Hi everyone - hb1 thats great about appointment!

Nat - hope everything is going ok xx

AS - were about the same in pregnancy!

I had a scare this morning, in tears all morning getting prepared for mc - had some brown discharge but had a scan and all fine - hoping it was due to going to the loo lol! Such a worry though - I just thought mc was on its way again!

Oh Chocolate glad everything turned out ok. I'm on a couple of low days but its probably just me being more sensitive as its around 'that' time again. Still in bed lol, must give myself a kick or my easter is going to be very poor lol.
Welcome to all newbies as well, and like the rest say don't let docs drum into you having PCOS is all doom and gloom! I think of it as a challenge, and like any any challenge if you can't beat it you find ways of going round them. I went through 6 cycles of Clomid with no joy and have found using the low-gi diet, non-dairy, taking agnus castus, charting and using soft cups has been my winning formula :). It's taken a long time to figure it out and everybody will react differently so try different things. You will find loads of inspiration and advice on here and I wish you all the best xo
Hey Angel - how's it going? hx
Hello Everyone
Sorry haven't been on for ages..hope your all well. Well I have had a stressful time of it recently. Just found out my other half has exstremely poor morphology through his numerous semen tests. With this and me having pcos we have been told icsi/ivf is our only hope :(
But he won't (my fertility specialist) refer me for funding or treatment until I get another 1.5 stone off argh!!!! Already lost 3.5 stone but isn't good enough!!! It seems like yet another hurdle.
My folicle tracking wasn't a huge success on my first round of clomid... I only produced one follicle which they tracked to 14.5 mil when it needed to be 18 mil so they could inject me.anyway because it was over a bank holiday the shitty nhs couldn't complete tracking so it was a waste of time ....
Anyway I begged the fertility doctor to allow me to continue with clomid,but double the dose and for them to track again.....he said because of other halfs morphology it is not gonna do much gd but he will alow it. I feel so sick with worry about the future now, I am begining to think that I will never have a child with me....I won't even be able to adopt or foster because I suffer with depression argh! I really don't think I could handle not having children here to bring up and love... Things don't seem to ever look up for us and I am missing my little angel Lillie so much too. Then on Monday I am back at work , the first time since having and loosing Lillie.
I am still on metformin 2000 mg and next cycle of clomid will be 100 mg, still on my atkins diet which has hit a wall on weight loss :(
hope your all well ladys
and sorry for the rant
hugs nat x
Hey Nat

Some things your oh could do :

Avoid heat. According to a 1998 study in the Journal of Human Reproduction, sperm anomalies can result if the scrotum is exposed to heat for prolonged periods of time. However, once exposure to the heat is eliminated or decreased, good sperm morphology increases. To ensure that your scrotum remains cool, avoid hot tubs and saunas, wear boxers (not briefs) and loose-fitting pants, and take care not to engage in long-distance bicycle riding or wear biker shorts for long periods.

Step 2Eliminate environmental toxins. reports that exposure to pollutants such as cigarette and marijuana smoke, pesticides, chemicals, and excessive amounts of alcohol can cause sperm to become misshapen. In addition, Dr. Randine Lewis of "How to Make a Family" notes that non-organic milk and meat can contain synthetic estrogen that can impair the healthy development of sperm. Men seeking to improve the quality of their sperm should adjust their lifestyle so that their exposure to these toxins is minimized or eliminated.

Step 3Maintain a healthy diet. Certain vitamins and minerals, particularly selenium, can have a positive effect on sperm morphology. Selenium is an antioxidant-rich trace mineral that can be found in Brazil nuts, walnuts, tuna, beef, chicken, eggs, and cheese. It can also be taken in supplement form, although you should take no more than 400 mcg per day, as excessive amounts of selenium can be toxic. Other vitamins and minerals that can help improve the quality of sperm include vitamin C (which can be found in citrus fruits), zinc (found in lamb, beef, and oysters), folic acid (found in leafy green vegetables), vitamin E (from wheat germ, eggs, and sweet potatoes), and the amino acid L-arginine (from Brazil nuts, beef, chicken, chickpeas, and soy).
Emotional stress has profound effects – interfering with the hormone GnRH to reduce sperm counts. Ways of alleviating stress range from regular exercise to longer holidays (when you’re also likely to have more sex).

Three. Alcohol
Heavy drinking (more than six units per day) can lower your sperm count and prompt sluggish sperm mobility and poor sperm morphology (head and tail defects). Recent research suggests even moderate alcohol consumption can kill off sperm producing cells in the testicles.

Four. Weight loss
Excess body fat is a significant cause of low male sperm counts. A recent major epidemiological study found that a 20-pound increase in a man’s weight increased the chance for infertility by ten percent.

Five. Cigarettes and drugs
Smoking tobacco impairs sperm mobility, reduces their lifespan, and lowers male sex drive. Smoking cannabis appears to reduce the number and quality of sperm temporarily – by as much as 50 per cent if you’re a regular. It can also impair their ability to swim and penetrate the egg.
I know it isn't easy right now but if your oh can help the morphology even a little bit it might just be enough - have also heard that MACA can help ( can help ladies and their eggs too aparently ) - maybe come off the clomid for 2 cycles ( only as you have a very limited number of cycles they will give it you ) make the changes - a couple of cycles will give the changes time to work and then go at it full pelt - they could do another SA on your oh then too to see if there was any impact?

If you can't get the ivf without that weightloss then all you can do is give yourself the best chance in the meantime - we'll be here for any rants you need to have :flower:

Good luck at work Nat - it may be better than you are thinking - it always will be like this after a while out of it - goodness - it's bad enough after a week off :) !

take care hx
Hi ladies, just discovered yr thread...dya mind if I join you? Ihave PCOS (diagnosed when I was 14...Im now 27) and been ttc for over 2 years. Had MMC in Feb due to blighted Ovum. First AF was 13 days ago so Im ready ttc again....quick question if you wouldnt mind me asking.....I know a lot of people fall preg again after 1st cycle after MC but obv its a little harder as circumstances are diff for those of us with PCOS....but does anyone have any experiences of falling preg straight away again?
Not me - but lol78 did and chocolate wasn't far behind hx
It's been one month today since my loss, and it looks like my AF is on her way, I've been having a little spotting on and off since yesterday. Been having the worst pmt that I've had in years in the last week!! My poor hubby! And my acne has been horrendous, huge sore red lumps all over my face, back and arms!!! yak :(

Fx that it is AF, at least i'd feel my body was getting back to some normality...well! as normal as it gets for pcos :wacko:
:hugs: sparkly and nats, i really hope there is something positive just round the corner for you :hugs:

Nats - dont give up hope - i agree your oh could try different things, and if you have success with ovulating, would sperm donor be an option?
Maybe taking a couple of months off to focus on loosing weight, having a holiday and geting oh to chip in to help his sperm and then use your last rounds of clomid when you have done everything you can. Then if you have to go down the assisted route, your bodies are prepared for it.

My best friend accidently fell pregnant 10 months after having their son, they had some form of ivf due to hubbies poor sperm quality or something - but obviously one made it through so it is possible!
Hi guys, Can I join you? :flower:
I was diagnosed with PCOS in my teens, been on and off birth control ever since. Stopped taking BCP at the end of Jan, had withdrawal bleed beginning of feb and... nothing since! :( don't seem to be ovulating? Am on cd 72 :(

I went to the doctors to discuss possible options about ttc & acne treatments (a couple months ago) and he brushed me aside and said lots of women with pcos get pregnant naturally and would have to wait at least a year to be offered treatment :(
Do you think it would be possible to be put on something to promote ovulation sooner? .. As I have already been diagnosed with pcos and if this carries on much longer I don't seem to be ovulating sadly :cry:

Have any of you had much luck with alternative/natural medicines? I've been taking some agnus castus this week but I have a bit of a delicate stomach so I don't know if I can keep taking that :( or not everday, and I don't know if it will be effective then?

Atm I'm taking folic acid, vitamin b6, BBT charting & using OPKS... lol! Sorry for the essay xxx baby dust to everyone xxx
Hey Lace&pearls - there's no reason your dr couldn't look at met for you ?
Here is rcog info re metformin - I would print off any info you can find about treatment of pcos and fertility and take it to your dr - if you are not ov how on earth can you get pg? yes lot's of pcos ladies do get pg naturally but lot's of ladies with pcos ov naturally - your dr should be aware of this - if he feels he can not treat you he should refer you to a gynae who is more specialised than he

I will see what else I can find
You might find useful too
Soulcycters :

Great Metformin link:
:hugs: sparkly and nats, i really hope there is something positive just round the corner for you :hugs:

Nats - dont give up hope - i agree your oh could try different things, and if you have success with ovulating, would sperm donor be an option?
Maybe taking a couple of months off to focus on loosing weight, having a holiday and geting oh to chip in to help his sperm and then use your last rounds of clomid when you have done everything you can. Then if you have to go down the assisted route, your bodies are prepared for it.

My best friend accidently fell pregnant 10 months after having their son, they had some form of ivf due to hubbies poor sperm quality or something - but obviously one made it through so it is possible!

Hey Chocs - loving your scan pic !!! :)

aww thank you hb1 that's really kind of you :hugs:

Yeah I'll do some research! :D hehe good idea :happydance:

They always seem to respond more apropriately when you are armed with info or show you will not be fobbed off. :)
Laceandpearls - You should deffo ask your doc for metformin, i think all us pcos ladies should be taking it if we can, from the research I've read.

I am newly back on it now, after stopping taking it a few years ago, as I'd convinced myself I didn't need it anymore :dohh: I never took it with my last pregnancy and m/c @ 6.4 weeks, after what I have learned since I plan on taking it until 16 weeks next time, fx I get a bfp!! We plan on trying again june/july.

My spotting the other day stopped, but this morning is now back and heavier!! Hopefully this really is my AF this time, as I do have some period pains :happydance: I've never been so happy to see the it means we can think towards ttc again.

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