TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

:hugs: Mammas. I agree with the others - don't take the pills. That is wayyy too early to diagnose a blighted ovum. My MC was a blighted ovum, and I didn't have treatment til I was 10 weeks (my first scan was at 6 weeks and showed a completely empty uterus). When scans are that early, beanie is often difficult to see. Symptom wise I had persistent spotting, sore boobies and slight nausea. I didn't feel particularly pregnant, when compared to my first pregnancy. The spotting was what prompted me to get an early scan. Unfortunately, all you can do is wait and pray - I had weekly ultrasounds for 4 weeks before a diagnosis of MMC was made and they waited til there was no more growth before I was given treatment. Don't let them push you into anything, there is always hope. :hugs:

Sorry to hear of your complications KM, glad to hear that baby is well though.

Hope the rest of you girls are well x x
Mammas, when I was pregnant with the blighted ovum I had pretty much no symptoms except for being tired for a week. Not an ounce of sickness or anything else that I've had this time around, which is why I thought something was up. I also had my betas taken three times during that pregnancy and I can tell you they didn't rise very fast at all, unlike your levels. I do think they are being way too hasty, little bean could have just implanted late.

Km, a little girl how exciting!!

Hope the rest of you gals are doing well, I'm still sick!!! Cold will not leave me alone.
Mammas- I was 6w5d when I went for my first scan and they dated me 5w6d. But so many things play a factor in early scans as far as what can be seen. The equipment, the skill of the tech, when implantation occurred, etc. No Dr should be telling you anything definite that early on without a repeat scan. Some can be so unsympathetic and cold. I would ask for repeat bloods and a repeat scan. Do u have healthcare or do u pay? R u 100% about ovulation? April was my first month in months that I hadn't temped and used opks so I have no real idea about when I ovd, its a guesstimate so I wasn't stressing when the tech dated me behind. Mon if I were you I would get proactive, call the Dr and ask for bloods and scan. Positive energy is being sent to you!

Km-congrats on the girl! We are going to find out but that is ages away right now. Our appt is booked for Aug 15. I will have to look up what all you have going on as I'm not familiar with it but you sound ok about it so that is good. I dread ever being put on bedrest but I guess you have to do what you have to do. Good luck!

Lomelly-sorry you are still feeling crappy, colds are bs. Especially when they drag on. Feel better soon.

Nite- how are you feeling now? I hope it subsides soon. It's one thing if you can lie down but when there are people to look after it makes it so difficult.

SAP- have you looked at any flats yet?

Stn-still feeling crappy and getting frustrated. I haven't cooked in almost 2 wks. We have been out to eat 4 times this past week and a half and I haven't been able to eat what I've ordered. I feel so hungry and then the food is put infront if me and I can't get past the smells or it tastes awful. Oranges are my bf right now. Yesterday we had a bbq at Dh parents and I managed to eat Veggie, fruit and some salad. Meat is not my friend right now. I did actually go 3 hours feeling decent after I ate and then got home and it kicked in again. And as I type this the woozy, pukey, lightheaded ickiness is hovering. I hate to take meds but if this doesn't subside I may have to. I'm gagging when I brush my teeth, nausea sets in with no real reason behind it, its very irritating! I think Dh may be realizing that I'm not faking it and sympathizing a bit. He was very attentive yesterday.
Lomelly sorry about the cold. I hope that it gets a hint and leaves your system.

I still don't feel well. I was hoping by 12 weeks it would go away. It is probably around the corner. My sciatic nerve is much better. I have been trying to move around as much as possible and do stretches. So glad that it is better this soon. Last time this happened it took too long to get better. My next appointment is June 22nd. At that appointment I think i get to make my gender scan appointment. Then on June 29th we are heading up to Pemberton, Canada for my brother's wedding. I am also married to a Canadian. :thumbup: Not looking forward to how I will look in a dress by then though. I will post a pic of my 12 week bump. Don't laugh, I know its huge. :haha:
Nite your bump is so cute. When did you show with your dd? I was 6 months before there was anything noticeable. In the past 2 days I've noticed that my lower pelvic area is already hard. That frightens me that I'm going to have a bump in a month. Are u surprised that you have a bump like that already?
Lovely bump Nite :) sorry you're still feeling rough :hugs:

:hugs: Ready. MS is horrible, hope you feel better soon.

Boo to the cold Lomelly :hugs:

Hope you're ok Mammas, try not to worry too much :hugs:

AFM, we may have found a flat. DH has put an application form in for one :)
Sap: That is lovely news.

Mamma: any news? How are you holding up?

Ready: I didn't show with DD until around 5 months. I am VERY surprised that I am showing already. It's kinda of embarrassing actually. But I guess I should just be proud of it. Surprisingly I have actually lost weight since my last doctors appoingment, and I am eating less than before I was preggo. So beats me why my tummy is so big. Have you guys heard of other people entering second tri with a tummy so big or am I just a freak? :haha:

In other news I haven't had bad dreams in a while. The last two nights I dreamed of holding my baby and the baby was smiling at me so big in both of them. I woke up both mornings so happy. It seemed so real.
Lom- Sorry about your cold dragging on! That definitely sucks. Seems like things like that last longer when you're pregnant. I don't normally have terrible allergies, but when I'm pregnant I really notice them. Hopefully your cold will go away soon!

Ready- Sorry you don't feel good with the nausea :( I was lucky enough to not have it this time around, but I did gag when I brushed my teeth. Was something I hated. But great that your hubby is starting to sympathize with you, because those things are so real! I think guys just can't relate at all because they just don't understand it, but it really does suck! Thank you for the congrats on the girl :) My condition, well, I am quite concerned about it honestly, but I do want to keep a positive perspective. I also want to be realistic. Basically, the issue with VP or VCI is that the membranes/baby's arteries etc that connect to the placenta are not fully covered with the strong Wharton's Jelly on all of the cord, it pretty much stops halfway through, which the biggest risk is rupture of the membranes. I try not to think about that too much. It can be 100 percent fine if detected prenatally and if your doctor is proactive about treatment and prevention (ie having a very early c-section at 35-36 weeks, no later). Got my fingers crossed that they were completely wrong :) LOL But time will tell, I am going to be kind of pushy at my next ultrasound appointment to make sure they REALLY record where the membranes and vessels are laying.

Sap- Right on for your DH getting the flat application in! How long do you think until you find an answer about it one way or another? That is exciting :)

Nite- Cute bump!! I started showing early this pregnancy, that's for sure. Right around 12 weeks is when I started to pop out, and honestly, I NEEDED maternity pants at 13-14 weeks, there was no way around it, I had totally outgrown all my jeans at around 11-12 weeks, and then resorted to yoga pants until my muffin top was really being noticeable and I looked really bloated. Your bump is nice though, it doesn't look like you are just bloating :) I feel HUGE right now, I'm excited for my tummy to get harder and tight as pregnancy progresses, that is something I always look forward to because I always have an extra layer of "fluff" around my midsection LOL

Mammas-Hope you are doing ok! :hugs:
Yay SAP! That us great news.
Nite- I have googled 2nd pregnancy belly shots at different weeks and people start as soon as 8 wks. You look small with a small torso and your uterus already knows what to do. It's funny, with your first you probably couldn't wait to show and now you're embarrassed. Be proud of your amazing ability as a female and embrace that beautiful miracle that is growing inside of you.
KM-like it isn't enough worry just growing a baby and then you throw in this. I'm sure all will be well. Things are so far advanced any more with what they can detect and the ability to keep mama and baby safe. I have decided not to do any of the 12 week testing as I don't want the added worry of "there is a possibility of...downs, neural tube defects, etc." I told my dr. I wouldn't be able to abort the baby as the tests are never 100% and i don't want the added stress. I told her I'm going to do it the old fashioned way and hope for the best. My next scan is in 10 days and I'm just hoping there is still a hb. I know I feel sick and exhausted so those are good things but there is still the worry.

Mammas-how are you holding up?
Hi girls!!

Well im still a nervous wreck...........trying to keep myself busy.

i look at my last pregnancy and we saw a heartbeat at 6 weeks 4 days at im staying hopeful that this little one is just taking its time too.........

just praying to god that everything works out.......however it works out that I will be fine.

ready - i can't wait to see your next scan!

my next one is June 15th......thinking of pushing it back..ill only be a little over 7 weeks
I had my first scan at 7w1d. I think it was a good time because by that point you will probably see the little lil one and a heart beat. When I did scans earlier than that, like with my last pregnancy I didn't see anything. So this time I waited for 7 weeks. Prayering for you Mamma!
Mammas-I really do think it was too early to see much of anything. People that see it that early are usually a bit further on even if by a few days. Each day makes a big difference before 7 wks. My fingers, toes, legs, arms....are crossed that good things come to you.
I'm officially sick of feeling sick. I just did an assessment with a client (sucking on a big lemon drop) thinking, just get through this, it's almost over. It's not even like I'm afraid I'm going to be sick but it's like I'm in a wave pool and the nausea is sweeping up, up, up and then subsides and a few mins later it happens again. So then I eat and it helps for maybe 30 mins and then my stomach feels empty again and my blood sugar drops and the waves start again. WTF??!!! I don't want to take anything and think I'm fine...geez I pushed out a baby w/o drugs surely I can get through this?! Sorry I've got a case of the Mondays and irritated with this feeling!
Oh I hear ya ready! I sent everyone to school and just jumped into bed. It's one of those days! I just want this to end.

Although I'll tell ya something strange (tmi)...starting last week I have had the highest sex drive. Never happened to me before during pregnancy. Usually I want nothing to do with it. We have been bd'ing daily now. :haha: So weird.

Lomelly: you good? Cold gone yet?

Sap :hi:
I'm praying everything will be well for bubs KM. It's good that you're being closely monitored.

Nite, they say you show earlier if you've already had a baby. I'm glad the bad dreams have stopped. Enjoy BD! :haha:

:hugs: Ready, sorry you're feeling so grotty. MS is seriously nasty! They say it's a good thing though, shows beanie is growing nicely.

Mammas, I agree with the others, 7 weeks is a good time to have a scan. A lot happens in 2 weeks!

Hope you're ok Lomelly :)
Nite-the heightened sex drive is great! If I could get past the exhaustion and nausea I would be all over it. I'm hoping this will be over soon, a few weeks at most. Today is a bit better than it was yesterday, the peaks and valleys are further apart or I'm just getting used to it? Have you felt anything yet? I have read on some different threads how people can feel the baby so much sooner as they know what to look for. I have been having a bubbly tummy but I know that it's just gas but it always reminds me of those first bubbles with DS that I felt. I can't wait for it!

Sap-when do you find out about the flat? Soo exciting!

Mammas-I hope you are doing better today.

Lomelly-how's that cold doing?

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