TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

Hey ladies! I'm back from the wedding and it was really great. It was a 9 hour drive up there but I did okay and so did the kids which was nice.

Today I feel like I have my energy back. I hope that it stays that way.

Ready: it is normal for the bloat to go away. Wish mine had :haha:

Mamma: sorry the ms is so crappy. It will get better. :hugs:

Km: good to hear your positive news! I hope things just keep getting better and better for this pregnancy.

AFM: I'm about dying to know the gender, the office is supposed to call me to tell me when my appointment is. It won't be for a few weeks....sooo wanna know now!!!
Lomelly-don't tempt me, I'm crazy enough to jump in my car and drive the 4 or 5 hours to ease my neurotic thinking. I ordered one off of ebay and it still hasn't been shipped and I have the feeling I've be screwed. I'll be pissed if it doesn't come!

Nite-glad you had fun at the wedding and your travels went well. I have my gender scan in 6 weeks and I can't wait!!! I'm convinced it's a girl. Do you have a feeling?

Mammas-sorry you are still feeling poorly but as they say that usually means a good strong pregnancy.

AFM-I am on day 3 of feeling ok. Last week m/s felt like it was dissipating and Sunday I had almost none. Mon, Tues and today I have had maybe 5 mins here and there but nothing as it was so I'm hoping that it is totally gone and I can get on to the fab 2nd tri. My house desperately needs to be cleaned, sorted, name it. I'm still exhausted but I can work through that to start living my life again. My house and family have been so neglected for the past 6 wks but hopefully that will all change now.
Happy 4th of July ladies! :D

Mammas- Awesome, you're a prune!! :D 12 weeks will be here before you know it!

Ready- I sooo want to travel East! DH might be eventually going to a job out that way possibly next year or so, and I *just* might have to hop on a plane to go and check it out :D I'm the opposite of you, having never really travelled very far east (Thunderbay was as far as I've went as we have family there). West is gorgeous though, I am in love with the mountains :) lol As for dopplers, I ended up ordering two different ones, a Sonoline and an Angel Sounds. My Sonoline one came in like less than two weeks, and the Angel Sounds took around 5-6 weeks to arrive! It was crazy. I ended up giving that to my SIL for her to use. So yours might come around, but it might take a bit longer than you would expect! :D Hope your MS is totally done with!

Lomelly- Hahaha oh my goodness, bending IS getting to be a bit tricky now, isn't it?? I'm grateful that it is summer and I can wear flip flops EVERY day instead of putting on runners! I hate putting on pants and underwear, I feel like I need to sit down to do it now lol.

Nite - That is great that you made the trip without any issues! How old are your kids? We've gone on 7 hour trips with the kids a few times, the latest being last September to the Mall of America, and they were little troopers for it, made me feel pretty happy! LoL Crossing my fingers that you find out the date of your gender scan really soon! Then you will have another date to look forward to :D

At the moment, I'm having crazy pelvic pain. I had a really really crazy experience where my daughter was getting chased by a queen bumblebee and kept landing in her hair, and when I went to swat it off of her (she was freaking out, which I don't blame her) it started to chase me, so I "attempted" to run away (lol) and in the process did something to my pelvic bone, right in the very front at the pubic bone. I think it popped out of place. This happened a few weeks ago, and the pain was crazy! It hurt for two days, then one morning went away completely, I heard a popping/crunching sound and it went away. But, ever since, it has been kind of sporadic and seems like it pops out on its own, and is painful for a few hours or a day until it pops back into place. Something I'm definitely going to mention at my doctors appointment. Any of you ladies ever experience something like that at all? LOL It's such a weird question!

Otherwise I've been feeling wonderful and in great spirits :) Had my second baby dream two nights ago, and the baby was a little girl with blonde hair. We already know it's a girl, but it was neat to see in my mind what she *might* look like :)

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Uhmmmm so I woke up this morning and my tummy was half the size it normally is... So weird.
Uhmmmm so I woke up this morning and my tummy was half the size it normally is... So weird.

you may notice a difference after a full meal........i know i do!!!

i wake up skinng and go to bed a fat lady......hahahaha
Yes, the bump definitely grew during the day.

So the Ultrasound office called me and my appointment is not until July 26th. How am I going to wait that long. :wacko:

I know some people have an innate feeling about what the gender is going to be but I actually have no idea. When I was pregnant with my DD I was convinced she was a boy. :haha: So when I had my gender ultrasound I was in shock.

I don't even remember what they do at a 20 week scan, what all does it entail?
Km: My DS (not biological but always with me full-time) is 9 and my DD is 6. How about yours?
Hi Sap! How are you?

Nite-I'm pretty sure my decrease in size was all the bloat. I can't believe you are 17 wks already, time is definitely moving. 3 wks will fly by and then you will know if it's a boy or a girl...soooooo exciting! I have another 6 wks to go and I'm trying not to think about it.

Mammas-I hope your m/s eases off soon. It's really an awful thing to have to go through. I'm just beginnning to feel normal again and have a bit of an appetite (still no meat though...bleh).

Lomelly-we need a new bump pic, you must really be looking pg these days as you are nearing the 3rd tri!

KM-sorry you are having pain, that's never fun. It will be interesting to see if you pictured your dd right in your dream. I haven't had any dreams (that I remember) since the first 2 a couple of weeks ago. I'm willing myself to before I go to sleep but my brain has other ideas I guess.

AFM-I had a follow up dr. appt yesterday to check that I'm not still losing weight and to review my lab work. I have regained a lb in 3 wks so that's good news. I came up positive for an anti-M antibody which means I have to have more blood drawn in a couple of wks and if it's positive again she will refer me to a specialist for monitoring. Anyone here of this before? I asked her to explain it and then I did my own research online, doesn't seem bad but they monitor it just to make sure. On another note, she found the hb with her doppler (even though she was pretty sure she wouldn't) which was some relief. I'm not sure why as I've been feeling more regular movement (bubbles and flutters) throughout the day. I love it!!!!!!
As well, DH and I have started throwing names around and I don't think it's going to be easy. I like less common/traditional names and he comes up with a lot that are popular. We have a couple on our list but about 50 on the "no freakin way" list.
Happy Friday Everyone!!!
ready, its good you're putting a few lbs back on. I've never heard of this anti-M antibody, but glad it's something they will keep a close eye on. I'm sure it's nothing big :) yay for hearing the hb on doppler!!! I don't see why they wouldn't have been able to find it on you, my OB found LO's at 11 weeks (he said if you're slimmer it's much easier to find earlier on).. now you don't have to drive all the way here to use mine :haha: name picking is so hard! I loved a few names and DH hated them as he also favours more traditional names, and in the end we could only come up with two for a boy.
ahhh flutters!! love it!! is it true that you can feel flutters more with your second?? I don't know if I had flutters or gas... :haha:

hi sap, how's it going??

nite, waiting is torture!! but then before you know it it's the day before and you wonder where all the time has gone. when I had my 20 week scan they STILL made me drink a bunch of water beforehand. they checked my cervix length, position of placenta in relation to cervix, and just did a bunch of measurements on LO. it took about 20 minutes total. I was allowed to pee after they did the first bit thank god, I can never hold it very long!!

mammas, till I was about 14 weeks I was so slim in the morning and then at night I looked properly pregnant :) and eating a big meal definitely made me look bigger...

km, I had DH help me put on some pants the other day :blush: my back really hurt and I was just having a hard time of it, and he was in a rush to go so I said "dammit help me put these on!" :haha: I try to limit my bending but at work it's hard to do. flip flops are a small miracle, especially when it's so hot and muggy out.
Km: My DS (not biological but always with me full-time) is 9 and my DD is 6. How about yours?

I currently have 4 living children 11 8 6 4 of my misscariage a boy at 20 weeks and one in december at 12 weeks

i also have a stepdaughter she is 7

and this will be my last baby!!!!
i did the baking soda gender didn't fizz.......must be a girl!! :)
Lomelly-with your second you recognize the flutters/bubbles more so than with the first. I think I was 17 or 18 wks before I felt movement that I recognized with ds. This time I waited for the "gas" to come out and it didn't lol but now it's becoming more frequent especially if I eat and then lie down. It's pretty cool!
Now I just did the baking soda test, no fizz here either. Although don't know how much I was supposed to use.
Now I just did the baking soda test, no fizz here either. Although don't know how much I was supposed to use.

i used a tablespoon.......idk if i got it right..........ive heart tblspn and tspn who knows
I did the baking soda test pretty early on and had no fizz either! We should all do it and find out the end results later on :) Mine worked apparently! Haha

Nite - My DS is 4.5 and my DD is 3. 17 weeks already! Before you know it the scan will be here and hopefully LO cooperates and lets you see the gender! As the weeks have gone by time seems to be picking the beginning it felt like everything took *fooorreeeevvveeerrr* to get to, and now everything is going at such a fast pace.

Ready & Lomelly- The name picking is going so hard for us too! We both typically swing towards unique names, something that has meaning to us as well of course, but this time I'm kind of all over the place with what I like. I've come up with SO many darn suggestions and DH squashes them all, and the names he comes up with I loathe! LOL There is one name that I've never heard for a girl before but was suggested to be by a lady from our own. She went to the hospital and wanted to name her child it either way, whether boy or girl, and she had a boy so she named him that. I absolutely LOVE the name she picked for a girl too, but I don't want to use it and be a "name thief". Kind of sucks because it is a name both DH & I love! LOL Oh well!

Mammas- How have you been feeling??

Sap- Hi! How is everything with you!?
How are you guys doing?

I'm definetly feeling much better. Just waiting to feel some definit movements. I think I felt flutters a few weeks ago but nothing since. Hope they are coming, kinda worries me that I have not felt any yet.
nite im totally jealous........i want to start feeling better wah!!!!
I wouldn't worry about the movement yet ....... i bought a doppler and am obsessed with it!!!! i freak out about everything!!

i wonder if I will every stop being so anxious!
ready, I got that gas feeling too earlier on.. but then it was actually just gas... :haha:

nite, doing well, moving is done! thank goodness.. I can't complain because I didn't actually do much moving :) glad you're feeling better, I bet you'll be feeling movement very soon!

km, any luck yet?? I wish DH and I agreed on more than two names but that's all we have.. you still have some time :)

mammas, I love my doppler, I would have gone bat shit insane without it! hope you feel better soon!
I'm a lime today girls!!!! Oooh im so looking forward to the next week hoping ms will give me a break!

So im the last to make it to the second trimester right???

i have a scan next thursday.......even tho i have the doppler im still so nervous!

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