Hi, I've seen this thread and decided to subscribe.

I'm not officially ttc just yet, but I do have pcos and had a natural miscarriage nearly 2 weeks ago @ 6+4.

We are planning on trying again, when I feel emotionally ready, unbelievably my body already seems ready, as I can feel I'm gearing up to ovulate already!!

I have regular cycles 28/29 days, but don't necessarily ovulate every month on my own. I have all the other symptoms of pcos though!!! Obese, spotty, hairy etc......I sound gorgeous lol!!

I'm very blessed to have a 16yo DS, and I'm about to turn 40, so I can't really afford to wait around too long to try again. The good news is I got pregnant on the first try, which I was amazed about, hopefully it won't take too long next time either.
Hey Sparkly - welcome - Very sorry for your loss.

What are you on for your pcos?

I too have relatively regular cycles but I don't know if I ov every month.....

Hope you have a speedy bfp and wishing you baby dust for when you are ready to ttc :)

Also - make sure you take some you time - clomid can bring your mood down have heard so PMA as much as poss please :) so lot's of relaxing and things to take your mind off it all are a must.

Sending you hugs


I was an emotional depressed wreck on Clomid but then again I suspected I would be as I can't even take any sort of pill due to the mood swings and depression they gave me. Rescue Remedy and an understanding OH really help! xo
Hi girls, just popping into say hi, I'm still nervously pregnant. Still ain't got a booking appointment and with easter holidays looming I fear I could be near 12 weeks before I get one! :growlmad: Only positive is I suppose there is little I can do either way so perhaps it is better this way? Although an earlier scan to try and reassure might help me get through the holidays, but then again this happened last time and had a scan at 9 1/2 weeks and was gone by 12 week scan so maybe not...

Arrrrrgggghhh, dont you just love the NHS?

Sending baby dust to you all xoxo

Hey Angel, That doesn't seem fair but as you say at least you'll be further on. Keeping my fxd for you. :flower:

hello im 20 almost 21 and iv been tryin for almost 3 years naturally, with pcos on 1 overy lol. never fell preg docs dnt think i ovulate, iv had a hsg dun n all clear n iv got to go bak n c the fs in may n hopefuly clomid is the answer to my prayers xx
Update - booking appointment and early scan at EPU this evening!

Will keep you all posted, hope everyone is well.
Hey KeepSmiling - sorry you've had such a long ttc journey - how are you finding the fs?

Angel - OMG - so glad you got your appt - fxd all is well - will be peeking in to see your news hx
Hello lovely ladys

sorry not posted for a bit laptop his infected with a virus argh! I am trying to type on my phone lol.

Hb1 sorry not bee n replying Hun , what's new with you?
Angel hope scan goes well sweet x

all you other ladys hope your well and welcome to the newbies x

I went for my first folicle track today, which didn't go well as my folicles were half the size they should be, anyway they have called me back for Thursday to have another check.

Seems the very least of probs at the mo. Me and OH not getting on well with familie stresses and our baby girls memorial has at long last been confirmed which is very emotional but so when OH sister can't put herself out to come .... Which I am fuming about!

I do think that Clomid made my periods less painfull and shorter , which is a posative .

Hb1 I have been on the wii and still loosing, how's that going for you Hun?

Sending you all lots of baby dust

Hugs x
Hey ladies hope you're all keeping well. Appointment went ok yesterday, bubs is measuring at 8 1/2 weeks and has a strong heartbeat :). I expected to be at least a week behind in growth in relation to my LMP as my cycles can be long with the PCOS my the midwife and sonographer were not concerned once we discussed this. I'm not having my '12' week scan now until 28th April cause of this so its going to be a nervous few weeks!

nat - hugs to ya and you're right keep positive, the Clomid is helping. Will they now not increase your dose to help the eggie production? Glad to hear the wii is going well, we dont have one and I keep banging on about them lol.

Nat :)

Sorry about you and oh - it's always these emotional things that do this - we always take it out on those closest to us - it's a pity his sister can't make it tho - I would be upset too.

Been a bit lax on the wii front - had a few things on and then was knocked sideways by that sickness bug that's been going around - really need to get back in the swing of it.
On the plus point - went to the gynae at the hospital after the gp was unable to answer a simple question and she gave me blood test cards for hormone tests if I want them and popped in a fertility clinic appointment for October so if I am not pg by then then I don't have to wait for a referral or jump through hoops - couldn't believe how lovely she was! :)

Angel - that's fab news!!!!! did you get a piccy? I bet that's a bit of a relief - next step the 12 week scan!!! :) if you need to rant about how stressful it is waiting for it we'll be here!!!

take care everyone

Hi everyone - hb1 thats great about appointment!

Nat - hope everything is going ok xx

AS - were about the same in pregnancy!

I had a scare this morning, in tears all morning getting prepared for mc - had some brown discharge but had a scan and all fine - hoping it was due to going to the loo lol! Such a worry though - I just thought mc was on its way again!
oh chocolate - you must have been in a total state!!! fxd your chocolate button stays put!! hx
oh chocolate - you must have been in a total state!!! fxd your chocolate button stays put!! hx

Ha Ha, I like that, button it is then lol!
I was, I was trying to hold it together till I spoke to my mum and knew she was upset so I promply burst into tears, then I couldnt stop and was texting my best friend and kept crying at her supportive messages. Gave me such a scare - the dr was so lovely, one in a million he is, and said not to cancel my appointment next week and to go back for another scan for my reassurance!
Thankgoodness for lovely dr's - they do exist! :)
i found fs fine, he was lovely n booked me strait in for a hsg which was good, n im goin bak in may n hopin 4 the miricle of clomid xx
Hello ladies.. can I join you guys? I have pcos and rarely ovulate on my own, was put on clomid last August and we did conceive on 3rd cycle but sadly it was not meant to be... I am now waiting for the witch to show and then start clomid again, though right now not feeling very positive...
same ere kik im hopin clomid works 4 me too5 n half weeks til u get it hopefully, fingers crosed 4 u this month xx
Hello ladies.. can I join you guys? I have pcos and rarely ovulate on my own, was put on clomid last August and we did conceive on 3rd cycle but sadly it was not meant to be... I am now waiting for the witch to show and then start clomid again, though right now not feeling very positive...

Keep positive, I know its hard but I have had so many ups and downs, discovering my PCOS and reading the horid stories, then starting on Chlomid but thankfully having DS, then falling pregnant 2nd time but miscarrying at 12 ish weeks, but then I fell pregnant the first cycle after miscarriage!
So dont spend too much worrying as nice things may be just round the corner :hugs: Although I know its easy to say that and not think it!

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