Onetubeleft, it's still way early, don't count yourself out yet! It's super hard to stay positive when all you have been seeing is BFN's, but you will see that BFP when you least expect it. FX to everyone!
I got a bfp a few days ago but my hcg at 14dpo is only 55 40 hours later only 83 I was told it most likely won't be viable going for another set of labs tomorrow just to see.
gonna test tested wednesday afternoon so thursday hopefully they call with it over 400+ i just want to see it in the thousands and I will be happier. Just still so nervous about it. And i still have no pregnancy symptoms except for slight sore breasts and being tired. (never have i wished for nausea so bad hahaha)
424 so my doubling time is now almost exactly 48 hours I really wish it was higher but at least they said I can stop checking them if I want until my ultrasound. Really hoping its a sticky bun
I didn't get a bfp until 12dpo and it was soooo faint lol waiting stinks! I'm still nervous with my levels so low. I'll probably have my betas checked Monday hahaha. Fingers crossed AF stays away
I just had some brown cm. I'm 9dpo and only Cd cycles have been pretty regular with 28 days. I'm praying it's IB and not Af showing 5-6 days early!
Well my hcg only went up to 803 in 5 days my doctor said its not viable and I should start mc soon or we will have to do a d&c ..... This just stinks! She wants repeate labs Wednesday so she can see if they have started to drop. So hard when a bfp turns out to be more hurt than when AF shows up. Ugh
So confused my labs still stink barley climbing so I did an ultrasound today and it's measuring perfectly on time fetal poll and heart beat im so confused?!! How can my levels say miscarrage. Also I really stink at waiting lol
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