Just trying to catch up on this thread, I've neglected almost all of BabyandBump besides my journal (and even that has been sporadic lately) but I will be on a lot more now
Mammas- big
to you, I hope that it was a misdiagnosis on the Dr's part and that everything is fine, like everyone else said, it is quite early. Do you know when they will be doing another scan to double check on everything?
Ready- I was reading your post about the eggs, that is pretty cute that he wasn't satisfied with the eggs to make them like you do
Sorry about your MS. When I had that, I could not stand the smell of eggs or dishsoap...and well, a lot of things.
Lomelly- A banana! Right on, that is awesome
Sap: That's great about getting a place together soon!
Nite: Having 2 kids and morning sickness would be pretty darn difficult. This time around I didn't have the morning sickness at all (was really lucky) but was tired. I'm really hoping yours calms down and altogether stops soon!
Updates for me, I have been diagnosed with complete placenta previa now, as well as definite velamentous instertion of the umbilical cord which in my case may very well lead into being vasa previa. Was super scared when I found all this out, but have researched it well and know what I am in for. If the Vasa Previa diagnosis is confirmed, I will have to have an early c-section between 35-36 weeks (they won't let you go beyond 36 weeks). So I am taken off of work duty and am on pelvic rest as well as no lifting over 20 lbs. So I've just been taking it easy, and now have a ton of time to research the heck out of this condition, as well as be on baby boards lol. So I'm trying to make the best of it. Baby is doing good otherwise, so I'm going to keep as positive as possible!!