TTC Chitchat, advice and Rants!

You should feel lucky! I just had real bad sick feeling but I never actually got sick and I count myself lucky! My hubby talks to the baby sometimes:) And he kisses my belly which I think is so sweet!!! I feel the same way. I already have so much love for this little one...I can't even imagine how we will feel when we get to hold them in our arms!!!
Aweeeee that's super cute of your husband. He sound so attentive and caring like my mr. Isnt it so amazing. It's brought us closer together in a different way! In a way that I didn't think was needed. I think when your expecting you feel all sorts of different emotions you didn't before. I love baby q so much I'd give my life for my baby. I've never felt like this before. Its like nothing matters now, not image consciousness, friends, gossip, bad days at work because now the only thing I care about is our baby growing healthy and strong to be in our arms in November. Hehe. Xxx
Yeah I agree. This has brought us closer in ways I didn't realize possible. Hes always been a wonderful man don't get me wrong but since finding out I was pregnant hes been even more wonderful!!! Even when I get in my moody moods I can be so mean and hes still so sweet. After I calm down I'll tell him how sorry I am and he says theres nothing to be sorry for that I'm fine:) He was out of town last week and will be again this week which makes me sad...but I have a dr appt today and he stayed to go with me! I told him its not an important one and nothings going to happen and he said he didn't wanna miss a thing so he told his boss he had to stay in town today! SO SWEET!!! Anyhow I agree I already have so much love for this baby that nothing matters but them!!! I think its crazy how someone so tiny who you have never seen or met (to speak of) can be the center of your world!!! its so AMAZING!!!
Awwwweeee that's amazingly sweet of him. He really loves you and being part of your pregnancy. How beautiful. Hehe my hubby is like that too :) so caring and calm even if I'm having a moody moment. I know he will love me and this baby so much. Ow that's sad that he has to go away for work. I'd hate that :-( you'll have to keep busy with family and friends. How's your step daughter? Are you developing a bump yet? Xxxx
Sounds like we both have an amazing man!!! Yay for us! Yes it does suck him being out of town but that's could always be worse! I have a little bump I guess but its not like you look at me and you can tell I'm pregnant I just look a little rounder in the belly than normal. How bout yourself? You getting a bump? How have you been feeling?
I'm getting a a small bump shape but it could be mistaken for bloating lol no one would know to look at me but some of my skinnier jeans are tight on my tummy and one skirt will not zip up lol I've definately changed shape though!! Every time I look in the mirror my hips and tummy have changed shape. I think I look happy, warming and sort of softer looking if that makes any sense! I was slim and fairly glamourous before getting pregnant. So maybe it's that! I've just weighed myself today and I've gained 3 pounds and I'm 11 and half weeks pregnant. So I don't think that's too bad. How about you? I'm feeling good thank you, i'm mostly just tired really! Could sleep for hours haha
We are lucky to have such amazing husbands in our life. I hear so many sad stories about women's men who are uninterested in their pregnancy and it makes me sad :(

Hope works ok for you and your boss has stopped giving u a hard time.

I am so mad I just typed a whole responce and hit submit reply and it didn't go through:( So lets try this again!:thumbup: I have gained 4.2 lbs in 13 weeks. Just the other day I was only up 2.6lbs and in one day I jumped to 4.2:nope:. I'm trying to not let it get to me but its so hard because I'm slightly overweight. I had just lost 9 lbs before I got pregnant so I was on track to a healthy weight. So its hard for me to accept gaining the weight back. I know its what baby needs so I just need to accept it...but its a constant battle about how much is enough and if thats too much too fast. I've heard at 13 weeks you should have gained between 1-5 so Im still in the healthy area but I wish i was on the lower end! Oh well...I need to be concious of it but as long as I'm in the healthy range of weight gain than I should calm down. I just read yesterday that 41% of babies born in the US are to unwed parents! Thats CRAZY!!! I guess I know a lot of single mothers so I'm not sure why its so suprising...guess I find it kinda sad. I'm glad all is well for you:) We are both nearing the 2nd trimester!!! YAY:happydance:
Wow that's alot. I just googled the statistic in the UK and it's 46% so just as bad here. We have a lot of women that have a baby for social benefit money!! We have a social benefit system here and if your a single mum you get money by the government to live on every month. So if your unmarried and not living with the dad of your baby you get a house/flat, your bills paid for and money for food and clothes every month. But it's not a lot and it's meant to be there to help the single mum if she ends up on her own but unfortunately so many young uneducated girls opt to do this as a lifestyle so they never have to work!! Their bfs are only allowed to stay over 3 nights a week or they have the benefit removed but so many cheat the system :( its very unfair on people like me who work very hard! All the money is funded through our government which is paid for by us (the working man/women from taxing us from our wages) its very sad that these girls do this on purpose. The same thing goes for disabled people but I'm talking about the fat man down the road that "claims" he can't work because of his bad back not actual disabled people! And alcoholics too get help. But on the bright side these are only a hand full of people most actually need these benefits. Do have anything like this in the USA? I know we get free health care which I'm very grateful for but we do pay taxes for this out wages etc.

Awwwe bless you, that's happened to me before! Written it all out then it fucked up. Lol. Grrrrr. Yes I know what you mean about being conscious of your weight gain because I am the same. I know it's going to happen so I prepare myself but then when I weigh myself I'm like NOOOO! Lol but then I remember it's ok. Yeah I read that 1-5 pounds is normal for first trimester. Apparently it's between 1/2-1 pound a day in the second trimester! Eeeek. Well done on your weight loss prior to your pregnancy. I hope you relax a little, I know u need to about it but it is hard. I've been a model (glamour) for past 5 years so it's a big thing watching my body change shape but in a nice way though but still Very Scary too lol I'm completely ready for this though. Can't wait to start my new job as a full time mum. I finish work at the end of May! (think i'll be showing by then) so that's going to be different.

Have you been doing any exercise? I've been sticking to walks and swimming. I haven't been at the gym since find out. Lol.

Wow we don't have exactally what you are talking about for single mothers but they can get government assistance. I feel the same way. Some women milk the government for every penny so they don't have to lift a finger. I know women on welfare (what we call government assistance) who live better than I do. My stepdaughters mother is a good example. She works part time at a low paying job like 3 nights a week. She always has a new hair cut and higlights and a new cell phone and expensive clothes. Its crazy! I mean I know she has no savings account and she probably actually has a fair amount of debt and thats no life I want...but come on. I wish they had a way of restricting what you can spend the money on. Same with child support. my husband pays more money to her each month than it would cost us to raise her if she lived with us...its so frustrating!!!

1/2-1 a day for the second trimester? I hope you mean a week!!! I have heard the second trimester is anywhere from 12-14 weeks. my dr. says its really 13 and 1/3 weeks. So that means come monday I'll be in the second trimester...YAY!!! So exciting:) He also told me 5-10 lbs for the first 20 weeks. I'd rather be on the 5lb end! Thats awesome that you are a model:) I bet that is a much harder job than most people realize! I know I wouldnt be good at it...I'm better on the other side of the camera! So what do you model for?!?!! I bet that would be tough for you to watch your body do that. I mean I know its an AMAZING reason that its changing but that would be difficult! I bet you will be a BEAUTIFUL pregnant woman:) You should do pregnant modeling!!! I can't wait to be a full time mommy either (still crossing my fingers that it will happen but its looking VERY good right now:)) The last week or so I have been SO TIRED I haven't done much of anything. I need to get better about that though:( I was really good in the beginning. I tried to go for a walk every night. Walking is really the only thing I've been up to. I'd love to swim but don't have a pool so that poses a problem. I hear thats one of the best exercizes you can do while pregnant. It takes all the weight off your joints but you still get a great workout!!! You got any plans this weekend!!!!???!?!
Haha yes I meant each week! Lol. Not each day. Can you imaging how fat we'd be if it was a pound a day! Lol. Ahh ok I'll remember that then. Upto 10Ibs by week 20 :) errr I thought about pregnant modelling but to be honest I'm not really bothered. It's time for me to move away from it I feel. I might do a shoot just for myself :) To see my pregnant body. I really can't wait to have a bump. I did glamour, so lingerie, topless, nude etc. I'm quite curvy (lucky to have been blessed with huge boobs and a small waist lol) I bet you will also be a beautiful pregnant woman. I'm actual more scared about the deep stretch marks appearing. I'm preparing myself for them and I know in the long run it won't matter but it's still daunting to me. I'm ok with a few and expect them but I've seen some women have extremely deep and big. I guess what will be will be! You using creams?

Awwwe I'm so happy for you and your chance to stay at home to be a full time mum. We will have to keep in touch. Are you planning to breast feed? Have you talked about birthing options?

We've been shopping today and bought a imprint memory tin (for baby's hand print), baby record book and a Elephant teddy called Peanut all from Mamas and Papas :) I can't help myself to buy little bits haha. I've just bought a fetal heart detector by angelsounds, haven't used it yet but considering giving it a go this weekend. Think i might be a little early. I'll let you know how it goes :) tomorrow is a chill out day! Hubby wants to watch the footy (soccer) Lol. you upto anything this weekend?

Shame about your step daughters mum :( at least she gets to see her step mum and dad working and doing the right thing. Xxx
I lost 1.2lbs this weekend. So now I'm only up 3 from where I started!!! I know its not good to lose weight but i figure as long as I'm still in the "healthy weight gain" then its not a big deal...especially since I was very active this weekend!!! I've been taking photos every other week of my belly. I wear the same shirt every time. There hasn't been much to see yet but I think I've gotten more "pregnant looking" just in the last few days. You still wouldn't know I was pregnant if you didn't know me...but I'm getting there. Its tough because I want to "look" pregnant so bad but at the same time I don't want to get too big too Yeah I use Cocoa butter every day...sometimes twice a day. I also hear that if your weight gain is steady than you are less likely to get stretch marks. I guess some women gaine a lot at certain times but its better to put it on you said a pound a week...thats another reason I'm watching my weight! Gotta stay consistant. Also I hear several months after you give birth they fade a lot. So if we do get them we need to remember that they will look worse at first!

So my hubby and I are taking my whole paycheck and putting it in savings to see if we can live without it (plus we will build up a nice savings:)). We just started this so I'm not sure yet. We have some major projects we have been doing around the house so it will be easier once those are done. Yes I plan to breast feed!!! Are you? I'm also going to make my own baby food once the baby gets older (well if I get to stay at home I will). I hear you can save a lot of money. Plus I'll know exactally what my baby is eating:) I'm excited about that!!! Of course we better stay in touch! Are you on facebook? As far as birthing options we are just going to have the baby in a water birth or midwife...nothing fun and exciting like that. How bout you?

The imprint memory tin sounds really precious:) We haven't bought much...but people are starting to get us stuff!!! I can't wait to get the babys room all ready!!! YAY. So many exciting things to do! Did you end up using the fetal heart detector? I hear those are nice to give you reassurance...but I've also heard that sometimes if you can't find the heartbeat its gets you scared. Just don't worry if you can't hear the heartbeat!!! Have you had a dr. use one of those on you? If not its best to laydown and you will find the heartbeat really low, like a few inches below your belly button! You'll have to let me kow how it works!

We had a good but busy weekend. Hubby ran a quarter marathon on Sat then we went out to lunch with my mom and then I had a thirty-one party that evening. Yesterday we went to church then to the grocery store and then planted our garden and did laundry and all that fun stuff. I'm EXHAUSTED today. In fact I feel pretty crappy today and almost didn't come to work:( Its hard to get up and go to a job you arn't very fond of...but it makes it so much harder when you don't feel well. Hopefully I'll start feeling better.

Yeah my step daughters mom called my husband last night. Started yelling at him because I'm pregnant. (this woman is CRAZY!). She was so upset. She asked him how he can be a full time dad to this f'ing baby but not to his other daughter. To that my husband respond that he is a father as much as his childrens mothers will let him and that he would GLADLY take custody of his daughter and keep her full time. That upset her even more. You can't win with that lady. I just try not to let her get under my skin but its hard. Anyhow hope you had a great weekend and have a great day!!!
Oh god she sounds like a bitter crazy woman who is too busy concerning herself with what you are upto then concerntrating on getting her own life moving towards the direction she obviously wants. Maybe if she got a man and just stayed focused on her own life she wouldn't care to be jealous or bitchy about yours. I feel for you. I use to date a guy with a child from a previous relationship (some time ago now lol) but the child's mother was a real pain in the ass! Lol.

Yes I'm planning to breastfeed and make my baby food myself too. Me and my husband both want to do it this way. Hehe. Fantastic idea about saving back your wage for a month to see if you can do without. And like you say a great saving technique lol. Let me know how you get along.

Awwwe I'd hate to get up and go to a job I can't stand. I'm like you, find it real hard to get up, mornings are probably my worst time for tiredness. Lol. it won't be long though before you reach maternity. When does maternity pay start for you? Mine is 11 weeks before due date.

I'm a little worried about the possibilty of stretch marks as my mum suffered with them and I've read it can run in the family. I'll guess I'll just have to see what happens and deal with it then. Your right though, they do fade and become less noticeable. My friend showed me hers today and she showed me them when she first had them too and the difference is so huge. You can't see them that badly at all. I've been asking a few friends (who are mummy's) about baby tips, pregnancy experiences etc and it's been really nice. Have you spoke to family or friends?

It's so lovely that people are buying you things :) I too cannot wait to decorate the nursery but we're gonna wait to see what we are having first. I used the Doppler, it was AMAZING! I would highly recommend it. Mine is called Fetal Heart Detector from angelsounds. It took us about 5-10 minutes to find the heartbeat as we didn't know where to start looking at first. Plus you here the placenta and the blood flow so you need to distinguish between these noises lol. Are you thinking of buying one?

I also can't wait to look more pregnant. Hopefully it won't be long till I pop out ;) but I know what you mean too, I don't want to look too big too soon. I haven't taken any pictures yet. Maybe I will after tomorrow. Tomorrow is my 12 week scan!!!! I'm sooo excited to see Baby Q again. I will let you know how it goes :)

Lovely to hear from you xxxx
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I got on the other day and it said the site was down...but its said that every day since then too. Finally I logged onto the site on my phone and it went through without a problem. So I don't know what I was doing wrong on the computer...but alas I'm here now:)

Yes my step daughters mom is CRAZY!!! But I've been trying to deal with that. She told me her daughter is not aloud to celebrate mothers day with me. I am not her mother and NEVER will be. I thought that was kinda odd...but whatever. Shes so upset about this baby. I think that is sad because this child will be her daughters sibbling and her daughter is going to love this baby to death. Oh well...hopefully she will come around!

Yeah we have been putting my income aside but it hasn't been working so well lately. We just bought a new camera and are building a deck, so we have been spending a lot of money we wouldn't normally spend. Once its all paid for we should be back on track again!!!

You get Maternity pay 11 weeks before the baby is born? WOW!!! I only get 6 weeks of pay, unless i have a c-section then I get 8 weeks. So I have to work until the baby comes:( And I'm not sure if I'll get anything since I don't plan on coming back. I don't know how that works and I don't want to ask because then they will know whats up. Guess I'll just wait and see.

I'm not too worried about stretch marks. I mean I'm not excited about them either...but I'm more worried about the amount of weight I gain than anything else. I just wanna be healthy for my little one!!! Yeah I have talked about stuff with some friends and family. Its nice because they are all telling me stuff that they say no one told them:)

So I have looked back at my pics I have been taking every week and there really isn't much of a change until now! I popped!!! I had my first person ask if I was pregnant yesterday!!! I was actually really excited to know that I am looking pregnant and not just fat:) However I worry that I'm too big too soon but I have been told that I am not by lots of people. (hopefully they are being honest and not just nice!) But I'm excited to start to get a cute belly bump!!!

No I am not getting a doppler. I figure you can't hear it too early and then there is a few weeks where it would be great but soon I'll feel them moving so I'll know all is well:) Thought I do LOVE the sound of his/her heartbeat:) I'm so excited for you to get to hear yours whenever you want!!! How was your scan?!?!!? I'm a little jealous...I haven't seen mine baby in 7 weeks now:( However I will hopefully get to see them in about 3 weeks to find out the gender!!! YAY:) I can't wait for that! I could get it at week 16 which I will be in 8 days but I'd have to pay for it. They do a medical scan 18-20 weeks so that will be covered by insurance and they can tell me then so I have to wait...AHHHHH. Hope all is well with you:)
Hey! No worries about the late reply, I had a few problems logging out last week too but everything is ok now. Wow has it been 7 weeks since your scan, time is going so quickly. I bet your super excited about your next scan to find out the gender. My next scan is at 20 weeks, it's all booked in for the 5th July and I really really want to know what we're having. My 12 week scan was AMAZING and my picture is super clear and do comical because baby Q looks like he/she is sunbathing with it's feet up haha. Yes the Doppler is fantastic but I don't always hear the heartbeat as its sometimes difficult this early. OMG you've popped!?! How far along did you pop? And did it happen over night? You can't tell I'm pregnant yet. I just look a like I've ate too many cakes. Well since I last told you I gained 5 Pounds at 12 weeks, I haven't put on a single pound since and i'll be 14 weeks on Thursday. so I think my weight gain has slowed down. I feel so much better now, less sleepy and groggy! I occassionally get cramping but its not too painful, baby Q is on growing mode! It's the beginning of the second trimester for me so that will explain me feeling a little more like me. I still can't believe how quick time goes. I can remember when we were trying to conceive. Lol. Well hopefully your money will settle as soon as you've done these few jobs so you can be back on track. There's always something to do or pay for. That's life. How's you and the hubby? Sex life good? Just ignore your step daughters mum she's so bitter and jealous. It's very sad. As for work... I wouldn't tell them your plan to not return if your working until the maternity pay kicks in, that way you will get the pay in full etc. do you not get it after the baby is born? I get it for 6 months after the baby is here.

Hope your well anyway hunni xxxx
Time has flown! The first like two weeks after I found out I was pregnant took FOREVER...but since then time has flown! I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow!!! I am crazy excited to find out the gender!!! I know I'll be so excited either way but I just want to know! I'm glad you had such good scan pics!!! Baby Q sounds like a sweetie:) They are livin it up right now:) I popped between week 13 and 14. For me it wasn't overnight...and I'm not huge but I had my first person ask if I was pregnant!!! So I must look more pregnant than just fat now:) I have currently gained 5.2lbs so I'm still in the "healthy" weight range just got me a lil baby bump! I don't think my belly has changed too much in the last 2-3 weeks though. I guess thats a good thing...I don't wanna be HUGE at only 16 weeks. I haven't felt any different since hitting the second trimester:( I'm still really tired and feel sick every morning. In fact I started throwing up every now and then at week 12...kinda weird. Now I just have a shooting pain from my butt down my leg. I hear its only gonna get worse so I'm not looking forward to that. Sometimes its so bad I'm almost in tears:( NOT COOL! I know I remember you telling me that I was going to get a BFP before I even got told me you just had a good feeling for me:) How sweet!!! My hubby is doing well!!! Keeping busy with stuff around the house. How bout your hubby? Funny you should ask about our sex life...honestly its been nearly non existing since I got pregnant:( I heard that would get better in the second trimester but it just hasn't. It really doesn't feel good for me no matter the position. I have no idea why. I feel bad for him so every now and then I "treat" But I just haven't been able to enjoy it:( How bout you? Are you having this same problem? Oh I am not going to tell them that I'm not coming back. I don't know when I will break the news but I can promise you it won't be anytime soon! I do not get any maternity pay until the baby is born...and even then its only 6 weeks. Thats awesome that you get 6 months!!! Perhaps I need to look into moving:) Hope things are well with you!!! Send my love to baby Q!!!
Hey!! Sorry for late reply I've been working loads lately, only a week left until I finish :) super excited. I've stocked up on 5 new books to read so that should keep me going!! We're making a start in the nursery this weekend, stripping the old wallpaper and we've picked our paint! It's a lovely white/cream called Cotton Fields! Haha.

Awe I'm so sorry to hear about your pain in your leg and the nauseous :( I hate to rub it in but I'm feeling fantastic. My energy has picked up and apart from hormonal spot outbreaks I've been doing really well. I still haven't popped! Lol yeah your right though best not to get too much of a bump too soon because we got some time to go yet!

Yeah it's lovely remembering how we both got our BFP ;) I knew you would but I didn't expect me too aswell! Super Amazing.

Hubby is great thanks chick, he's working hard at moment. Our sex life in the first trimester was virtually non existent too but we have picked back up now. I think I was way too worried about things I couldn't relax and to be fair I was always tired 24/7 lol. Maybe after your sickness dies off and you start to perk back up you'll feel up for some fun. I'm sure his "treats" are making him satisfied and more then happy ;)

Any ideas on a girl or boy? Any suspicions?

So what are you going to do once you are done with work??!?! How excited are you? I'm excited for you:) We started the nursery this past weekend!!! My hubby painted it and put the crib actually looks like a baby's room now!!! So exciting!!!

The pain in my leg got so bad this weekend. It was really hot outside so to cool off and relax I took a cool bath. When I went to stand up I couldn't move. I was doubled over in the tub crying my eyes out it hurt so bad. Then it happened again the next day. I was sitting on the floor with my niece and nephew and tried to get up and couldn't. Lesson learned is not to sit on the floor or a surface at the same height as the floor. I got it again last night but not to the point that it made me thats good.

I've gotten mixed reviews as to if I've popped yet or not. Some people tell me I look pregnant and others tell me I look no different than before. I'm not sure...I can totally tell a difference but I don't think I'm huge. Its just funny how some people tell me my baby bump is so cute and others ask me why I'm not showing

I'm glad you and hubby are doing so well!! I don't know what my problem is but I still have not been feeling it. I feel bad for my hubby...but like I said I make sure to take care of him when he really wants it...or at least when he asks for it. I still feel tired a lot. Not like I'm going to fall asleep but like i'm just exhausted. I wanna put my feet up and do nothing!

If my hubby and I could chose we would pick a boy! However I feel like its a girl. Though a few nights ago I had a dream that it was a boy. I've gotten mixed opinions from people. At first everyone said it was a it seems to be about 50-50. We hope to find out 2 weeks from today!!! How bout you...what do you think/want?

Have you started feeling baby Q? I thought I felt the baby 3 weeks ago...but it was so faint and I didn't feel it again for another week or so. Now I can feel the baby several times a day and it usually last about an hour and a half!!! I actually feel it right now:) It always makes me smile to feel my sweet baby moving. I LOVE IT!!!

Hope all is well:)
That's beautiful. So amazing. I was just talking to my husband about when the baby starts to move around so I can feel it. For me, I haven't felt it yet. I'm scared that I won't know what to expect and miss it. I want to know when I get it. I'm 15 weeks 1 day today so maybe I should wait a little longer before I start to worry myself. I was told around 18-20 weeks I will start to feel these movements.

Omg you find out in 2 weeks!!! That's so exciting. I got to wait 5 weeks lol I just want to know!!! I personally have no preference to the sex at all. Me and my husband thought Boy at the beginning and even before we got pregnant thought a Boy but as the weeks have passed I've started to become unsure now and I've had daydreams of a baby girl, not out of preference just because! Lol. I guess I'm 50/50. My husband says he doesn't mind at all but I think secretly he is probably wanting a boy more :-D i think its because he thinks he'd relate more with a boy (big football fan etc) i think he'd be super protective of a girl though lol. It's just all too exciting !!! Mostly my friends and family have been split 50/50 too.

Oh god your pain sounds incredibly painful. Have you spoken to your doctor? It shouldnt be this bad surely?? I'm sending you a big hug :) no sitting on the floor. It sounds like its your blood circulation. Try massaging your legs, get the hubby to do it for 5/10 minutes every day if you can't.

Omg I had the CRAZIEST mad women craving the other day!!! About 10pm I all of a sudden needed something sour. The more the sour the better. We raided the cupboards and fridge before I said to my hubby I need lemons! Now! I practically dragged him out the house before he could put his shoes on properly and we went to supermarket so I could buy a bag of them. I ate 2!! Yuk but yummy!! Hahaha it happened Monday night and nothing since. So it might strike again but this time I have lemon stash lol
Any cravings???

Awe your nursery sounds lovely. I can't wait to see mine coming together. I bet it makes you just want to sit in there and enjoy your day dreams about you and your baby :)

Hope your ok xxxxx
You are too cute:) I love reading your messages...they always make me smile! And I LOVE to feel the baby move...however now I'm getting worried because I was feeling it move at least 3 times a day for 1-3 hours each time. Yesterday it was going forever. At first it was steady but then it slowed down like my little one just couldn't get comfortable. But I haven't felt anything since yesterday afternoon. And now I'm worried. Hopefully he/she was just so exhausted from yesterday and they will get up and move soon! I'll keep my fingers Anyhow I thought I felt something as early as 13 weeks...but I couldn't be sure. I only felt it like once a week until like Monday or Tuesday of this week. Then all the sudden it was there! When I first felt it it was like a little I think it feels like a heartbeat. Not a steady rythm of a heartbeat...but you know the feeling when your heart is pounding? It feels like that but in your belly. At least to me thats what it feels like. Others say it feels like popcorn...but I have never had popcorn popping inside me so I think thats a weird comparison. Anyhow...give it will feel it and you will know!!!

I was hoping to find out on the 12th but my mom really wants to come and can't do it on the we are going to try to make the appt for the 14th. Thats two weeks from yesterday!!! SO EXCiTING:) I can't hardly wait! Trust me those 5 weeks will fly!!! Soon you will know too!!!

Yes the pain was the worst pain I have ever been in! I've stayed off the floor and it hasn't come back that strong since. Its still there every day on and off but not like it was those two time so I'm so thankful for that.

Your lemon story cracks me up!!! I haven't had any crazy cravings. I have been craving cheeze-its...but haven't let myself eat them.

So yesterday my hubby was really sick. Someone is borrowing my car this week so we only have one car. He's been carpooling with a buddy to work so i've been taking the one car. I had to leave work early to take him to the Dr. and now I think I'm getting what he has...NOT COOL:( names! I'm not sure if we have talked names before...but I'd like your opinion. Hubby and I each have a name for each gender. I like his and he likes mine...but we like our own the best. So I'm taking a poll to see what name others like better:)
For a girl our names are either Maci Lynn or Isabelle Lynn
and for a boy they are Milo Jeffrey or Zane Milo
What do you think?

Well hope all is well!!
Hey! Yes we spoke about names but a good while ago now! I love Maci Lynn and Milo Jeffery :) but all Four are lovely. It is a tough one.

Awe not long for you now!! 14th June your whole world will change again, just when you think things can't get any more exciting! I am too excited for you. How lovely that your mum wants to come with you :) will your hubby be there too? Is it your mum's first grandchild?

Yes, 5 weeks will go quickly I hope. I'll be finished work in another week so I'll be making my time useful by reading, going to the gym, lunching with friends and relaxing. I'm pretty much a housewife part time so I guess I'll have the house tip top everyday too now.

Oh no you can't get ill :-S you need to lock him away in a spare room until he recovers LOL only joking. But seriously try not to catch anything as it really won't be well at all :(

Oh don't worry about that sweetie, your baby will be going through all sorts of activity including sleeping!! i guess the baby will be moving and then resting. If you haven't felt anything by tomorrow and your still worried I'd ring the doctor to get reassurance or for a check up :)

It was lovely reading your description of what it feels like to feel the baby move. I just can't wait yet!!!


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monitoring_string = "c48fb0faa520c8dfff8c4deab485d3d2"
<-- Admiral -->