TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

Tanzi, I know what you mean. I was going psycho wondering when I would ovulate. Finally! Do you not use OPKs or CBFM to confirm ovulation, along with your temps? I feel like we are going to be testing buddies lol.

Dreaminghopin, thank you. I'm somewhat better now. I think this TWW is keeping me thoroughly distracted, and I am not complaining. I'm sorry for your loss. I have heard and read so many things regarding an increase in fertility for a short time after a miscarriage. We coulde be one of those women!!
You said you had 2 positive OPKs five days apart? How are you counting your CD 1 as? I counted mine as the first day of bleeding. I know I ovulated on 1 Jan, 17 days after the first day of bleeding, or 14 days after the last day of bleeding. Try not to compare pregnancies! Every one is different, even if in the slightest way. You could be pregnant! Good luck!
Well I'm out for this month, af has arrived. As I am surrounded by pregnant friends and family I am struggling to keep positive. I know it will happen but my patience is wearing thin. I hope those of you that are in the tww get your bfps soon, we need a boost on this thread. Gl ladies.
Well I'm out for this month, af has arrived. As I am surrounded by pregnant friends and family I am struggling to keep positive. I know it will happen but my patience is wearing thin. I hope those of you that are in the tww get your bfps soon, we need a boost on this thread. Gl ladies.

ReadynWaiting, I'm sorry about AF. And I'm sorry for asking, but did you have the shot or surgery for your ectopic? I wish you all the best for next month!
Well I'm out for this month, af has arrived. As I am surrounded by pregnant friends and family I am struggling to keep positive. I know it will happen but my patience is wearing thin. I hope those of you that are in the tww get your bfps soon, we need a boost on this thread. Gl ladies.

ReadynWaiting, I'm sorry about AF. And I'm sorry for asking, but did you have the shot or surgery for your ectopic? I wish you all the best for next month!
I had the shot Nov 9 and got the all clear to start ttc again Dec 16. You had the surgery, right? How is your body coping? Mine is right back on track but I am feeling more in my right side (the Ectopic side) throughout my entire cycle. It's kind of annoying and slightly painful at times. I shouldn't complain as I still have both of my tubes.
:hugs: I'm sorry the witch got you ReadynWaiting. I had heard that you have to wait 3 months after methotrexate. I had mifepristone and misoprostol for my mmc, and some people say to wait 3 months after that too. All these drugs apparently have the potential to harm future pregnancies if they are still in your system. I couldn't find any definite answers, so didn't wait at all. There seems to be a lot of contradictory advice :wacko:

I got another bfn this morning, I know it's not my month, just can't help POAS :dohh:

:dust: to all!
Well I'm out for this month, af has arrived. As I am surrounded by pregnant friends and family I am struggling to keep positive. I know it will happen but my patience is wearing thin. I hope those of you that are in the tww get your bfps soon, we need a boost on this thread. Gl ladies.

ReadynWaiting, I'm sorry about AF. And I'm sorry for asking, but did you have the shot or surgery for your ectopic? I wish you all the best for next month!
I had the shot Nov 9 and got the all clear to start ttc again Dec 16. You had the surgery, right? How is your body coping? Mine is right back on track but I am feeling more in my right side (the Ectopic side) throughout my entire cycle. It's kind of annoying and slightly painful at times. I shouldn't complain as I still have both of my tubes.

Yeah, I had surgery unfortunately, or fortunately since it saved my life lol. My body is...coping well, I think. I've been feeling okay but since yesterday, my entire body just started aching. I was in pain with constant cramps and lower back ache. I'm always cramping! I'm trying not to worry, but it's hard. I just pray I get pregnant this month.

Tested this morning at 8 DPO. Got a BFN, but it was clearly expected.

Sapphire, what makes you think this isn't your month?
:hugs: I'm sorry the witch got you ReadynWaiting. I had heard that you have to wait 3 months after methotrexate. I had mifepristone and misoprostol for my mmc, and some people say to wait 3 months after that too. All these drugs apparently have the potential to harm future pregnancies if they are still in your system. I couldn't find any definite answers, so didn't wait at all. There seems to be a lot of contradictory advice :wacko:

I got another bfn this morning, I know it's not my month, just can't help POAS :dohh:

:dust: to all!
I heard contradictory info as well after my shot, I read EVERYTHING i could find to read. When I went for my follow up with the dr she said my bloods came back fine. I asked her if I could start ttc right away and she said I needed to wait 3 months. I asked her why and she said that is what's recommended. And so I asked why again, and she couldn't give me concrete info other than saying that is what is recommended. So she looked up the half life of the drug and it says that it is 7-15 HOURS!! So this means that within half a day 50% of the drug is excreted from the body and if you have good functioning liver and kidneys the remainder of the drug wouldn't take much longer. The concern is that it depletes your folate (folic acid) which could in turn cause complications for a future pregnancy...if your folate has been depleted. My folate levels were fine and I had been taking 3mg of folic acid 2 wks post shot so she said all was clear.
What the dr base the 3 months post methotrexate on is for people that take it for cancer or skin conditions for a long period of time and have it built up in their systems. So I learned something as did the dr!
I know nothing of the meds you were given but my suggestion would be to see what the half life is and go from there. Good luck!:dust:
:hugs: I'm sorry the witch got you ReadynWaiting. I had heard that you have to wait 3 months after methotrexate. I had mifepristone and misoprostol for my mmc, and some people say to wait 3 months after that too. All these drugs apparently have the potential to harm future pregnancies if they are still in your system. I couldn't find any definite answers, so didn't wait at all. There seems to be a lot of contradictory advice :wacko:

I got another bfn this morning, I know it's not my month, just can't help POAS :dohh:

:dust: to all!

Well I'm out for this month, af has arrived. As I am surrounded by pregnant friends and family I am struggling to keep positive. I know it will happen but my patience is wearing thin. I hope those of you that are in the tww get your bfps soon, we need a boost on this thread. Gl ladies.

ReadynWaiting, I'm sorry about AF. And I'm sorry for asking, but did you have the shot or surgery for your ectopic? I wish you all the best for next month!
I had the shot Nov 9 and got the all clear to start ttc again Dec 16. You had the surgery, right? How is your body coping? Mine is right back on track but I am feeling more in my right side (the Ectopic side) throughout my entire cycle. It's kind of annoying and slightly painful at times. I shouldn't complain as I still have both of my tubes.

Yeah, I had surgery unfortunately, or fortunately since it saved my life lol. My body is...coping well, I think. I've been feeling okay but since yesterday, my entire body just started aching. I was in pain with constant cramps and lower back ache. I'm always cramping! I'm trying not to worry, but it's hard. I just pray I get pregnant this month.

Tested this morning at 8 DPO. Got a BFN, but it was clearly expected.

Sapphire, what makes you think this isn't your month?

Well I hope you are cramping because that little bean is snuggling in. Good luck!
I really hope ur wrong sapphire1 - we need some good news around here!:winkwink:

today i am off to the ob for my checkup after d&c, I am right about 3 weeks out from the procedure. I still feel out of whack with my hormones........i took another hpt and it is still so positive and I am having sharp pains on the left side for the last couple days. I'm not sure exactly what they are doing today but last time I talked to the office they said that they may do an u/s to make sure they got all the tissue. I can't wait to be on track with all the girls here!

Let you know how it goes!
Hello ladies. Well it's been only 26 days since my medicated m/c and and I just started spotting. I guess AF is here early. Never in my life had such a short cycle though, so kinda weird. But I'm ok with not getting a prego the first cycle. No cramps or other symptoms though, just spotting. So back to the drawing boards and hopefully this will be my month. Hope you guys are doing well. :hugs:
Lovebotlass, I hope the 2 ww is still keeping you distracted. Yes I had 2 positive opks 5 days apart (cd 9 and cd 14). I counted 1st day of chemical pregnancy as cd 1 and I am on CD26. I am currently spotting brown blood. I normally spot brown blood a week before AF. Since miscarriage I have been doing some some reading on this and starting to stress that brown spotting could be indicative of low progesterone, endo, cysts or polyps. I have had bloods taken at 21 days and doc says that everthing seems normal (although I am not sure exactly what he was testing). He just said come back in 6 months if nothing happens and seemed dismissive of brown spotting. Might start a new thread and see how common this is. keep in touch and let me know how your getting.

Readyandwaiting, sorry the witch got you, xxxx
my gosh ladies we defo need a good luck charm for this thread lol, its been a month since my loss but dont feel like im gonna get a BFP ..welcome to the thread lovebot :)

FX we all get a BFP soon...I dont even know if i ovulated but nvm am suree ill find out soon enuff cos if witch hasnt shown by end of jan im testing...working loads to keep me distracted from my POAS addiction lol xxx
hey girls, yes, where are these BFP's? seems like there's going to be a massive surge at the end of this month at this rate hehe.

Glad to hear you've not been a POAS ami :hugs: can't say I've been doing the same though, must have used about 60 opk's over the past 20+ days. But finally last night I got a positive - it's not been this dark since the pregnancy so I hope super egg or more than 1 is released this time round. I can't believe it though, I nearly NEVER tested yesterday, thought maybe I'd already got a positive and didn't want the stress. xxxx
Great news on the super duper positive OPK Tanzibar!! Get your man in bed!!

I start doing my OPK's today. Hoping for a positive as well!! ;)
good luck snowflakes120, once the bfp's come in we'll have to share stories and tips that worked.

Lovebotlass - you were right after all! tww buddies :hugs:
Congrats on the positive OPKs ladies! Have any of you used preseed before? I just ordered some yesterday to give it a whirl, it can't hurt right?!
hubby uses preseed, as soon as it's on you forget it's that good a product. Last thing anybody needs is a constant reminder during a sexy session that something new and funky is being used down below. Hope I'm not the only one who thinks hubby using preseed is the best way to go about baby making, I've been told it's women who should use it but as long as it gets up there right?
Tanzibar, anyway it works is a good thing. I'll have to figure that out when I get it. I'm just looking for something to speed up the process and hope this might do it.
The stupid :witch: got me :growlmad:
Roll on ovulation!:thumbup:

My ICs arrived so I did one - BFN! :growlmad: To be fair, I have no idea if I even ovulated :shrug:

My local supermarket had 2 for 1 offers on pregnancy tests yesterday. Caved, bought 4 and used 3 already.... 3 bfn. Hope we hear some bfp news soon xx

Well I'm out for this month, af has arrived. As I am surrounded by pregnant friends and family I am struggling to keep positive. I know it will happen but my patience is wearing thin. I hope those of you that are in the tww get your bfps soon, we need a boost on this thread. Gl ladies.

:hugs: I'm sorry the witch got you ReadynWaiting. I had heard that you have to wait 3 months after methotrexate. I had mifepristone and misoprostol for my mmc, and some people say to wait 3 months after that too. All these drugs apparently have the potential to harm future pregnancies if they are still in your system. I couldn't find any definite answers, so didn't wait at all. There seems to be a lot of contradictory advice :wacko:

I got another bfn this morning, I know it's not my month, just can't help POAS :dohh:

:dust: to all!

So sorry about all the BFN's..=( I think im out this month too...not been BDing like we a matter of fact not for the last week..

Hello ladies. Well it's been only 26 days since my medicated m/c and and I just started spotting. I guess AF is here early. Never in my life had such a short cycle though, so kinda weird. But I'm ok with not getting a prego the first cycle. No cramps or other symptoms though, just spotting. So back to the drawing boards and hopefully this will be my month. Hope you guys are doing well. :hugs:

Hope you O soon ..=) GL this time around!

I am a Debbie downer..please fogive me.just not into it this month like I should be..maybe next month will be better..have a great day and welcome to the newbies! :hugs:
Hey ladies. I second the congrats on the positive OPK's. Never used them but I think I just may at some point. Hate never knowing when I have O'd. I have heard a lot of good things about the preseed. Might also have to look into that.:shy:

AFM: as I said earlier I have started spotting...I had one spot yesterday...literally one spot. Then early this morning same thing. Whipped one spot then nothing. This is going to be a very looooong month. :dohh:

Hope you guys are going well. :flower:

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