oh Nat - I am very sorry about the ov - I do hope you're next cycle comes round soon - and armed with the clomid and follicle tracking I am sure you'll get there. I have tons of PMA for you!!!

Fxd the Dr will be more with it re your blood sugar levels.

I had my smear last Friday - they're pants - really hoping it's ok - I've had 2 lots of colposcopys in the past and ever since I really dread the smear - it's better than the consequences of not having them but man they suck!

Instead Softcups are actually an alternative to tampons or pads - they're a ring with a plastic film that you insert like you would a diaphragm and are meant to catch the blood from your period but folks have been using them to keep...ahem.... "his little soldiers" in after bding and a lot of folks swear by them - you can get a conception cap which is about £250 and is approved as a conception aid whereas the softcups aren't but are much cheaper and do the same thing. I got 24 for £20.

Keep crunching Nat - you'll be glad of it when you don't have to use tena lady in your 60's!!

I had a very positive experience on met when it was used with a low carb slimfast diet plan. When I switched to just eating healthier I would be sick a lot more often. I actually had my GP approve my diet beforehand and he said as long as I took in enough calories that it would be ok. In fact, the first time I ovulated since coming off depo was on met.
Ah Nat, sorry you didnt ov - but dont be disheartenned, it may just take a while to kick in, and personally Id just look forward to Clomid working instead :hugs:

I never knew that about the pelvic floors, I am sat doing mine now :thumbup:
Hey Chocs great news honey, fingers crossed for you. Think I'll look into a blood testing kit, type 2 diabetes runs in my family so Im at a very high risk of getting it :-(

HB1 thanks for the info - I've been awol all week simply because my body is really doing strange things and driving me nuts :wacko: It's as if the PCOS has went awry again. I have had (sorry if TMI) watery bloody spotting for a couple of days, then nothing for a couple of days then another appearance for a day. All just once or twice a day each time and noticed after going to the loo, not a proper AF in my books and have been in agony with those PCOS pains you get (even though my GP keeps insisting you dont get pain with PCOS!) My emotions have been completely all over the place, swinging between crying and flying off the handle :muaha: - basically hormone city.

Did a second test 9 days ago a day before this started, which was negative so can't see how this could be pregnancy related.

I'm going to try and stick it out for another few days and if it gets no better go to the GP. Running about with a hot water bottle and my DH walking on ice round me isnt good lol. But then again docs will probably not do anything and will want to wait a few weeks to see if I do start a AF! Still waiting on my fertility appointment and have been back and fro to gynae for 15+ years so I know the system inside out now lol.

Temps still high too, 37oC on the button everyday. Mood swings so bad my diet has slipped this week and part of me so doesnt care, the other feeling guilty as sin.

In relation to PCOS pains, do any of you get these? Stabbing, scraping, cramp-like pains all across the lower abdomen, and sometimes bloated with them? Maybe like VERY strong ovulation pains would be a good way to describe it. And it can be constant, not just when you are supposed to ovulate or have a AF, seems completely random but then again that probably aligns with the random hormones and random cycles! This has been one of my major symptoms for years, it was something I had before they even diagnosed PCOS (I had other gynae problems before the PCOS) and they did loads of tests, I nearly had a hysterectomy as was getting to the stage I couldnt take it any longer. The thoughts of sticking all these pains again is really getting me down.

Any tips to cope appreciated.

Sending baby dust to all xoxo
Hey Angel - sorry you're having a pants time body wise!! that's horrible to have to go thru :( I don't get the pains you're describing and can't beleive you have no answers after all this time - no wonder you're driven to distraction by it. I do get the bloated thing tho - pleasant ...... NOT!! I will look around and see if I can find anything but you'd think the specialists would have a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so don't reckon I'll have any success - you could try the message boards on soul cysters? - there are women with all the variations of pcos on there.

Sorry can't be of much use hx
Hello, Hows everyone doing?? Ive not been on in a while so just thought I would see if your all ok? And if anyones had any good news?!xx
Hi Bumps

Currently in the 2ww and have come down with a stomach bug - testing on Thursday so will know my fate next week - fxd hey!!

How about you?

Hello Everyone

Sorry not posted on here for a while. I am very frustrated no AF or BFP after about 6 tests..........arghhhhh on day 36 my AF . I m usally a 28day cycle. I am so desperate to get started on Chlomid but cant until damm AF comes and Im not keen on taking Provera.Oh and just to make my life a little harder my divy OH had to do his 2nd Semen Test in which he missed the pot and didnt get a full sample and the sample that did come back showed 98% were dead sperm and as there wasnt enough sperm they couldnt do all the other tests on it arghhhhhhhhh. Oh still getting snotty light green cervicle mucus,Dr dosnt knowwhat it is but she did confirm def no infecton. My weightloss is more like weight gain.....Iam seriously loosing enthusiasum arghhhhhhh

Hope your all well

Nat x
Hey Nat - Have heard there are a few things that can help his chaps - organic food, boys vits etc...

As for me - am out of the 2ww - AF came - have swung from 34 day cycle to 27 so I guess it means my cycles are back on track but v sad that def not pg :(
Hey girls, well the saga continues for me lol

I'm now 42 DPO, I previously posted I did a second test 20DPO which was negative but it has been niggling at me because I have only had spotting and no sign of a proper AF. As you all know I was actually very down as I thought it was my PCOS really flaring up again and I hadnt even ovulated but curiosity killed the cat - I've just done another test this morning and have got a :bfp: :happydance::cloud9:

Still in shock, havent told DH yet, the anxiety is already starting (I was away on holidays last week and was drinking and diet went to pot so I'm worried altered sugars will affect things). Dont know how to settle and going through all the mixed emotions already.

Praying for a sticky bean... Will keep you posted. I don't feel pregnant this time, I have no symptoms so to speak at the moment so worried already, although I know I shouldn't be as there is so much conflicting info about symptoms/lack of symptoms being good or bad signs.

hb1 - sorry not you cycle but as you say the positive is your cycles seem to be settling so hopefully you'll get your BFP soon. :hugs:

Off to have another cry and do another test, just to be sure.

Baby dust to all xoxo
OMG Angel - that's wonderful news :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::yipee::yipee::yipee::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Get back on the low GI , get to the drs and start enjoying it all - you totally deserve this :)

How many weeks does that make you?? about 8?

Well that's made me smile tonight and I wasn't in a smiling mood

take care of you and your precious bean

Many thanks hb1, still in shock! Just can't quite understand it with dates of ovulation, temp drop, negative tests even at 20DPO but I AINT COMPLAINING lol. Taken from my last period I'm just over 8 weeks. At least by only knowing now I'm a little further down the line and less time to stress and worry about what will be iykwim. Just keeping everything crossed and praying.

Did 3 tests today lol, one with the conception indicator and I'm def over 3 weeks conceived and at this stage today I don't care how far on I am, just that I am :) Gut feeling is actually just over 7 weeks looking at my chart but I'll go with the 8 weeks 1 day at the moment that FF is telling me thanks very much....

Will keep you all posted xoxoxo
hi, im not too bad thanks! just on a bit of a downer and wondering if it will EVER happen! nearly 4 months since miscarriage and only one period! glad ur doing ok and congrats angel! xxxxx
So when was your last af Bumps?
Hi Everyone

Oh big congrats Angel...........I bet your over the moon.
HB1....Hi Hun hows things going with u?

How is everyone else?

I am on day 2 of clomid and have my first folicle tracking on 29th cant wait. Had more bad news with my OH ,all 3 semen samples he has given shows he has exstremely low mobility 98% 92% 95% which are no good........he also has had some achin in his testis which he needs to go for a scan next week. More things to contend with arghhhhhhh

Oh had my Metformin dose upped to 1500 mg a day.

hope your all well
nat x
Hey Nat

CD6 today - trying to pma myself up for this cycle!!fxd this is it :)

Have been told Maca can help with motility

Here are some articles

I would get him going on healthy eating, boys vits, and avoid processed food and try that maca - I don't know if my oh has good sperm or nay ( he does have one undescended testicle ) but he will be on it asap!!

it takes 3 mths to improve sperm so the sooner the better - especially as you have limited goes on clomid.....

How are you doing on the new dose of Met ? How is the clomid? Will be interesting to hear how your follicle tracking goes :) also - maybe try the pre-seed that chocs used - if the motility is low a little help along the way can't hurt. Good luck with the scan next week - fingers crossed it's nothing sinister.

Also - make sure you take some you time - clomid can bring your mood down have heard so PMA as much as poss please :) so lot's of relaxing and things to take your mind off it all are a must.

Sending you hugs

hi, sorry not been on in a while. Af came yesterday, really happy that its come as it used 2 come every few months so its good that its only been 35 days! but also angry that i didnt catch that eggy! :( how r u? x
Hi girls, just popping into say hi, I'm still nervously pregnant. Still ain't got a booking appointment and with easter holidays looming I fear I could be near 12 weeks before I get one! :growlmad: Only positive is I suppose there is little I can do either way so perhaps it is better this way? Although an earlier scan to try and reassure might help me get through the holidays, but then again this happened last time and had a scan at 9 1/2 weeks and was gone by 12 week scan so maybe not...

Arrrrrgggghhh, dont you just love the NHS?

Sending baby dust to you all xoxo
think positive! bubs will be fine :) the further on you are, the better the pic :) xxx

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