I do think that a lot of the real research in to this is relatively new and they don't know a great deal around the subject of PCOS. There are a lot of differing views on all the treatments within the medical community and here we are stuck in the middle.

Do you find that one thing or another improves your acne Chocs?

I have been searching and searching and can't find anything about probs taking both together - I would go with your consultant tho as he is the one treating you - am sure if you were on clomid they would monitor you properly.

For me I am sticking with the Met - not willing to take the chance and not on clomid.... Now I'm monitoring my ovulation tho who knows what I'll be on in a few months - fingers crossed I'm ovulationg ok!! I have seen much more positive info about met an pg/prevention of mc on searches and looking at discussions on soulcyster than not so I am sticking with that - plus my consultant was all for the met - can't they all bang their heads together and come up with the right answer!!

Hope you feel more positive for your appt :)

:tease: Look above Look above :winkwink:
Oh - how could I miss that!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Chocs that's ace !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping and praying it's a sticky bean yeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy!!!!

Oh - how could I miss that!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Chocs that's ace !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping and praying it's a sticky bean yeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy!!!!


Well I did post about 4 posts in one go lol!

Im being cautious at the moment, but have already decided that if I have no bleeding by Monday I will ring the fertility clinic and ask if I can swap the ovulation scan for a pregnancy scan instead, although the specialist did say just to let the doctor know when pregnant, but Im hoping I slip through the net as already booked in around the 6 week mark! Then Im going to book into see my dr and ask about continuing metformin, and if the fertility department refuse a scan I will ask if she can refer me for one, or if I can get booked in with one at the surgery.

So Im praying I see no more blood or anything like that for the next 8/9 months!
I'm only cd8 today but have got going on the bding as per the sperm meets egg plan, using soft cups and monitoring with cbfm so fxd I can join you - would be fab to be bump buddies!!!!

You're plan sounds cool - I bet you'll be testing every other day from here till your scan!!! this is too exciting for words:yipee::yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo:
Hello lovely ladies, just popping in to see how you are all getting on.
Lol!!!!! how's that lovely bump coming on? :)
Hello Lovely Ladys

Thanks for the advice, things have got back to normal with me and OH,I think its because our emotions are all over the place. I would never recommend going through fertility treatment or even trying whilst still grieving for the loss of a baby angel.Unfortunately on the other hand the sad fact is we will never stop grieving I dont think,I we both need some good luck soon so hopefully Clomid will be our god send from our Little angels above. Excited that I am gonna have ovulation scans/folicle checking and then the jabs if the folicles are bigger enough. I just went in there thinking I may get clomid but to get all this extra help is great.

OMG Chocs have I understoodthe threads properly ,have you got a BFP? hope so hun

It be so nice for you to get your BFP Hb1 after how hard you have been working on your weightloss

Actually it be fab if we could all get our BFP and be bump buddies together................oh well PMA lol

I am on CD 17 now and have been at it most days since my period ended sos to much info, maybe the weighloss might help.Could you imagen I have my clomid all ready for my next cycle and get Pregnant even before I get to take it lol.......that would be me all over "wishfull thinking though"

How is everyone?

Nat xx
HB1 - all sounds fab - I also used conceive plus lubricant to help the swimmers last longer and swim faster lol!

Nat - fingers are so crossed for you!

Lol - wow 10 weeks! Im 6 behind you!

I have made an appointment with dr on monday, and a scan booked in at 7 weeks!
Yey - this is going to be a bril month coming up - I can just tell!!!!! hxxxxx
It would be so great if we can all be bump buddies .......... once ovulation is there, there'll be no stopping us PCOS'ers!!

Just a quick question - is anyone familiar with low blood sugar levels in PCOS? In my pregnancy with ds I had a gestational diabetes test thing and it was just on the borderline so was diet controlled and I had to check my levels 2 hours after eating ...... most of the time unless id eaten loads the levels were low, I remember 2.6 or 2.9 at one point. Although oddly I would get the dizzy feeling/shaky when it was in the 4's but felt fine in the 3's.
Just odd because today and yesterday Ive been feeling the same at points, bit dizzy and light headed, even after eating a breakfast of wholemeal bacon sarnie followed by a satsuma snack, then I was feeling like this just before lunch.
The thing I suppose I worry is that the metformin will reduce my sugar levels too low, I will mention this to the dr on Monday. But do you think its because Im still eating carbs, although wholegrain, and get the sugar drop? Or that I should come off the Met? (although I still got the light headidness in pregnancy with Max and wasnt on Met)
ps - just found this link so maybe this is what the specialist was referring to about the studies and metformin being inconclusive
It would be so great if we can all be bump buddies .......... once ovulation is there, there'll be no stopping us PCOS'ers!!

Just a quick question - is anyone familiar with low blood sugar levels in PCOS? In my pregnancy with ds I had a gestational diabetes test thing and it was just on the borderline so was diet controlled and I had to check my levels 2 hours after eating ...... most of the time unless id eaten loads the levels were low, I remember 2.6 or 2.9 at one point. Although oddly I would get the dizzy feeling/shaky when it was in the 4's but felt fine in the 3's.
Just odd because today and yesterday Ive been feeling the same at points, bit dizzy and light headed, even after eating a breakfast of wholemeal bacon sarnie followed by a satsuma snack, then I was feeling like this just before lunch.
The thing I suppose I worry is that the metformin will reduce my sugar levels too low, I will mention this to the dr on Monday. But do you think its because Im still eating carbs, although wholegrain, and get the sugar drop? Or that I should come off the Met? (although I still got the light headidness in pregnancy with Max and wasnt on Met)

Def speak to your Dr but Met is meant to sensitise your cells to insulin so that they absorb glucose properly - def speak to the Dr it's not worth any risk.

Also - they say that both diabetic and PCOS can benefit from having 6 smaller meals a day instead of 3 - or have regular snacks - like Angel takes loads of fruit and veg to snack on throughout the day. If I ever feel lightheaded I find an glass of orange or piece of fruit sorts me right out. I guess it's just about keeping everything level....

Either way def speak to your Dr Chocs :)
ps - just found this link so maybe this is what the specialist was referring to about the studies and metformin being inconclusive

I see what they mean. I think they just feel that it requires more and larger trials before they back it up or prove it wrong - Will stick with Met - my own trial is currently at 100% mc without Met!!! They also confirm that the general concensus is that the hormonal inbalance is a main cause of mc and met aids balancing of the hormonal levels.

Interesting tho - I just wish I knew how to get involved in trials so my statistics ( hopefully good ones !! ) could help towards finding an answer!!!

It's just pants that it isn't given the attention it deserves and it's so frustrating that it takes them so long to get to an answer - it's been so long since a lot of these trials have taken place and they seem no closer to a definitive solution :(

thanks for the link Chocs

Yeah thats what I gathered, nothing to prove otherwise on Metformin, but not enough trials done as accurate as they like so they wont go by them.......

I hope the doctor says its ok to stay on Metformin till 13 weeks, more so for my piece of mind. Although I know my mum thinks I shouldnt take anything like that in pregnancy just in case, as does my oh I expect...
But think maybe requesting some blood tests and glucose test wouldnt do any harm just in case the met dose needs altering.
I am definatly sticking to low gi though, have been snacking on satsuma's and apples all day!
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Congrats Chocolate!!! Lets all hope this is our month...Im feeling quite positive!! :flower::hugs:
Well I think I've had an anovulatory cycle :sad2: Had slight spotting on CD36 (Tues) and CD37 and a very very light flow (hardly worth mentioning flow lol) for about an hour yesterday. Nothing today yet and my temperatures haven't dipped apart from 0.1oC on CD36 and are back to what they were in luteal phase; high and still in the triphasic level again. Is it possible to have a luteal phase over 20 days? According to FF I had a LH surge and temp drop indicating possible ovulation on CD17 and I only got spotting 20 days later. I thought a luteal phase had a max length of 16 days so see this also as an indicator of an anovualtory cycle?

I'm more disappoined at probably not ovulating than not being pregnant, I've done everything I can to decrease the symptoms of PCOS through diet, exercise, herbal remedies, remaining relaxed etc but I suppose this is a reality check that it really is still such a misunderstood/untreatable condition and not to pin my hopes onto things :growlmad: Really does convince me that my last pregnancy was a fluke as was so close to my Clomid treatment finishing (second cycle after finishing plus natural methods). Oh well...

Sorry girls, just needed to vent, feeling down and confused :wacko: It's a real shame you can't buy tests to tell if you have ovulated eh? I even feel like asking my GP why they can't continue 21day blood tests for me to tell, like they did when I was on the Clomid.
Well I think I've had an anovulatory cycle :sad2: Had slight spotting on CD36 (Tues) and CD37 and a very very light flow (hardly worth mentioning flow lol) for about an hour yesterday. Nothing today yet and my temperatures haven't dipped apart from 0.1oC on CD36 and are back to what they were in luteal phase; high and still in the triphasic level again. Is it possible to have a luteal phase over 20 days? According to FF I had a LH surge and temp drop indicating possible ovulation on CD17 and I only got spotting 20 days later. I thought a luteal phase had a max length of 16 days so see this also as an indicator of an anovualtory cycle?

I'm more disappoined at probably not ovulating than not being pregnant, I've done everything I can to decrease the symptoms of PCOS through diet, exercise, herbal remedies, remaining relaxed etc but I suppose this is a reality check that it really is still such a misunderstood/untreatable condition and not to pin my hopes onto things :growlmad: Really does convince me that my last pregnancy was a fluke as was so close to my Clomid treatment finishing (second cycle after finishing plus natural methods). Oh well...

Sorry girls, just needed to vent, feeling down and confused :wacko: It's a real shame you can't buy tests to tell if you have ovulated eh? I even feel like asking my GP why they can't continue 21day blood tests for me to tell, like they did when I was on the Clomid.

There are ovulation tests that can tell you that you are about to ovulate but these dont work for everyone, and if you have raised LH levels then the tests may give you a false positive - they never have for me though.
The tests pick up the raised lh levels and anticipate ovulation in the next 12 to 36 hours. I got cheap dip stick ones off the auction site and they worked for me, brand One Step I think. Good idea to do temps too to double check for ovulation
Well I think I've had an anovulatory cycle :sad2: Had slight spotting on CD36 (Tues) and CD37 and a very very light flow (hardly worth mentioning flow lol) for about an hour yesterday. Nothing today yet and my temperatures haven't dipped apart from 0.1oC on CD36 and are back to what they were in luteal phase; high and still in the triphasic level again. Is it possible to have a luteal phase over 20 days? According to FF I had a LH surge and temp drop indicating possible ovulation on CD17 and I only got spotting 20 days later. I thought a luteal phase had a max length of 16 days so see this also as an indicator of an anovualtory cycle?

I'm more disappoined at probably not ovulating than not being pregnant, I've done everything I can to decrease the symptoms of PCOS through diet, exercise, herbal remedies, remaining relaxed etc but I suppose this is a reality check that it really is still such a misunderstood/untreatable condition and not to pin my hopes onto things :growlmad: Really does convince me that my last pregnancy was a fluke as was so close to my Clomid treatment finishing (second cycle after finishing plus natural methods). Oh well...

Sorry girls, just needed to vent, feeling down and confused :wacko: It's a real shame you can't buy tests to tell if you have ovulated eh? I even feel like asking my GP why they can't continue 21day blood tests for me to tell, like they did when I was on the Clomid.

There are ovulation tests that can tell you that you are about to ovulate but these dont work for everyone, and if you have raised LH levels then the tests may give you a false positive - they never have for me though.
The tests pick up the raised lh levels and anticipate ovulation in the next 12 to 36 hours. I got cheap dip stick ones off the auction site and they worked for me, brand One Step I think. Good idea to do temps too to double check for ovulation

Hi Chocolate, I do use OPKs but they only tell you if you are about to ovulate through detection of a LH surge, they don't actually tell you if you then do go onto ovulate. In other words you get a LH surge but that doesnt mean an egg is released. I do chart got a temp dip hence why I am so confused now. In addition I read this morning that PCOSers can also have high levels of LH throughout cycles so this has confused me even more lol.

Oh well ce sera... Right have to be positive, it's a normal period, just one of my longer cycles due to the PCOS :wacko::flower:
Hey Angel - just found this :

Anyway, the corpus luteum produces progesterone. In the event of pregnancy, this progesterone will support the growing embryo until the placenta takes over and makes enough progesterone for itself. Then the corpus luteum shrivels up and stops functioning.

In the event that there is NO pregnancy, the corpus luteum also shrivels up and stops functioning-- ending the luteal phase. The drop in progesterone causes your period to begin.

SOMETIMES, however, there is no pregnancy, but the corpus luteum turns into a small cyst and continues to secrete progesterone long after it's supposed to stop. This is called a luteal cyst, and is responsible for too many false hopes! (Progesterone also causes PMS and pregnancy-like symptoms, such as tender breasts.) If this is the problem, it's simple to resolve (usually a single injection takes care of it) but your doctor needs to see you! Note: this type of cyst is not the same type associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS.) Women with PCOS are no more or less likely to develop a luteal cyst, and women who develop luteal cysts do not necessarily have PCOS. Luteal cysts do not cause false positive HPT's.
I don't think it means you didn't ovulate if that is the reason - a dr must be able to check it out for you tho

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