TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

:hugs: Nite, I'm sure all is fine. I didn't even feel Holly move til 23 weeks, when they're that tiny all they have to do is move to a funny position and you can't feel them anymore.

Hope your scan went well Mammaspath.

Hope all the rest of you girls are well - can't believe how quickly these pregnancies are going! :)
Hi Sap! How are things with you? What's the news on the new apt? Did you guys move?
Thanks girls for all the support. Ugh! Being sick and pregnant is no fun at all. I have an appointment with the doctor today at 4pm. She wants to check me for strep and hopefully she will use the Doppler on me. Although I think I felt movement again today. 5 move days till my 20 week scan :)

In other news I was a complete b¡tch to my DH last night for pretty much no reason at all. Both of us blamed the hormones, I'd have to say they feel quite high this pregnancy cause I can cry over anything sweet, sad, or sentimental. I hope i don't do that to him again, he was so undeserving of it.

Lomelly: what are you gonna do to your hair? Wish I could get mine done, that sounds fun and it's more than I have planned for the weekend.
Just got back from my Drs appointment. Test result will come on Monday. She checked babies heart rate and guessed boy. So we shall see on Thursday.
Yah, wish she told me :haha: I was just so happy to hear everything was alright ya know? And then I left and realized she didn't tell me. Boo...
Thursday! You are so close nite. I can't wait to hear. We have 3 and a half weeks left...tick clock tick!
Ready: you are almost 16 weeks. This is craziness, I can't believe we are only a few weeks apart! And you'll know what your having within a month, woo-hoo!
Ooh, exciting! Can't wait to hear what colour your bumps are :)

I will be moving in a couple of weeks, looking forward to it!
Wow, been a little while since I was on! Had some catching up to do :)

Ready- Thanks! Feeling well in 3rd tri, feeling like time is passing by really quickly though! lol Yay for the navel orange, and tomorrow will be something new!!! :D That is so exciting!

Nite - Awesome news that your baby is doing good, sorry you are sick, that definitely sucks :( But at least little beanie is doing well in there. Also, congrats on you and DH feeling baby kick! That is such a big milestone for me :D DH didn't feel this one kick until around 22 weeks, so that's awesome the movement is strong enough for you to both feel.

Lom- Geez we are sooo close! Tomorrow marks 31 weeks for me. I was 2 days late with my 1st, and 6 days early with my, my guess is that this baby will be early as well, especially if this one ends up any bigger than my last (at least I'm hoping my body would go into labour, I don't want to try to push out an 11 lb-er!!! Yikes!!)

Mammas- Hope the morning sickness goes away for you soon, it's getting to be about that time! :)

Sap- That's great news! Do you have much to get done for packing yet or are you already somewhat prepared for the move?

My past week has been busy, had both the kids in swimming lessons and also had relatives from British Columbia come out to visit, so we've had a lot going on! Just over a week and I am getting my 2nd Fetal Assessment done to see if my placenta previa has moved (fingers are sooo crossed that it has!) :)
Km: my fingers are crossed for your assessment too! I was surprised that he felt baby too. The baby kept kicking in this one area so I told hit o put his hand there nd low and behold there it was. He hasn't been able to feel it since but they are not really strong enough. It's hard for me to feel the movement on the outside I just feel it internally.

I'm still really sick. It's been aweful. But I have faith that soon I will get better. It's just been days of sore throat, fever, and body aches. Good thing my DH is so awesome, helping with poking and the kids. He has even been working from home :cloud9: Don't know what I would do.

How are the rest of you?
nite, sorry you are still so sick! but its lovely DH is being such a doll. is it scan day yet?? lol

sap, a new place is exciting!! hope the moving goes smoothly.

ready, you're already an avocado!!!!!! I'm going to guess girl for you :haha: is 20 week scan all booked? are you going with a midwife, an OB, or your family dr??

km, I wouldn't want an 11 lber either :haha: a few days early would be great but I won't hold my breath for that... hopefully you're a few days early again with this one!

mammas, is the sickness starting to ease at all??
Hey Ladies!
SAP-I'm so excited for you guys and the move. I hope things with you and DH are going better?

KM-I can't believe you are 31 wks already! Time seems to be zipping along. I hope your appt goes well and that you don't have an 11 lb-er in there...ouch, ouch, ouch!!

Nite-only a couple of more days and you find out!!!! I am soooo excited for you...I hate waiting. lol I hope you got rest over the wknd and start to feel better really soon.

Mammas-has the ms subsided yet? Mine has been a no show for 7 days now so I'm hoping it's done. I'm ready to feel good and get that "burst" from the 2nd tri. I fear that being 34 and pg I'm not going to get that energy surge that I did with my son.

Lomelly-You only have 11 wks left!!! Holy s*&%! How is the pregnancy treating you? You must have a nice big belly now? I already look like I did at 6 months with my son. My sister thinks I'm going to be huge!! Haha. I have my scan booked for Aug. 15 and today we meet with the midwife for the 1st time. I was just going to go Obgyn but mine no longer does the hospital thing so then I thought I would rather midwife anyways b/c I can labour at home until we absolutely need to go to the hospital. I hated being at the hospital with my son so the less I need to be the better. I'm hoping they have an u/s at the Midwife office and we get to see baby today. It probably won't happen but a girl can dream.
Wow KM, 31 weeks already! Hope your appt goes well.

Hope you feel better soon Nite :hugs: So exciting that you find out the gender soon!

Hope your appt goes well Ready, FX they do an u/s today!

Only 11 weeks left Lomelly, it's going crazy fast!

I haven't started packing yet, but have been busy getting rid of lots of junk! Things are much the same with DH, but he has been away a lot recently so I haven't seen him. It will be weird to live with him full-time again, and hopefully things will start to get better.
hi girls!

ms may be taking a break.......yay!! I felt okay yesterday and still really tired

nite - still sorry

everyone here is just getting so far along!!!! how exciting........can't wait to see what everyone is gonna have! i find out what my babe is in's like light years away!
OMGosh! Scan tomorrow morning! So nervous/excited. Gotta stay busy today...

Dont mind what gender it is just hoping for healthy baby...oh my so nervous.

Everyone keeps telling me they think it's a boy though so we shall see.
I can't believe u go tomorrow! That's soo exciting. I can't wait to hear!
nite, I agree with everyone in that it's a boy :haha:

ready, aug 15th isn't so far away... but time always does drag before scans :shrug: how is your MW? I kind of wish I would have gone with a MW but I was told it's harder to get drugs with a MW :haha: at my OB appt on Tuesday I made it clear to him I wanted an epidural or some serious pain relief, so he wrote "WANTS EPIDURAL" on the top of my hospital paper lol

mammas, FX'd that sickness is on the way out!

sap, it's so weird to think I only have 11 weeks left.. feels like a year to go lol. how's the DH situation now??
Nite- what time do you go?

Lomelly- I love the midwife! She's around my age, gentle, calm and approachable. The role of a midwife is to support the decisions of the mother. If you want drugs then they request you get them. I don't know why ur Dr would have told you that. With ds I hated the hospital experience: I was made to lie in the bed and be strapped down with the fetal monitor and all I wanted to do was move around. I didn't have any drugs so I should have been able to but they wouldn't allow me to get up. I want to call the shots and be supported by my caretaker with this one.

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