get to see baby Q again??!?!?!

I'm doing alright...very emotional and moody today. I just wanna curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep. But alas I managed to drag my butt to work:( Its so gloomy out and I didn't sleep well so I think the combo isn't helping me to feel any better either.

How are you holding up?!?!?!!
Thank you. Baby Q does look chilled out lol we think he/she looks like he's/she's lounging in a laid back mood lol.

Yes it's incredible. I'm over the moon with feeling baby. I feel emotional today but in a super happy way. I can't wait to meet our baby. It's fathers day here this coming Sunday and I've bought my hubby a little present, it's a baby grow that says ... 'my daddy loves me and I love my daddy' hehe got him a custom made card too with the scan pic on the front. Can't wait to give it him thus weekend.

Next day for scan for us is the 5th July that I'll see baby Q and find out sex. Ah do you have two scans in then? One in 27th then 6th?

Oh that's not good!! I'm sorry to hear your feeling glum today :( hopefully after work when your back with your hubby at home your'lll feel better.

Yup I'm still in all my jeans at the moment. Lol. Uk size 8. I think that a USA 6, not really sure. lol I've still not gained any more weight yet either. I'm waiting for it though lol xxx
I feel emotional today but its not in a good way:( Perhaps you can send me a little bit of your happiness? I can't wait to meet our baby either!!! Its fathers day here as well on sunday!!! Whats a baby grow? I'm sure he will LOVE all the suprises you have for him!

No I only have one scan. Its the 27th...I moved it up:) My mom wants to join us and if I did it the 6th than she'd have to wait while we met with the dr. afterwards and I know she wouldn't wanna do I made them two different appts. I have the scan the 27th and my regular dr appt on the 5th! SO EXCITING!

I'm not sure why I'm so glum this morning. Hubby and I were butting heads and I just started bawling. Almost didn't come to work...not that that says much because every day I consider not coming:( I'm ready to be done with this place. And speaking of which arn't you done working now?!?!?!

I like my baby bump...but I'm a little envious about you not gaining weight. I'm still concerned I'm gonna gain too much. I'm in the "healthy" range still so I don't know why I'm so worried about it. I just wanna be healthy for my little one!
And I'm envious of your bump. Lol. I think we're never completely happy because we worry we should be something else! I guess that's just how we are lol. Ow I'm sending you some happy vibes! So after work go home to hubby, don't show him your feeling moody and treat him like you were never butting heads this morning. He will hopefully react in a happy attitude back to you and before you remember what moody feelings you had today your'll be surprised how better you feel! Mind over matter!! Even though it sounds easier then it is. I get in moods but try to swing myself out of them and it makes me feel loads better ;)

Awe that's lovely! So glad your mum can go with you. Eeeeek I think it's going slow this waiting to find out sex!!! Haha

You are right...I am always worried is my bump too big or have I gained too much. Then someone will tell me I don't look pregnant and I think just the

Hubby and I are ok now. We have been emailing and he said he was sorry while I explained to him that I didn't sleep well and the weather is bad and I'm just moody. So I'm sure tonight will be find and hopefully he will understand when I have to crash early! Its been rough lately with all the drama going on:( We have to take his daughters mother to court. She didn't give us my stepdaughter this weekend and shes over all just being a pain the the rear. My hubbys parents won't back up my husbands decision to file a motion with his lawyer to take her to court. They are on her thats making it tough...not to mention it seems they don't care to even talk to us now:(
Awe glad you've sorted it. That's what me and my hubby do if we've had a tiff (arguement) that morning and he's gone to work. Best to get it sorted so ya don't bring it home.

Oh my god what a bitch. Sorry I'm just shocked how immature she can be when this will be effecting her daughter! I say defo get your lawyers onto this. It's out of order. Why on earth is your hubby's parents on her side? X
Yeah we are usually pretty good about sorting out our tiffs as well. I don't like to leave the house or go to bed mad at each other because you never know what could (God forbid) happen. And thats something you'd have to live with forever:(

Anyhow yeah thats not even the half of it with this woman. She has no idea that the person she is hurting the most is her own daughter...and if she does realize that she doesn't seem to care one bit. Its so sad:( His parents have this "do anything to keep the peace" opinion about the whole thing. They will do ANYTHING for this woman if it means their granddaughter is ok. They don't realize in the process they are only hurting her. If they never let her mother fall flat on her face than my hubby and I will NEVER get custody of my stepdaughter. They do whatever she wants. She says jump and they say how makes me SICK. Anyhow so they think we are over reacting and that we just need to let this pass. REALLY? You are keeping our daughter from us and we are over reacting? If we let her keep playing these games than she has all the power. She will never be punished when she does anything wrong...and she will keep doing wrong because no one puts their foot down. I'm not excited about the money this could cost...but when we are talking about a childs life I guess the skys the limit to some extent. Just a very upsetting situation:(
:-( it sounds very upsetting. Something you could do without now your expecting.

I hope it doesn't get too expensive for you especially with the LO on his/her way! Have you spoke to your mum about this? What does your hubby think about his patents taking this women's side and not supporting him? X
Yeah it is very uncalled for...especially at this point in life. But I guess we all have to do what we have to do. Yes I have talked to my mom about it. She backs up my hubby and I 110% and will do whatever she can to help us out. We are not suprised by his parents reaction. Sadly they have been like this since day one. They feel that the less you rock the boat the better life this little girl will have. They don't even bother to see that after the boat is rocked she could land on solid ground and be WAY better off for it. But alas what do I know? I'm just the silly step mom. UGH. Thanks for letting me vent!
Vent away! It's always best to get it out. You have your mum supporting you and your husband so that's great. I wouldn't even let his parents frustrate you. Forget them and just do what you both need to do for your family ;)

Hope your ok! I've been having some sharp cramping /pains but I think it's growing twinges. Ever since i attended the gym for first time last friday! I'm going to cancel my gym membership and do prenatal exercise dvd and lots of dog walks. I find the gym boring now anyway! Ive been listening to Doppler and feeling baby move so i feel more better now. How are you?

Yeah its just hard without his parents support. Makes me feel bad for him that he has to do this with them trying to stand in the way. Oh well.

Yeah I've been feeling crappy lately too. Got sick again today...its not an everyday thing so that sucks. I had a CRAZY bad cramp last night. Had to curl up on my side with my arm in the air and heat on my back for like 10 min before it got any better. Then my hubby came home and said "is dinner done?" UGH I wanted to smack him but I couldn't move. Well I hope we both get to feelin better!
Haha I would of thrown a pillow at him or something lol!! I phoned my midwife today to ask about these sharp pains and she said sounds like growing pains, the uterus could be pressing on a nerve that's why it's sharp. As long as they aren't regular throughout the day and/or there's no bleeding I'm not to worry myself. Can't help it though. Lol.

Yeah I don't blame you. I was worried last night when I had my pain:( Its a scarry thing!!! All we want is for our babies to be carried to term and be healthy so just the just thought of something bad scares us! I think thats normal though...right? I mean moms job is to worry so we are just practicing being AWESOME MOMMYS!!!
Haha yeah I guess so. I'm a real worrier though. My husband jokes and says 'we're going to be in n out of hospital with everything when baby gets here' lol. I don't like to take chances haha. Xxx

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