TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

just feeling great this morning!!!
last night got a peace of mind ......... not gonna worry about whats going and just be pregnant.......there is nothing i can do at this point!

and im nauseas......sore all is well!!!!

how is everyone else??
Mamma: you are such a positive example to all. Loved reading your post! And yay for all the symptoms!!! Positivity will always pay off in the end. :hugs:

I am actually feeling a little better today, dare I say this...:haha: I keep thinking that I feel little baby bubble/kicks. Like I said before I don't have gas so I'm pretty sure this is LO. :cloud9:
Mamma: you are such a positive example to all. Loved reading your post! And yay for all the symptoms!!! Positivity will always pay off in the end. :hugs:

I am actually feeling a little better today, dare I say this...:haha: I keep thinking that I feel little baby bubble/kicks. Like I said before I don't have gas so I'm pretty sure this is LO. :cloud9:

yay for feeling better! how exciting to feel the baby kick already!!!

i seriously can't wait for that!:cloud9:
nite, loving that bump!! and movement already... you are soooo lucky!! hope you're on the road to feeling better!

mammas, I'm sure everything is fine with little bean :)

ready, I am still soooo out of it. I worked 7 days in a row and on my feet for 8 hours a day... add a cold and I am dead on my feet when I get home.

sap, you want my cold? :haha:

and GUESS WHAT! we were en route to get our gender ultrasound (which is an hour away in London) and they called me and said.... cancelled!!! the ultrasound technician walked out this afternoon on them and had no one to replace her. totally sucks!! now we are going tomorrow night. but we do get a plushie with the heartbeat recorded on it for the inconvenience.
Lomelly: that sucks you have to wait one more day. But the plushie sounds good!! ( good thing you already know the gender) but can't wait to see a scan pic of your LO.
Mamas- Wonderful to hear the positivity :) And those are definitely super good signs to have (sore boobs, tired etc). Right on! :)

Sap- Thank you very much! I'm thinking they will monitor me closely, if they don't, well I'm going to just push for it! lol

Ready- I understand what you mean about the other tests. When I had my first, we just got them because I honestly thought they were pretty routine to do. My doctor did explain that it is a choice of mine that I could opt out of, but I just went with it to see, though I wouldn't have changed a thing had any of them detected anything, nor would I have opted for the amnio with that. With this pregnancy, they might have to do the amnio after performing steroid shots (that is considering if I get officially diganosed with VP if my Placenta moves, otherwise I will have VCI which I won't have to have such an early c-section!) So just keeping positive and hoping I don't encounter anymore bleeds. I think your scan will go well, especially if you are feeling so nauseous and tired!

Nite- Haha, the sex drive, that happened to me too. Extra bonus instead of feeling like you want to push them away eh? lol And I bet you totally are feeling the flutters of the baby. Honestly, I checked back in my journal, and I started feeling flutters and movement around 13 weeks this time around. No one in my journal, or on any boards, believed I was feeling it quite so early, but it was and I know it was. The movement got more pronounced as time went on! Of course in the beginning it was quite erratic and I wouldn't feel it every single day, but several times a week :) What a nice feeling!

My DH is likely going to be away until Canada Day. He was supposed to be coming home for June 14 and go back on the 19th, but work is probably keeping him until the long weekend. Which actually kind of works out for us, because Canada Day has been a tradition for us since we were 18, and we haven't missed a celebration together yet with the kids. We usually go to a street festival, have dinner and then attend the fireworks show in the evening. Also, my maternal grandparents are moving back to their house in the country, which is 15 minutes away (this has been planned for around a year now) and they were going to sell their house in the city. But with everything going on, my grandma decided she would hold onto the house so that I can stay in the city and be close to the hospital while DH is away, then if anything happens, I'm not stuck 2 hours from my hospital. I am so appreciative of her concern and help for me now. So when DH is off work, I can be home, and when he's away, I can be in the city and actually close to the hospital :) I'm super excited, and I'm going to pay her rent for her generosity, because that is just so darn nice of her to do.

Hope everyone is doing really well!
Lomelly-that sucks about the scan. You get yourself so excited and worked up for it and then the big let down. Can't wait to hear how DH reacts! Fill us in later.

KM-that's great that you have caring family willing to help so much. It must be such a relief, I couldn't imagine being 2 hrs away from the hospital. I would have serious anxiety over that I think.

Nite-I'm glad you are feeling better. And to feel LO already is soooo awesome! I can't wait to feel the movement, right now I'm just trying to stay positive. My boobs (left especially) stopped hurting yesterday and so I started to freak a bit. The right is still a bit tender but oh how the mind works. I did have a dream last night that I had the baby and was breastfeeding. The funny thing was that I had HIM 5 weeks early so I wasn't prepared. I was in a hotel that turned into a grocery store and so I bought diapers because I didn't have any. I remember saying to my mom "look at this great deal 54 diapers, with 54 outfits for $54!" How funny is that? OMG dreams can be so warped!
The nausea hasn't subsided so I'm taking that as a good sign even though I'm ready to lose it! I hate these stupid waves that come and go. Morning is the worst when my blood sugar is low, I start heaving (nothing comes out) and get all lightheaded. But I'm not complaining, lol.
How are you all doing today?

This thread needs a revival!:haha:

I think that my fatigue and ms are tapering off this week. Still there but not as horrifically as before. Still wasn't able to make it through my morning tooth brushing session (tmi) without throwing up a bunch of bile this morning in the sink. My DH happened to watch the whole thing looking at my like I was the wierdest thing on the planet.
well just to liven it so freaking sick!!!!!!
is that a good sign..........or should i still be thinking blighted ovum????

im not even worried anymore.........just over it!
mammaspath, that really doesn't sound like a blighted ovum. when I had one, I was never sick, not even a bit. when is your next scan??

km, that's really nice of your grandparents! and you can be with DH for Canada Day! Don't want to miss all the fireworks :)

nite, that story gave me a bit of a giggle lol I can just imagine how weirded out DH must have been... guys just don't get what pregnancy does to a lady! hopefully by next week it will be almost gone and you can enjoy second tri.

ready, I did my best to act surprised for the scan... I just said "I knew it was a boy!!" :haha: he didn't catch on thankfully. DH was very excited about officially being on team :blue: I might have seen a few tears! very cute
hey lomelly,
how far along were you when you were diagnosed blighted ovum?
I was 9.5 weeks when they did the first scan.. and just over 10 weeks when they confirmed. knew for weeks there was something wrong though as I had zero symptoms, so when I started to spot red for no reason I got the first scan..
Nite I've been gagging with my son watching. The first few times he was a bit taken aback but now its part of the routine. Lol I haven't been able to really brush the back part of my mouth as it throws me in to violent dry heaving. Today I kept putting food in to my body even though it was the last thing I wanted and it really helped keep the nausea at bay. That is my goal right now is to keep it away b/c its pissing me off.

Lomelly-cute that Dh had tears, its so sweet when there real emotions surface. Double bonus that u got to see babes again. I go back in a wk and I'm nervous again. My bbs have stopped with a lot of their tenderness so I automatically think the worst.

Mammas- feeling sick SUCKS but has to be a good sign. No higher power would put u through this bullshit unless u were growing a beautiful bean in there.

SAP- what's the scoop on the flat?
Ready, at 9 weeks all my symptoms lessened. They came back two weeks later but I bet your body is just adjusting. It's good to keep eating even though that's the last thing you may want to do... Helps the sickness.

Sap, Where will your new flat be???
My symptoms have been moderate throughout the day for the past few but they keep coming back in the afternoon and evening pretty hard core. Still SUPER exhausted. My bbs have consistently been soooo sore and engorged since my bfp. I wish the symptoms would give me a break :haha: I mean I know I wished for them but they can fade out right about now. I know its a good sign though just getting a little sick and tired of being sick and tired. Ya know?

Mamma when is your scan?

Ready you are lucky you have one in a week. I wont have one in forever...

Lomelly when did your symptoms start to fade out? (mainly ms and fatigue)
my scan is June 15th.
kinda wish it was soon, however, it gives more time to really decide what is going on.
Lomelly-I know with my son my bbs didn't hurt at all or not that stood out to me so shouldn't really be too concerned with mine now. And the ms is still there lingering. This am I woke up and thought shit now I don't feel sick and as soon as I got in to the hot shower there is was. I scarfed down some crackers and now just inhaled a bowl of cereal hoping to keep it at bay. It really is the worst feeling, I would rather throw up and be down with it rather than this nagging threat that I will strart dry heaving at any given time.

Mammas-I'm sure you're scan is going to go well. By then you will be over 7wks and therefore you should be able to see the hb.

Nite-I'm glad your sx are tapering off b/c they really suck! You are nearing the 2nd tri which is pretty exciting! Yay!!!

On another gf is in the hospital giving birth as I type this. I'm soooo excited for them!
Oh awesome for your friend!! Is it her first?? Just when you think the sickness is gone it creeps back up on you... Sneaky sneaky!!

I went to the hospital and did the pre birth registration. It felt so weird lol I don't like hospitals much and it finally hit that I'll be there in 4-5 months to deliver.. I told them to make sure they have drugs ready for me, epidural!!

Mammas, I hope time flies for you. I know how hard it is to wait for that second scan... I don't know why they would have even scanned you that early, usually it's best to wait till 6.5 weeks.

Nite, it was 13 weeks they faded and it was a slow process. By 14 weeks I felt okay. I know what you mean about being sick and tired... Everything takes so much energy! I can't imagine having little ones to take care of as you do.

Going to start reading 50 shades of gray, may jump DH, but he may enjoy it :haha:
hi girls!!!

nite - how are you feeling?

thanks for all the encouragement ladies.........really needing it!!!
im still nauseas and tired........boobs are less sore :(

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