Hi ladies... have we all had a rubbish week!? lol seems noone wants to update their weights this week lol I lost 2 pounds to monday, HOWEVER, i then just had a rubbish 4 days and have put that 2 pounds back on
So.. two things happened last night.
1) I threw a MAJOR tantrum with myself for not losing weight fast enough and decided that new weight watchers system is in NO WAY working for me

2) I signed up and handed over £185 to join "diet chef" - that company where they make all your food for you for a month, they deliver it to the door, you only add your 2 portions of fruit and veg per day and you're done.
It's 1200calories per day, I've chosen all my own meals, delivery arrives on tuesday! lol
DH is really proud of me for being proactive instead of just letting the fact that i'm not suiting the new ww and sulking about it whilst getting bigger

he has even said he might join it to on the men's version if it works for me - we spend a fortune on groceries anyway because i'm quite the fussy eater so would work out about right for us anyway if every single thing we eat only comes to £400 per month AND we're a member of a weight loss group...
So i'll let you all know how it goes, the weight losses i've seen on the site have been fab - there's loads and loads of testimonials on there - ranging from 5-10 pounds in the first week to a total loss of about a stone per month...
Oh i so hope this works for me, i'm ready to give it 110%!!
How are the rest of you all doing? xxx