Also - if you haven't ovulated and haven't had a period do you need to have your period brought on in order to kick off the next cycle?
Hey HB1 - another question for you :winkwink:

Am I right in thinking that : with PCOS I am resistent to insulin so the metformin makes me more sensitive to insulin which stops my body from producing too much, which aids in upsetting hormones and can therefore result in miscarriage etc.

So the metformin doesnt actually lower blood sugar levels just makes my body more aware of the insulin that is already there so it doesnt pump out more?

Im just trying to figure out what questions to ask the doctor about the met and my slight dizziness, and what tests would determine how insulin resistent I am and weather that is enough to increase my mc rate, so therefore wether I should stay on Met or not...
Hey Chocs

Here is a link all about insulin - more geared to diabetes but insulin resistance is discussed...

and one about the tests

- re Met - yes that's my understanding of it. If you are resistant to insulin your body won't break down the glucose in order to use it for energy, this makes your body produce more insulin hormone which messes up other hormones. If they can test then it must be better to ensure your own system is catered for and whether you need met or not - good plan.

How are you feeling? Hope you're ok hx
Hey Chocs

Here is a link all about insulin - more geared to diabetes but insulin resistance is discussed...

and one about the tests

- re Met - yes that's my understanding of it. If you are resistant to insulin your body won't break down the glucose in order to use it for energy, this makes your body produce more insulin hormone which messes up other hormones. If they can test then it must be better to ensure your own system is catered for and whether you need met or not - good plan.

How are you feeling? Hope you're ok hx

Thanks will go take a look, need to know what Im talking about before asking the doctor questions!!

Im feeling ok thanks, which is a bit of a worry as Id rather be knackered and as sick as a dog lol!
But today I made some appointments, nhs scan at 7 weeks, midwife booking at 8 weeks, private scan at 9 weeks for reassurance, hopefully normal nhs one at 11 weeks and then I may pay for another at 13/14 weeks or ask for the doctor to do one in the surgery if he doesnt mind doing that. Then the usual nhs one at 20 weeks, so at least if the worst happens it will be noticed quickly with all those scans!
Hi Ladies, hope ur all doing ok.....I have an embarassing question and im cringing as i write this! Lol but here goes....I had first Af since MC just over a week ago so based on an average 28days cycle im due to ovulate Sunday. But theres no telling that this is true as my periods are allover the place. So ive basicaslly just been "baby making" every other day. But the last time We "did it" I felt extra wet down there, i know this can happen if your extra aroused but it wasnt any different to any other time, so just wondered if this could be sign of ovulation?! Im not sure! Sorry for TMI!!:blush::blush:
Not sure - think it depends on consistency as well as amount

Cervical Mucus
Cervical mucus can also provide clues to your ovulation date. Cervical mucus changes throughout your cycle; during ovulation, you will find that your cervical mucus becomes thin, clear, and stretchy. There will also be lots of it. Every morning, check your cervical mucus and record its texture and appearance on your calendar. Stretch the mucus between your thumb and forefinger. When you can stretch it a few inches without breaking it, you are ovulating.

Happy bding as well - at least you're having fun :)

Oh and Chocs - wonder if it's too soon for any sickness? I am sure you'll be fine and mini-chocs too! hx
Thanks HB1. Im trying to record things and keep a diary but also trying to stop myself becoming obsessed and my feelings shattered every month! I hate this, i wish we just had a switch on our body that we could turn on and da daaaa were pregnant! xx
I know - it's torture isn't it. I haven't tracked the cm yet - am rubbish at temps - whenever I remember I'm already up! doing the cbfm and that seems nice and easy!!
It is they say when u relax and dont stress about it, it happens when least expected! So im going for that at the minute! Ive thought about the cbfm but it would be pretty pointless as i probably wont have another period for 3months or so. But ive still got the provera the dr gave me which i didnt need so im considering taking it this month to try and kick start my body and get it into thinking that i have had a period 2 consecutive months so lets go for a 3rd! Lol weird thinking i know but where theres a will theres a way!! Im determined to get pregnant! and PCOS isnt going to stop me! x
BumpyBoo, Id def. start checking your cm every day to try to get a feel for it, ifuswim :winkwink: That was one of my main ovulation signs, although my body did gear up for ovulation with egg white cervical mucus but then stopped and did it a week later, so Id suggest checking every day even if you think you have ovulated.
I basically did these things:
charted my temp (so I could see when ov happenned so I could take a break from all the bd'ing!)
checked cm and looked for a change from creamy cm to ewcm
Checked cervix to see when it softened and opened - which signals ovulation
Bd'd every second day from day 8 ish through till I was sure ov had happenned, and an extra around ovulation
Used conceieve plus lubricant to help the swimmers
Took metformin regularly
Took my pre-natal
Tried to stick to low gi diet
Tried to make sure oh took his conceive vitamin!!

I really want to see some positive results on this thread soo soon!!!

Well I have found my g.d tracker and have been monitoring my levels,

2 hours after chicken pie, veg and new potatoes it was 6.8

before eating some chocolates (as a trial to see the levels :winkwink:) it was 5.2, an hour later it was 6.3 an hour and a half later it was 6.2 and 2 hours after it was 7.8

So I will keep tracking them and if I come off the met I can atleast try to keep them stable to stop my body producing more and more insulin

This am's test was much darker than the last 2/3 days so thats good!
Hello Lovely Ladys

Hope your all well??????????

I am in right tiss but nout knew there lol........

Kinda really worried about my insulin levels too,on Metformin and on the exstremely low carbs diet aka Atkins "which I am now hating"............anyway getting backto the point....I test my blood levels and it keeps giving me high levels whenI hardly eat now adays and when I do well it isnt carbs apart from salad.
I am thinking I have diabetes as my blood levels are coming over 6 and tonight it was 8.5 arhhhhhhhhh and just to really get me down I have gained weight "whats that all about"

I am not gonna gain anymore weight I cant afford to,seriously thinking of going on a liquid diet aka Cambridge. If Clomid dosent work I still have to loose 3/4 stone to get IVF I have been told.

Well tomorrow gonna have a day 21 blood test to see if I ovulated naturally this month since the weight loss. If not I am gonna ask the Doc to give me provera to get my period started early so I can get on with my first cycle of Clomid........not sure if he will do that though!!!

Does anymore know how Provera works?

sorry to moan,I am becoming so frustrated with myself so I can imagen those who listen to me must be pulling there out.arghhhh

Hb1 ,how is the weightloss going hun? are you feeling hun,hope that bean is being gd for you

all you other lovely ladys hope your well

nat xxxx
I put on 2 lbs!!! aaaarrrrgggghhhh - oh well!! apart from that tired from work and should be oving any day soon - fxd hey!!

I would get to the docs about your blood sugar levels Nat - they would know what's what and really make sure you have the right treatment.

I thought about the cambridge diet once and it's insane - it's not a longterm healthy thing to do - especially if you are having blood sugar level issues.

Don't worry about moaning on here - that's what we're here for!!

Hey Nat, may be an idea to ask about the levels, but also ask to see a dietician. They can help you on a low gi diet and help look at those sugar levels.

HB - it must be that eggy about to hatch causing that 2 pounds!!! I expect its water retention at different parts of the month.

Im off to the docs this pm, I decided to stop taking the metformin, I read something about it and pregnancy and decided that my sugar levels wernt too high so I would replace the metformin by being extra good with low gi.
Although I think my sugar level problem is that my sugar levels seem to go low in the mornings and dont really stabilise until after lunctime.
This morning I had a bacon and egg sarnie and then 2.50hours later my levels were 3.9 and I just felt slightly light headed.
Maybe I need to eat a big breakfast each morning to get levels into the normal range and then go steady the rest of the day.
I dont actually know what our sugar levels should be really, so am asking the doctor this afternoon about that one!
Well I got my peak fertility on my cbfm today!!!! oh booked in for tonight!!

how do you test your sugar levels - it would be interesting to see what mine are!!

I always feel worse ( and even when I was off the met ) in the morning - I eat breakfast at 7am, mid morning snack ( nutrigrain ) around 9.30am and lunch at 11 - 11.30 am and then don't feel hungry in the slightest till evening meal - if I am excercising this is around 7.30 - 8pm and if not then around 6.30pm - and don't really feel the need to snack - but in the morning if I don't eat on time I feel sick!! strange!!
Well I got my peak fertility on my cbfm today!!!! oh booked in for tonight!!

how do you test your sugar levels - it would be interesting to see what mine are!!

I always feel worse ( and even when I was off the met ) in the morning - I eat breakfast at 7am, mid morning snack ( nutrigrain ) around 9.30am and lunch at 11 - 11.30 am and then don't feel hungry in the slightest till evening meal - if I am excercising this is around 7.30 - 8pm and if not then around 6.30pm - and don't really feel the need to snack - but in the morning if I don't eat on time I feel sick!! strange!!

Yay, happy bd'ing!!!

I have one of those at home finger pricking devices where you prick your finger and take a blood sample on a test strip and then put that into a little machine. You can buy them at the local chemist I think.

I saw my dr who didnt rememebr me, I told her as I went in I saw her last after my mc but she didnt hear me say that as almost at the end when I reffered back to the mc she said she hadnt realised I d had one, and repeated that as if she'd have been more sympathetic of my irrational questions if shed have known!
Anyway - I dont think she knows anything about PCOS as when I asked how do the sugar levels reflect my insulin resistence she asked what I was on about and I had to explain I was insulin resistent because of the PCOS!

Anyway, I am taking 75mg of baby asprin in case of blood clots, have stopped Metformin and doing low gi and minitoring blood suagr levels. She said ideally they should be between 4 and 6 mmol before meals and up to 10/11 2 hours after meals - although I thought that was a bit high personally, but mine are always between 3.9 and up to 8 if Ive had chocolate! So I guess with all of that taken into account and the fact that my hormone levels were fine this cycle, then my mc rate shouldnt be as high as 45%
That's really positive chocs :)

I guess also if you are keeping an eye on the sugar levels then you can't go far wrong!!

Yes - plenty of bding now!! using softcups for the first time and they're pretty cool!!!
That's really positive chocs :)

I guess also if you are keeping an eye on the sugar levels then you can't go far wrong!!

Yes - plenty of bding now!! using softcups for the first time and they're pretty cool!!!

Hello Hun

Whats softcups? I am clueless lol

I am having a bad day,silly me thought since I had lost weight that I would of ovulated naturally no such luck. My day 21 progestion came back as 3.9 very low again arghhhhh its actually ever so slightly worse than before I did the dieting. Def no bfp now :cry: well not for this out.
I can only hope AF cycle is kind and gives me a 28 day cycle and my period comes next Tuesday,then I can crack on with my first cycle of clomid.

So so so frustrated .....................oh well

My weightloss is still not shifting and my blood levels are all over the show,tried talking to the senior practice nurse yesterday who just seemed so clueless,going see GP soon about it.

On a posative my pelvic floor muscles are all tight again after giving birth to Lillie.I was very concerned as my GP said if I didnt work on my crunches then it could cause MC if I fell pregnant so soon after giving birth sorry if to much info. Oh I was told that they were all back to normal when I went for my post natal smear yesterday ouch it hurt so much,had them before but they never hurt like yesterday.

Hope your all well

Nat xx

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