I would - I would gather together info on pcos and really demand some sort of action plan - also -

is a pcos dedicated site that has lots of info and a pcos forum too :)

Yey Bumpy !!! :)

Good luck - wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy :) :)

Will you be found lurking in PAL now? :)


Thankyou! Hows things going for you? Im so scared thats im going to MC again...which is the worst thing i can do! But trying to stay positive. Was a bit worried as i keep doing digi's and they still say 1-2 weeks and arent going up but normal tests the lines r getting darker. so i dont know if thats something to be worried about or not? I know im not very far so maybe when i found out i was only 3weeks?! I know they wont be able to see anything on the scan most probaly but I wasnt going to turn it down. With the way i was treated last time im going to jump at the help of the NHS! Im just praying that they will see a little heartbeat. I feel very bad posting in here when i know what your all going through but i just hope that it gives you all a boost of hope and that it will happen. Love and babydust xxx
AND may i just add that at £10 for a digi, my bank balance is starting to get a sad face!!
Hey Bumps!! I just got my bfp :) I am 1-2 on the digi as well - I was 4 weeks on Sunday - I got my digi's on ebay - 4 for 12 squid so pretty good :) I will be doing a digi each week to check it's going up too - I also worry about it going up as that's how I found out last time - just to ease your mind I would ask your gp to do quantative hcg - urine tests aren't as accurate - I bet it's all ok Bumps :)

I'm having a 7 week scan - the MW has contacted epu - they called at home while I was at work so I will call them tomorrow to book in - my MW appt is 21st May :)

I agree with hb1, bumpy, go and get the blood tests, they're free :) and will help ease your mind a little xx
Hi, Congrats HB1-brill news :) I got 2-3 weeks today and cheapies r getting darker so thinking positive! Got a scan 2moro, and midwife appointment next thursday! Im so excited but nervous :) xxx
I thought i would join in on the conversation....I have pcos and i just had a chemical not sure if that counts as a loss for this thread but for me it is got my beta's back today they were only 4 :(
Hi, hope I can join in this thread and get some advice?
I am 36 and was diagnosed with pcos when i was 23. I've never had any treatment for it. Apart from rarely having a period I managed to conceive my 3 children without a hitch and know that I am blessed. In the last few yrs I have gained a few stone but since I was always really underweight I am now just at the top end of acceptable bmi for my height. The problem is I have had 3 miscarriages in the last 2.5 years and following a disappointing scan it seems likely that I will have my 4th within the next week. My heart hurts so much and I don't know what I can do to improve my chances? Luckily I already have an appointment with a gynae nxt mth. What should I be asking and what tests should they be doing?
My cycles have regulated to 35ish days following taking vitex and royal jelly. I take baby aspirin and since I can get pregnant I am ovualting. What can I do to make then stick? I am crying one moment and the next I am saying "lets try again" but i don't really know how many more loses I can take before I go mad.
Aww hun I'm so sorry for your losses :hugs:

Am I right in that you've had no tests at all to determine the reason for your losses? It's shocking that you are on no medication at all for your pcos, just having it puts us at a much higher risk for a miscarriage, in some previous links that hb1 has posted, the stats read as high as 45% chance of loss!! I had no idea about the importance of this and was not taking my metformin, when I fell pregnant!

A lot of us pcos ladies are on a metformin/clomid combo to help not only to achieve but maintain an early pregnancy. You FS will do tests to see what will be right for you personally of course, have your losses been early ones??

I have very regular cycles 28/29 days and I do ovulate most cycles without any medication, this lulled me into believing I was fine despite the pcos, but obviously I am not. I know that clomid helps to give a stronger ovulation, which helps to maintain the pregnancy in the early stages.

Maybe do some googling and arm yourself with info before your appointment.
iv got pcos and im not on aything 4 it, as my hornmones and vrything else levels r fine
i was on metformin but th made me relllly illll so i came off it last year
i shud be goin on clomid in the summer if i can lose bit of weight, i need a bmi of 29 lol xx
You aren't that far off KeepSmiling :) good dieting - also loosing weight with pcos can kick off ov :)
Hi there. Another gal with PCOS here. I've had it since 2000 and was told we'd never have a baby because I don't get periods or ovulate. 8 years later, we conceived our son Jackson Jeffrey last June. Sadly because of an accident with someone slamming on the breaks as we were riding in their car, I lost my mucus plug, the nurse practitioner ignored it and bacteria got into the cervix which caused BV and made the sac bulge forcing my son to birth at 22 wks gestation. Had I been listened to, I should have had a antibacterial suppository and a cerclage ...our son may have been alive today.

I was on Avandia which caused me to lose weight and have normal cycles. I got off it and was on partial insulin and partial oral meds when we surprisingly conceived our son.

I had no period and when they asked for the last cycle to tell his gestation...I told them their guess was as good as mine. :giggle:

Upon pregnancy I went on full insulin and was approved for an insulin pump which I am on now.

I was at my lowest weight before he was born...though still obese. Today because of the excess's storing as fat and I'm gaining again.

I'm also eating my nerves as it's been a rough year not just losing our son, but we had to put thousands into car repairs, and just last week our landlord foreclosed on his property and we are having a walk through tomorrow with the bank and will know whether they want us out or not. All while on hormones to ttc. :nuts:

This is our first cycle on 50mg of Clomid and it didn't work this time. My estroidial levels weren't high enough and the follies started shrinking again. Next month they plan on 100 mg of Clomid to see what happens.

I'm at peace as I know the housing situation for us and the unknown would have put me over the we have a month to figure things out and work on it. I plan to focus on exercise and healthy food while I wait for AF.

I also have hypothyroid as well. Other than that..I seem to be pretty healthy.
:hugs: So sorry for your loss hun. What a beautiful family pic you have too. xxx

You've been through such a lot!

Good luck with the higher dose of clomid xxx
Mommy'sAngel - I am so sorry for the loss of Jackson - it's awful that they didn't treat the loss of your mucus plug.

Well done on the weightloss - is the dr going to revisit your meds at all for the insulin? good luck with the clomid increase :)

Fxd for the housing situation :)

Thank You both very much. Sparkly, someone here was very nice to have made that for me. Beatrix Potter was his nursery theme. She did such a lovely job making it for me. We are very grateful she took the time to do this for us.

I look forward to getting to know everyone!

Hey Chocs :)

Nice scan pic :) :) :)

Glad all is going well - so if you have bought outfits do you know whether your bean is a boy or girl?

I got a v faint line on an ic today so if no af tomorrow ( will be 15dpo tomorrow ) will do a digi test - fxd !!! :)


Wow HB1, just seen your reply on the pregnancy boards, congratulations!! So happy to see others with PCOS getting pregnant! I hope when I keep popping back that everyone does!

I have my 15+2 scan tomoz, where has the last few weeks gone?! And yeah I am so sure its a boy as people on in gender have guessed the nub as def. boy! Hopefully know tomorrow

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