TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

Nite-glad you are feeling better! And before you know it that LO will be kicking you and you will definitely feel it.

Mammas-you are not that far behind me and soon to make it in to 2nd tri. I hope the m/s eases soon for you.

Lomelly-glad the move went well and you didn't have to do much. I hate moving more than anything. Can you believe you have 13 wks to go...and that's it??? Holy cow that seems to have gone quickly.

KM-DH and I have made a pact to not discuss names with anyone but us. It will be hard but everyone will know the sex so at least the name will be a surprise. We want to have a few choices and then decide once we see the baby's face.

AFM-I'm officially in the 2nd tri and a lemon. Woot woot!!! Last week I felt so much better and actually Sunday cleaned a little bit but yesterday it hit me full force again where I actually had to leave work. I went home and slept for 2.5 hrs and still felt awful. Today I'm better but not great.
Sunday I went maternity clothes shopping as nothing is fitting right (picture to follow) and got some good deals. Both places had their summer sales on so I got quite a bit for not too much money. Plus my SIL gave me a few things.
I have 2 wks until I meet with the midwife and 5 (Nite-that means you have 2 wks left?)until our gender scan...let the countdown begin!


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Yes Ready! Let the two week wait begin. :haha:

I have been having much more energy finally but the heart burn is AWEFUL! No joke it has been painful.

I am just sitting wishing waiting to feel movement. I guess I should say I feel all kinds of things all over but none that I can really say 'oh yes this is definelty the baby'. I remember with my DD I was sure when I starting feeling her. Okay I'll stop obsessing about baby movements!
Nite-I had a few days in a row where I felt bips and bobbles and now I'm looking for it and can't feel anything. I know there will come a time when I will know for sure it's this waiting, and waiting, and could drive you nuts! You are not too far off feeling those kicks on the outside too.
AFM-I have been bull-dozed with m/s today! Last night I didn't eat very much and so when I woke up my stomach was unbearably empty. I inhaled a banana hoping that would do the trick for a short period of time. Well it lasted about 20mins and then it all came flying out. Sorry TMI. I've been trying to eat 2 pcs of toast for almost 2 hrs now with not much luck and it's threatening to come back out. I thought this crap was over but today I fell terrible. There is my sob story!
So sorry Ready! That sucks, I feel ya. It will soon pass. :hugs:

My doctor and I communicate through Facebook :haha: so I asked her about not feeling the baby. She said that what most people feel ealy on is their guts moving around. That most women don't feel baby till about 18 to 23 weeks. So patience is the answer!
Mammas- Yay!! Almost 2nd tri :D

Nite - That is awesome you talk to your Dr on Facebook! LoL I wish I could do that! I felt the baby around 13 weeks I believe and then it was SUPER random, I guess it had to be like a HUGE movement for me to feel a tiny flutter or something. I didn't start feeling anything consistent until much later. It also worried me, so I had purchased a doppler to make me feel better. I think when you focus on it, it makes you worried. And baby could be doing flips and kicks while you are preoccupied with something as well, making you less likely to notice. Even now at 29 weeks, I still get that panicked "has the baby moved yet today!?" feeling. Then I will sit down and focus on the movement. If nothing happens, I nudge my belly, and then try a glass of cold water. If none of that does the trick I wait around half an hour and then try something sugary, and that usually get's her moving :D

Lom- DH and I have not yet picked a name! lol We are finally starting to agree to a few things, and there is one name apparently in particular that I picked out that he says is really growing on him :) That makes me sooo excited, we could be making more progress than I even know!

Ready- I think that is a great idea that you and your DH have, to keep the name private. I HATE sharing my name lists with other people, because then you get feedback that doesn't necessarily apply. With our son, we told people we were naming him Loki and we got a lot of "Wtf?" looks :haha: but now, whenever someone meets him they ALL agree that is the only name that would ever suit him and his personality :) We did the same with our daughter, except we had one name down pat & picked, and when she was born, she did NOT suit the name we had picked. So we picked another one we had really liked that suited her better :) So sorry to hear about the m/s, that really sucks :(

I've been doing pretty well, had my doctor appointment on Tuesday and she explained my Fetal Assessment results to me (which I had already heard from the doctor at FA, but I don't mind hearing it twice!) and she decided to put me on an iron supplement every 2nd day in case I encounter any bleeding and also went over the protocol to follow in case of a bleed, so I'm all up-to-date on that scenario. We also decided to get some clothes this week from a few people posting online, so we got a bunch of onesies and sleepers etc, and also purchased a new travel system stroller with the matching car seat attachment and base. I was super excited to get this stuff and am washing baby clothes today, and then sorting them into sizes. Next time DH is home (which will be around August 13) we are going to pick up a few more things like some more packs of diapers and a change table. Then I think we will somewhat prepared for the next time he will come home, which is when baby is due :) I tried a new prenatal pill on Wednesday, and seriously regretted it. I've been switching between my normal prenatal pill and flintstone vitamins because my prenatal makes me nauseous for around 1-2 hours after I take it. Well, this new pill made me ACTUALLY throw up, not just "feel" like throwing up :S the search for a prenatal that doesn't make me feel sick is going to continue! lol

Hows everyone else doing?
Nite, lucky you to have such good communication with your dr! I hope you feel the movements verrryyy soon. You just want to say come on baby move it! :haha:

Ready, that is still a very neat bump you have there! Love it! I didn't have to do much moving but had to do a lot of unpacking... Thankfully it's all over now.

Km, glad you have a few names sticking out, having two-three favorites is a good step! I want to start buying more little things soon and saving the bigger things till after baby shower. Isn't shopping so much fun???
Ya, I can't wait to find out gender and go shopping. Two weeks seems so far away. Time is just dragging lately. I seriously feel like I'm in the 2WW again. lol As I have stated before our youngest is 6 so we don't have any baby stuff left over as we like to donate things. But luckily we have family to donate a few things to us once we know what we are having.

Yes Lomelly, I do wanna tell baby "come on baby move it, get wiggly or something". I guess i should have just gotten a Doppler like everyone else.
that's nice of your family, nite. but a good shopping trip is just what the dr ordered! I'm going to go ahead and guess boy for you :)
Hey Ladies! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed your weekends.
Km and Lomelly-you both are down to the 3rd tri and counting down the days. That's exciting! How are you both feeling?

Nite-any movement yet? 1 wk and a bit and you find out what that precious little bean is..well I guess not som much of a bean but rather a sweet potato.

AFM-feeling good today and feel like I could eat a horse. Or maybe a pile of vegetables shaped as a horse cuz the whole meat thing still isn't working for me. AND...I'm an orange today!
Yay for oranges Ready! I'm really enjoying citrus lately actually. :haha:

On Saturday DH and I both felt the baby. I have felt he/she a few more times since. It feels very faint and low. But I'm pretty sure is baby. 10 day count down till my appointment! :happydance: Fly by time, fly by!

How are the rest of y'all doing?
Nite that is awesome! You must be feeling better about things. I can't wait for DH and DS to feel the kicks.
ready, an orange already!! no wonder you have that lovely bump! it's good you feel like eating a lot though.. maybe DH could make you a veggie horse?? :haha: I only have 3 months left! how weird is that???

nite, amazing!! you and DH must have been so thrilled. I agree, time needs to fly! can't we just fast forward a month or two???

km, you're 30 weeks!!! only 10 left!! were you early with any of your other little ones?
hey girls just checking in!
nite - i can't wait to feel baby!!!! thats exciting

how is everyone feeling? im still dealing with ms......but hopefully its gone soon!

IM A plum today! and my scan is on thursday - can't wait!
Mamma: my ms took about 15-16 weeks till it really started to get better. Now I only get it occasionally but nothing like before. I hope that yours goes away soon, sometimes it feels like it takes forever. Can't wait to hear about your scan!

Definetly feeling baby more a lot more now. Mostly when lying or sitting down. Oh it's so cute! :cloud9:

9 more days!!
Less than 2 days Mammas! That's exciting. Sorry the ms is still there, I feel for ya. Mine has been coming and going for the past 2 wks, hoping its heading the other way. Not too far off now and you'll be in 2 tri!
So I'm freakin out. :cry: I have had a sore throat, fever and achy body for two days now, it's been aweful. But here is the worst part. Ever since I can not feel baby. Since Saturday as I was telling you guys I was feeling baby quite a bit. But not anymore. :cry: and I don't have a Doppler. Just waiting for dr to call me back but I don't know what to do with myself. Husband stayed home today to help me with the kiddos but I'm just so worried. Ugh!
I'm sure all is ok Nite! Maybe you have been preoccupied feeling ill and trying to manage the kiddies. Babies go through spurts at this stage where there movement can lessen for a day or so and then BAM you feel them tons again. Try to rest and get healthy.
I did notice that when I had a nasty cold baby moved around less.. Not sure why, but when I was feeling better more movement came back. I agree that movement at that stage is sporadic, at 19+3 I didn't even feel him every day. Hope your dr gets back to you soon to put your mind at ease!

What are you ladies planning for the weekend? Hopefully I'm gonna get my hair done! That's the high light for me :haha:
nite - i totally get that you are worried...........what did the doc say??? i got food poisening with my last baby......he was totally fine....... i honsetly think our bodies are built strong enough to keep babie's fine while they are in the womb.......

but i highly advise buying a doppler to keep your mind at ease.

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