TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

:hi: Mamma: I am feeling better :happydance: Ms is way less intense as the days pass by. Although it has been switched for moments of extreme hunger. But I embrace this switch :haha: It is a great sign that you are still feeling ill. Don't worry about your :holly:
Wow! Lots for me to read and catch up on but Sooooooooo happy for you Mammaspath- CONGRATULATIONS on your BFP! What a lucky thread!!!
A few more days Mammas, r u still going for that scan?
Afm I stayed home today after (tmi alert) I threw up after my shower. I'm not eating much as most things are not appealing and then make me feel sick. I'm sorry to keep complaining but I'm done with the crappy feeling.
Ready: I totally understand, my sickness is back a vengeance today :growlmad: I really thought I was done with all that. :haha:

How are the rest of y'all?

Oh yeah (tmi) I have had ...ummm...erm pretty loose stools. Once yesterday and once today. Is that bad? I have had the opposite the rest of time. Hope that is normal!
hi girls!

yes im headed in on friday...........preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

i was sick all day too! YUCK! i just hope im not being so sick for nothing!!!
People kept telling me when I was vomiting my guts out that it's a very good sign as it means hormone levels are high and women that get ms are less likely to mc. I never found it a great comfort at the time but did keep it at the back of my mind as I stared down the toilet.

Ready/Nite mine was totally vanished by 16 weeks eased by 14 weeks-hopefully it will for you guys- just nausea every now and then. Im enjoying my 2nd food wise as I've heard the sickness can return in 3rd tri.
<--------------- guess who is a blueberry today????? lol

getting nervous for friday
Nite-you are a few days shy of the 2nd tri!!!! Woop woop!!!! I hope your MS takes a flying leap and you can start enjoying things. A few more weeks and you will feel kicks not just exciting!

Mammas-congrats on being a blueberry. I'm sure all will go well Fri, no greater power would inflict MS on you otherwise.

Babyjo-you are almost halfway done! That's awesome!!

:hi: Sap, Lomelly and KM! How are you ladies doing?

AFM-I came to work today but really could have stayed home and slept and been more comfortable in my bed rather than fighting the urge to start gagging. I made myself eat toast and it doesn't want to stay down. My dh yesterday asked if I was going to see the dr b/c what if I'm harming the baby by not eating enough. I told him not to worry, the baby is getting everything from ME, it's me that's suffering! lol :dohh: Sometimes they can be so clueless. I told him tons of people yack all day when pg and things are still fine. I'm at least eating things here and there. One thing that I really can't stand the thought of is meat. BLAH...just the thought of it gets my gag reflex going. How funny that you can be so turned off of things? Normally I like meat, especially during BBQ season but my god does it smell awful right now...and EVERYONE is bbq-ing all the freakin time! I don't feel hungry just sick and it's most of the time. So annoying. But I know in a few weeks I'll start eating like crazy so I'm just biding my time.
ready... remember when we wanted all that sickness?? oh boy we were so naive :haha: I think they should definitely give you more time off in the first tri.. half way through fifty shades of grey! holy SHIT this is filthy!! love it!

nite, you're about to join me in second tri!! yay!!! GO AWAY M/S!! :haha:

mammas, I think you'll get good news on friday :hugs:

it seems I'm so busy lately... and when I'm not busy... I'm reading dirty books :blush:
Lomelly-23! Ya I didn't think the whole wanting ms thing through. If it gets worse I may have to get something for it. My urge to throw up is getting stronger and harder to control. Did u know in Quebec your leave from work starts when you find out your pg? A gf told me that, I haven't looked in to it but I'm considering a move there soon!
As for fifty shades of Christian, I finished the 3rd on the wknd. All that porn and I can't stomach the idea of doing anything with poor Dh. We have gone from every day almost to maybe once a wk for the last 3 wks as I've felt worse and worse. I have five min windows here and there but by the time I'm home from work, dinner has been had I'm hitting the sheets and out. It's brutal!
Mammas- We have our scans on the same day, I will definitely be thinking of you on Friday. Yay for being a blueberry!!! :D

Nite- At the beg. of this pregnancy, my BM's were the same...and well, now that has completely changed and I'm constipated :S lol So don't worry about it too much, stuff can change quite easily week to week!

Lomelly- My Mom was given the 50 shades of grey but couldn't read it because she felt it was too pornographic (LOL) and told me I could have the book if I wanted. Is it worth the read? I just finished all of the Sookie Stackhouse Series (Trueblood) and can't believe there is only 1 more book left then the series will be over!

Ready -Holy crap, Quebec is like that? Wow! I'm in Manitoba, and I can't get "Maternity" leave until 8 weeks before my due date, but since I'm on work restrictions I'm waiting to hear if I will be eligible for sick leave. My fingers are crossed hard that I will get it, and if so, it will lead straight into Maternity & Paternity leave!

So how is everyone else feeling? I'm nervous as heck for Friday to see if I can find anything out from the tech (I'm going to be a pest with asking questions, I just know it lol) Had a dream about it last night & my Doctor actually came in the room to look at the scan with me (which will NOT happen in real life :haha: ) Good news though, today DH found out he is on his way home for 6 days! He misses our Canada Day celebration, but we have a cousins wedding to attend so that's kind of nice. And the kids will be super excited! My DD kind of surprised me this morning by saying to me "Mommy, you have to pick up my Daddy for me today, you have to go get him. Then he will buy me a toy and get me all dressed up!" I just laughed and didn't think anything of it, then 2 hours later DH called to say I have to pick him up from the city tonight as their work got shutdown for a week! LOL Too crazy, maybe I have a little psychic on my hands! :haha:
Km-that's great that he's coming home and I do believe that kids are open to all of that extra-sensory "stuff". My ds was saying all kinds of things at the age of 3 when my grandfather had passed away that was just too bizarre not to have happened.

I have my scan today and feel a bit sick...oh wait no that's just the freakin ms! lol I had yet another dream last night that I was breastfeeding my baby girl and milk was flying everywhere. I am nervous about it because I automatically think the worst will happen. My ds is coming in with us (any opinions on this?) as he really wants to see the baby but then I have this fear that there won't be any hb and he will have to go through all of that with us. The u/s isn't until 2:30pm EST so I will update sometime after that. Wish me luck!
Ready - i took my two boys to my 12 weeks u/s.......and there was no this day they still ask why the baby went to heaven. it was terrible for them. not to scare sure you are gonna be fine.......just thought id share

afm - my boobs are not very sore again, is this normal? but im still nauseaus as hell most parts of the day.........scan day is tomarrow im completely freaked out!
Mammas-he really wants to go and if it's negative it will be awful but I'm hoping for the best. FX'd.
My bb's go in and out of hurting. At first it really worried me but it seems to be every day sx are stronger/weaker than the day before. MS seems like it might be ok and then bam I feel like shit again. Hormones fluctuate so it makes sense that sx would too. What time is your appt tomorrow?
Wishing you both luck on your scans but I know you won't need it as everything is goin to be fine.

Kids are home for the summer and man is that a change. Happy to spend more time with them though.

Wish I had a scan soon, many weeks have passes since my last it feels an I just wanna know everything is okay. I had to nights in a row where I dreamed I am having a girl. If I don't have a girl I don't understand why the dreams say so. In the dream last night this lady that I know who just had a boy brought me a pan of special liquid and put her finger in it and nothing happened and she said see I had a boy the liquid stayed the same. Then she told me to put my finger in the liquid. When I did the liquid changed color around my finger and she said see you are having a girl, i did it a bunch more times to make sure. :haha:
Happy 2nd tri Nite!! I have had 2 dreams now saying that I am having a girl too. Only time will tell I guess.
Scan was great! It started out not so good as DH and DS weren't allowed in at first as it was a student doing it. Then she took forever, wouldn't tell me or show me anything. She finally went to go get the instructor and he did the scan again and I heard the HB (181 bpm) and saw little bean. It looked like s/he was having a little snooze. Then they let DS and DH come in and hear the heartbeat and see been. Such relief!!!!! I go again in Aug for the anatomy scan and so now I'm going to sit back and relax and do all I can to grow a healthy strong baby.
AWE READY that picture is awesome...........

2 hours till my nervous!

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