TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

Ah Nite, so sweet! My next scan in 3 wks will be around that time, I'm glad it will look like a baby. I'm going to take my DS in with us so he can see too (he's soooo excited).

Mammas-is your appt to check hcg? Are they quick to give results? Can't wait to hear about it.

Lomelly-I remember being pg with ds and finding out later that ppl were wondering what was with my weight gain b/c it didn't look like I had a bump it looked like I was drinking too much beer. Haha. But as soon as I popped I didn't hide it! I showed that little beauty off.

Sap-does it feel like you and DH are living like roommates (and please disregard if you feel like it's none of my business)? That's how it felt to me with DS father until I couldn't deal with it any more and asked him to leave. I really didn't want to be with him and he was more hassle than anything. Plus he didn't help with DS at all. It got pretty ugly between us b/c he is/was super immature and just made it ridiculous. I hope for you and Holly you are doing everything to stay healthy (physically & emotionally).:hug:

AFM-last night I was taking DS up to bed and had this terrible urge to throw up so I ran down to the bathroom and started dry heaving and he's asking if I'm ok and what's wrong (he's a sensitive little soul) and my DH was telling him it's ok, it happens to some woman when they are pg and to be thankful that he is a boy. lol So then I go back up and lie down and my DS is scurring around. Well doesn't he go and empty his garbage can from his room in the garbage downstairs, puts a plastic bag in it and puts it by the side of my bed. He's 8! OMG I love him to bits!!! He's going to be such an amazing older brother.
PS-Why am I feeling sick after I eat? I pictured m/s differently.
Ready: You DS sounds like such a sweetheart. That melted my heart! My DD's Father and I separated for the same reasons. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Although he doesn't even make divorce easy. Oh well life is much better now.

Lomelly: when does your OH get to find out the gender? Must be hard to keep it a secret.

Mamma: I am having sleeping issues too. No fun! Can't wait to hear about your appointment.

AFM: i can't for the life of me such in my stomach anymore so it def looks like i am more pregnant than I am. Although my doc said that I would be showing earlier as my body already knows what to do and how to "move" things around. My DH is making fun of my because I am constantly breathing hard. :haha: Its from a combination of ms all day long and exhaustion. We are going camping this weekend with the kids and some other family member. I think its going to be rough on me but ill try and be a good sport. But the constant peeing is not going to be fun in the wilderness, especially at night. :nope:
hi girls!!!

well i went in for my appt today..........all they did was send me to the lab for a blood draw........stat hcg 12dpo is that ok????
im wasn't due for my period until the 26 so?????

sap - dear lord my prayers go out to you!

nite - good luck with the camping adventure!

ready.......i saw your hcg numbers.........were you worried at all?

um so my sonogram is june1st at 10:40.......mark your calendars ladies!!!
Aww Nite, those pics are just adorable! :cloud9:

Your DS sounds like such a sweetheart Ready, he'll be an amazing big brother!

Mamma, your levels sound perfect, this is a guide to what they should be. Not too long til your scan, exciting!

3 weeks LMP: 5 - 50 mIU/ml
4 weeks LMP: 5 - 426 mIU/ml
5 weeks LMP: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml
6 weeks LMP: 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml
7 - 8 weeks LMP: 7, 650 - 229,000 mIU/ml
9 - 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml
13 - 16 weeks LMP: 13,300 - 254,000 mIU/ml
17 - 24 weeks LMP: 4,060 - 165,400 mIU/ml
25 - 40 weeks LMP: 3,640 - 117,000 mIU/ml

Lomelly, hope you're well.

AFM, aside from the fact that we have no physical connection, DH and I are not a whole lot different to how we always were. He works away for a week at a time, so I was spending a lot of time on my own anyway. We're planning on moving back together full time soon, so I'll see if that makes a difference. Our troubles only started once he started working away.
Nite-that worries me that you are somewhat showing already as I was hoping it would be months before that happened(for me, not you lol). I guess it doesn't matter how long ago you were last pg your body just knows what to do. I don't want to look pg before I tell my boss, that wouldn't be good. Good luck with this wknd and happy long wknd!!

Mammas-the initial draw I was worried about b/c I saw all of these other girls with numbers in the hundreds and thousands but it almost tripled so that's all that matters. I saw my dr yesterday for a follow up of the u/s and she asked if I wanted another hcg check and I said no thanks it's just added stress and I've already seen the hb so what would it really tell me. I have another scan June 14 so hopefully all will be well with that one. I put my hcg numbers on my signature so ppl that have lower numbers can see that it's not the total but the progression that is important. I think your number is great for 12dpo. When do you go back for another?

Sap-I don't think it's healthy for any marriage to spend that kind of time apart. You get used to being w/o the other and then can find reasons why it's better to stay apart. My sis and bro-in-law went through this last yr as he was in police college for 3 months so he would only be home on wknds. It was a massive struggle for them and she was thinking divorce (together 11 yrs at this time) and he was acting like a single guy. Marriage has to be worked on daily and communication needs to be constant. DH and I go to counselling every so often to prevent possible future happenings and how to keep the communication strong and to develop strategies to deal with conflicts that may pop up. I didn't want to wait 5-10 yrs down the rd where things are so bad that divorce seems like the only option. I'm sure living together full time again will really change things.

Lomelly-I want to know when dh gets to find out the gender too!

Another cute story: my youngest niece (5) whom I hadn't told I was pg (my older niece did tell her) b/c she has a real hard time not sharing exciting news comes out to my car as I arrive at my sister's yesterday (she's also my daycare provider) asks if she can see my cell phone. I ask her why and she says she wants to see the pic of the seed I have on my phone. I said "pardon, you want to see what" and she repeats again that she wants to see a pic of the seed. And so I tell her I am not following what she is asking for and she rolls her eyes and says "I know you are pg and so I want to see the pic of the seed you have". I start laughing and tell her it's not a seed it's a baby. I go in to tell my sister the story and she starts laughing and says that she had said to my niece (that was asking a million questions about it before I came) that it was about the size of a seed! hahahahaha It was toooo cute!

Happy Friday everyone!
Ready you do win for biggest post lol that was a cute story with your "seed"! Soon your seed won't look like one!!!

Mammas, my Hcg started low at 74 @ 14dpo. They were not concerned as I likely implanted late. They doubled and tripled every time after that which is the important thing. But that sounds good to start!

Sap, I hope you are right and things improve when he doesn't work so far away. Distance can do that to the best of relationships.

Nite, good luck with camping! Let's see a bump pic! :haha:
Hi ladies! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone had a great weekend?

Mammas-how are you feeling?

Nite-how was camping, or maybe you are still there as today is a holiday for you guys?

Lomelly-does DH know what you saw in the u/s?

Sap-hey girlie!:hi:

AFM-not too much going on my end. I'm sooo flipping tired I can't stand it. Normal activities are wiping me out, all I want to do is sleep. I had a rough wknd with feeling crappy. I had waves of m/s Fri-Sun all day long but seem o be ok right now. I just feel weak and lightheaded which I do remember feeling like this with my son. But I'm not complaining!!:dohh:
Ready, no he doesn't know what I saw... It's my secret :haha: glad that you're getting symptoms so strongly, it sucks but it's a great sign.

Been MIA because I've been knocked on my ass by the cold from hell... Even had to leave work because I had no voice. Now it's taken up residence in my nose and sinuses... :(
hi ready! im doin okay for the most boobs are killing me and waves of nausea.......kinda crampy today which makes me nervous.......ugh i wish this would go away!!!!

morning to the rest of the gals!

20 weeks lomelly!!! holy canoli......halfway there!
mammas-I had cramps up to almost 6 wks. Week 4 and 5 were all the time(I don't get AF cramps but I'm thinking this is what people say when they say their cramps were like AF cramps) and by weeks 6 there were sporadic and now I have nothing. It did make me worry but they weren't painful just yucky feeling. When I miscarried last year they were painful and had me doubled over at times (they actually felt like the beginning of labour pains). Sore boobs and feeling nausea are great though. My sx have been different each day and at different times of the day. My boobs are tender and every couple of days I get shooting pains in them or can really feel something going on. Nausea is all over the place but more than anything the lightheadedness and faintness is creeping up on me. That's how I found out I was pg with ds, I was in Vegas and almost passed out and was in bed at 8 every night. I WAS IN VEGAS FOR GOODNESS SAKE going to bed at 8!! Helloooo???? Maybe pee on a stick!! lol

Lomelly-sorry you are not feeling well! Colds suck when they just hang around being a nuisance!

AFM-I'm going on a date with my GF to see What to Expect When Expecting tonight, has anyone seen it? Anyone reading the Fifty Shades series? Mamma Mia:blush:, makes me want to do bad things in the bedroom...or an elevator:sex:!! Hahaha
Happy 8 weeks Ready! I feel you on the exhaustion, I'm still feeling really yucky. Sleeping is still pretty crappy and bbs still hurt super bad. But so happy that baby is fine in there. I can't wait for second tri!

Mamma I had the same thing with the cramps, actually I also don't get them with af usually so it was really weird, they will get less frequent don't worry. :hugs:

:hi: Sap! I'm happy you and DH are going to be able to spend more time together soon.

Lomelly having a cold SUCKS while pregnant. So sorry, hope it fades away soon. I had mine a couple weeks ago and I think it stayed longer since my immune system was down due to pregnancy.

Camping was great but really rough. I think first tri and camping don't mis well together. Pretty happy to be home and showered and more comfortable!
thanks girls........needing the encouragment........4 days til my first scan!

um ready im on the second book.........holy mr. christian grey sir!!!
I keep hearing about the fifty shades of grey series... is it really that dirty?? :haha: might have to give it a go!

nite, colds generally suck but I've realised it's even worse in pregnancy :haha: I had my OB appt yesterday and he basically told me I look like crap, and that I could have a few tylenol cold and sinus (not over doing it but 1-2 a day). I have so much nasal pressure :nope: germs should not be allowed to attack pregnant ladies.. just sayin'..

mammas, I think cramping is the norm that early on, I had a bit of it too, sometimes nothing for days then a lot in a day or two. bean is just snuggling in there :hugs:

ready, does that mean you and DH are going to go find an elevator..?? :haha:
Mammas-I just started the 2nd book last night and am already 150 pages deep! And I mean DEEP!!! lol I can't read it fast enough. Can't wait to hear how the scan goes.

Nite-You are almost 12 wks...holy sh*t! Only a couple more wks and you will be in the 2nd tri which means only a little over a month or so and I will be. The first 2 wks seemed to take forever but now time seems to be moving along. I can't imagine how you made it a whole wknd in a tent, in the heat. It all sounds awful right now!

Sap-when does husband plan to come back full time?

Lomelly-you are almost a banana! How do you go from a cantaloupe to a banana? Very strange!

AFM-I am waking up each morning lightheaded, dizzy and just feeling yucky. This is about the time I started with DS (unknowingly pg) and kept saying to my sister how lightheaded I felt when I woke up. After a month of it and then passing out in Vegas she made me take a test (I was adamant that I wasn't as I had got my "period) and lo and behold 2 dark lines. So blissfully unaware and I missed the whole first tri.
Lomelly-I was typing as you were posting. I would definitely like to find an elevator for DH and I:sex:! Read the books:coffee:!!!! Amaaaazzzing and he is delish!
I'm feeling miserable. I pinched my sciatic nerve yesterday and I can barely move around. It is extremely painful. My ms starts the moment I wake up and increases until I finally fall asleep at night. Sorry for the complaining but it's been a rough week of symptoms. I really hope they ease off soon. I was already having a hard time getting things done because of my exhaustion but now with that and the pinched nerve in my back I'm totally disabled. :cry: Not having a good day. Pick me up appreciated ladies.
aww - big hugs..........hopefully ms tapers off in a week or two! try some yoga stretches for that sciatic helped with my last pregnancy......same thing happened to me!
Nite-sorry you aren't feeling great and you are in pain. I have back issues on a normal day, toss that in with being pg and its no fun. Have u seen a chiropractor? I go weekly and it keeps the bad aches away. Plus, tomorrow you enter your 13th week! Sooo close to second tri...that's reason to celebrate!

Lomelly- happy 21.wks

Mammas- happy 5 wks!

SAP- hiya girlie!

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