About a year! Im on preseed at the mo, ive been a bit like peanut going mad googling everything! Over the last week or so had quite a few symptons but just bfns Going too try and pursuade the doctor for a bloodtest but apparently they dont do them anymore hows your journey going?xx
I never did test. Got AF at 12 DPO which is 2-3 days early for me. What started out as spotting, is in full force since yesterday and the cramps are killing me I am gonna be a lil MIA till she's gone for good - till then i am reading , eating chocolate and sulking. I never even got to test!! I thought this cycle is the one
I'm sorry Molgold. Like peanut said we're here for you love.
Gem my journey's been tiering. Stressed about it a lot at the beginning of the year I found I was so obsessed with it so I've taken a step back stopped googling stopped testing for OPK just started temping. Trying to let nature donuts thing but I'm starting to get frustrated. I've gone for blood test to make sure my hormones are all in the norm an so far they are my husband is going the urologist this month an we will take it from there. I tried Preseed I wasn't a fan. Fx for everyone!! It's spring and it's time to make some babies!!!
I'm trying hard to not post as I feel I will start making up symptoms. I'm so tempted to test! Don't know if I should wait a few more days. Wait for my hormones to double up!
I have no idea hun. Not a clue when af is due aswell. I am kind of tracking through cm and its dry at the moment so im pretty sure she will show her face in a day or two
Hi ladies, I'd love to join your lovely group if y'all don't mind. I turned 29 in march, and DH turned 30 last Dec. We've been more ntnp than actively Ttc, but I can't lie, I still at least track my cycles and bd days.. we've been ntnp for almost (edit: two, not a) year now, and I had to take a break, I was getting so sad.. I currently have no idea where I'm at in my cycle.. I'm on cd 48 according to ff!
Nothing new with me. Cycle day 8 I think I'm going to do some OPKs this month. I didn't last month at all but now that I'm temping I want to see if it all makes sense or what the difference is. Ya know use myself as a science experiment. Haha.
Gotta have fun with it or at least laugh bc being down is getting is nowhere.
FX'd for everyone. Peanut I'm so interested to see what's going on with you!
Molgold have you been to the MD to do any testing?
Sharris where are you in the TTC process? I know you said NPNT but have you done any testing or anything?
Thank you all for the welcome I took two tests within the last two days, I'm officially CD 49 according to ff, but the app says I was fertile the week before my last cycle, which I thought wasn't right, so now I'm thoroughly confused and going to get more tests. I told hubby I might be, and he said good, I want a baby! Last year, I think he was just going along with it, it's nice to know he's more on board now lol! I am ttc without charting , temping, or opks (As my best friend tells me, we are not doing family planning, just tracking my cycles)
Hey sharris welcome to the peanut factory! Some of our conversations are too weird on here.
Mol - missed you, hope you have bounced back and ready to fight for another month.
Update on me. No af still im sitting on cday 60+ testd a couple of days ago and it was negative. I had a work training day last night where in the evening the MD Of the company buys you drinks all night. I had a whole bottle of rosè to myself, got sloshed and sang karaoke (very badly) until the early hours of the morning!
I hope af comes soon for me now as I have waited patiently for over 2 months! My bbs are still sore and I do find myself having slight waves of nausea every morning but that could be due to af hormones. I will test next weekend again but im sick of seeing nothing on my strips
I am super weird, so you all won't bother me
I had a super long day.. Went to my cousins baby shower, glad I went, but man am I exhausted! oh and those "what symptoms"?..... wellll I was going to go to sleep about 13 hours ago... realized I wasn't going to have time to get a gift and make it to the shower, at the house, every time I dropped something (I'm fairly clumsy) it mad me sooo mad.. then I stood in the kitchen, crying to my mil about needing to just get out of the house (I'm not trapped here, I can leave at will lol!) We spent the morning shopping, and we found the cutest stuff for my cousin.. (lil background, my dh's grandma LOVES giraffes, and I love her to the moon and back) so we're picking out stuff for cousin, and I see this adorable giraffe onesie.. and showed her "awwwww! put it in the basket".. me: "......?...." ) cousins them is NOT giraffes lol! walked a little more, of course found scads of teeny tiny ADORABLE clothes.. she looks at me and say "oh you have to have a girl... I never got my girl.. " I giggled and she sees a giraffe 3 piece outfit.. and she again says "awwww! put it in the basket" ..... o.0 I'm thinking she wants a giraffe for a grandbaby lol! anyway, we go to the baby toy stuff, and there was this stuffed giraffe... I see it, notice it's musical, and say "If you play elle's song, and move your head, I'm gonna cry..." (elle was a yellow elephant the hospital gave me when I was born, her head moved side to side, and she played the lullaby song) So what do I do? I wind the stupid thing up, hear elle's song, and IT STARTED MOVING IT'S HEAD and I started crying at walmart, over a stuffed giraffe, that I could very easily have gotten for myself.. and she did >.< oi!
I spent the rest of the day aggravated to happy, to just wanting to cry.. then remembering I cried over a silly giraffe and it made me mad again.. of course a lot of that could be from lack of sleep haha! I was outside at the city's park for a little bit, and (I hope this makes sense) every part of my body that was covered in clothes, aside from my hands and face was FRIGID so we left, and on the way home after we ate (I hadn't eaten almost all day and most of the night.. everything sounded sooo gross!) I started getting tiny little sharp pains 1-2 inches below my ribs on the right at first, then moved across sorta.. suuuuper weirdo feeling!!
Side note, at the shower there were tiny sandwiches, lots of snacks, a gorgeous cake, cake pops, cookies, and a tray with cherry tomatoes and broccoli on it.. of which I stared at and thought "really? not even broccoli? " Sorry for such a long post.. somehow seeing it written down makes me tired again lol!
How was everyone else's day?
TMI spoiler!
My boobs are sore, I keep feeling like my af has started, and when I go potty, nothing..... also, I totally forgot to make a mental note of my nips color.. but I looked earlier.. and they might very well be a little darker..
Oh wow those symptoms sound do promising! When do you test?
I have to go to a baby shower today. I sound like a bitch but it's going to be hard. I've not bought her anything just gift vouchers! I can't bare to go baby shopping yet.
My nipples are getting sore by the day. Last night I felt they were going to fire bullets lol its weird as normally when I have sore bbs my while bbs are soar and not a specific area. It started off in my peck snd moved to the nipples. I felt af cramps yesterday and more today.
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