Hi girls!
Thought I'd pop by and see how you are all getting along. I'm still cautiously "with bean" but trying to not get too excited until after my next scan (a week and a half away) when I am hoping to see bean and heartbeat. Perhaps then I'll put a ticker up, but not before - just feels like tempting fate right now.

Chocolate - your chart looks fine to me. My temperatures usually drop the day before af arrives. Yours are still above the coverline so you're still in with a chance. Do you usually get brown spotting before af arrives? I ask because I don't, but did this month (and I was pregnant). I though it was another chemical (I'd already had a bfp by then). I usually ovulate about CD18-20 but my cycle is never longer than about 31 days. I just have a slightly short lp - but not worryingly short - 11-13 days. Good luck!

hb1 - you go girl! Loving the weight loss, you must be feeling very good about yourself right now!

Nat, I'm glad you have got the metformin, I can't help though cos I've never taken it. Good luck with the weightloss.

Bigs :hugs: to you all.
Cheers Lol! Keep up the PMA - it's such an exciting time!
Hi girls!
Thought I'd pop by and see how you are all getting along. I'm still cautiously "with bean" but trying to not get too excited until after my next scan (a week and a half away) when I am hoping to see bean and heartbeat. Perhaps then I'll put a ticker up, but not before - just feels like tempting fate right now.

Chocolate - your chart looks fine to me. My temperatures usually drop the day before af arrives. Yours are still above the coverline so you're still in with a chance. Do you usually get brown spotting before af arrives? I ask because I don't, but did this month (and I was pregnant). I though it was another chemical (I'd already had a bfp by then). I usually ovulate about CD18-20 but my cycle is never longer than about 31 days. I just have a slightly short lp - but not worryingly short - 11-13 days. Good luck!

hb1 - you go girl! Loving the weight loss, you must be feeling very good about yourself right now!

Nat, I'm glad you have got the metformin, I can't help though cos I've never taken it. Good luck with the weightloss.

Bigs :hugs: to you all.

Hi Hun

I have got my fingers and toes crossed for you and bean,pls pls pls up date us as soon as you have been scanned hunni. Thanks for post

Nat xxxxxx
HI girls a little about me i was diagnosed with PCOS when i was about 19... I had not had AF for about 8 months. I went onto OCP to regulate cycle and came off it about 10 years ago. I now have a cycle ranging from 27-32 days but i ovulate normally. My first pregnancy resulted in a m/c but i managed to conceive one time without contraception. My sencond pregnancy resulted in a fabulous little boy and i conceived the first month of trying, my third pregnancy was also in the first month of trying but sadly ended in a m/c.

My thoughts are this.. I wonder if i truly have PCOS , i have been told this through a scan when i was 19 i am now 35. I have managed to conceive 3 times with no problems but i also know that i am overweight and no matter what i do i cant seem to lose weight unless i become a little gym bunny! I have more hair in comparison to other girls and thats about it really. I know that with PCOS it can be a struggle with fertility and when i was initially told that i had it, the doctor told me i would probably have to have fertility treatment to conceive. I have had 2 m/c which i know can be more common with pcos.

Not really sure what to think.. i dont really want to see any specialists right now, will try to conceive again and then see what happens.
Hey lol - good luck for your scan, must be a nervous time, but try to stay positive and cant wait to see your new ticker!

AF got me this am, but atleast I know ovulation is only a few weeks away and bd'ing will start in 8 days ish, so atleast the cycles come round relatively quickly.

Welome Goddess25, I think PCOS varies for each person, some people have no trouble conceiving and seem to ovulate every month. I am slim, but get acne on my face still at 25 which is so bloody annoying! I have slightly more hair/darker hair in places, but nothing noticeable to others, but my periods go all over the place without metformin.
I also fell pregnant both times within the first month of trying, but miscarried in the 2nd pregnancy, and have just got af so it wont be first month lucky this time! Im hoping next month is the one as we only had sex once that week of ovulation, the night before, so Im upping the bding this month lol!
Yeah - I got pregnant without Met as Docs took me off it when TTC - bit upset about that now - it was just as Met isn't licensed for pregnancy but studies show it has vast advantages for PCOS even in to pregnancy. I obviously had a mc. It does vary vastly from one woman to another and the chance for mc is 45% - so there's a 55% chance of successful pregnancy - so knowing some ladies get there does help focus on the good side - I think if I get pregnant again will have to focus on the positives as the negatives will drive me to distraction!! Fingers crossed for us all!!

Chocolate - hoping your oh has plenty of energy!! Will make a lovely valentines pressy - a baby!!

Have a lovely weekend ladies :)

wow i never knew the stats were so high for m/c with PCOS... its a bit scary i guess if i have another one i had best head to the doctors to see what if anything i can do about it, i am hoping my trend continues. M/C - healthy baby - m/c and now trying again.
Hey ladies, can I join in?

I was told i had pcos when i was around 16 after nearly a year with no af. Was put on bcp and came off in '08 (ten years later) to ttc. Fell into a regular 35 day cycle almost immediately and got a bfp in Jan 09. Unfortunately we had to terminate as bean had a fatal ntd. I bled for 10 weeks after medical mc and had an erpc at end of may. After that i had two 60 day cycles with spotting right the way through and just had two normal 35 day cycles. I had ewcm with both so i thought i ovd. Now Im on cd 38 with absolutely no sign of af but plenty of bfns!!! I feel sick every day and am bloated like you wouldnt believe. Just so upset that cycles look like theyre f*&%£d up again :growlmad:

Im overweight with a bmi of 36 :blush: and finding it really hard to lose the weight. GP has told me he wont do anything til Ive lost weight (5st to get my bmi down to 25!!!!) and it feels like i wont get there. Do you guys think metformin would help me? Seems load of ppl have tried it? May have to change docs.
Hey Baby Bubbles, PCOS can be aided by Met, regulates insulin resistance with causes massive inbalances in male and female hormones amongst other things - this action also makes it easier to lose weight - posted a few links early on in this thread which explain a little about weight gain with PCOS. For me it is rediculously hard to lose weight - the only thing that is helping is pretty much excercise EVERY day :( it's great to get it shifting but only need to miss a couple of days or look at a piece of chocolate and it goes back on. GP's seem extra clueless about PCOS and ignorant of mc risks - is pants to say the least.

At least I know I'm not alone although wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Goddess - Yes - the odds are scary but you have beaten them before so fingers crossed you'll beat them again!!
Keeping up the PMA in the meantime!!
happy db'ing all!!

PS - there's no reason that weight should stop them treating your PCOS - the weight could even be considered a symptom - RCOG dictate standards of care so maybe go in armed with info from them?

I keep meaning to put together something to about the way PCOS women who suffer mc are treated with respect to further pregnancy to send to RCOG as I think the current situation is wrong!! As well as inconsistancy in care and understanding for all PCOS - it's wrong and there's quite a lot of us it would seem!
PS I put a load of stuff about PCOS and miscarriage on my visitor page
Hi All

Found a great explanation of how insulin resistance causes weight gain ( as well as the excess insulin causing both male and female hormone inbalances causing fertility issues and increasing chance of mc ) so thought would share:

With Insulin resistance the glucose taken from food isn’t sent into the bloodstream properly, so it never gets converted into energy for the body to use. The glucose begins to build up in the blood, but the cells still aren’t getting the fuel they need to function properly. Because the body’s cells are lacking the energy needed to carry on basic life functions, it signals the pancreas to secrete more Insulin to try and force the glucose into the cells. The presence of all that extra Insulin in the body brings more of the fatty acids out of food, which ends up getting stored in fat cells, causing weight gain. Trying to shed those pounds later on becomes more difficult as this cycle continues.
Hey Lovely Ladys

How are you all? Just to update you all i am still on Metformin 1000 mg a day. Had no problems with it thankfully...........been on a 5grams a day carb diet aka Atkins but concerned!!!!!!!!! I bought a glucose blood monitor and it still shows my levels as high despite little carbs and metformin arhhhh just makes me wonder why!!!!!!
Still tryin to loose weight,another 6lbs hopefully should do it and I can get Chlomid but only 19 days to loose it arggghhhhhhh
Hope ya all well
Nat xxxxxxxx
Hi Nat - was thinking about you before - Hope you're feeling a bit better!

I've heard it can take a few weeks to really take effect - making you less resistant to insulin should enable your cells to take up the glucose as it should normally - but if your blood sugar doesn't come down or start to follow a downward trend at least then your doctor should be able to review your dose - I am on 1700mg a day for example. If blood sugar becomes a major concern and just metformin alone doesn't aid it then they can combine drugs - have read more about this when they are talking about diabetics tho.

6lbs in 19 days - 2lb a week - certainlt do-able - more so if you mega excercise but don't knacker yourself out to get there!!

Will try to lose 6 lbs with you - my weightloss has plateaued so a good kick will be good for me too!!!

Hi Nat - was thinking about you before - Hope you're feeling a bit better!

I've heard it can take a few weeks to really take effect - making you less resistant to insulin should enable your cells to take up the glucose as it should normally - but if your blood sugar doesn't come down or start to follow a downward trend at least then your doctor should be able to review your dose - I am on 1700mg a day for example. If blood sugar becomes a major concern and just metformin alone doesn't aid it then they can combine drugs - have read more about this when they are talking about diabetics tho.

6lbs in 19 days - 2lb a week - certainlt do-able - more so if you mega excercise but don't knacker yourself out to get there!!

Will try to lose 6 lbs with you - my weightloss has plateaued so a good kick will be good for me too!!!


Aww you little Angel,that be nice someone loosing the weight with me.
I am 15.1lb at the mo and need to be down to 14.9lb by 23rd Feb .Arghhhhhhh be nice to aim for 14.7lb so them nasty Docs cant try and get out of giving me Chlomid the bunch of fattists(docs).
OMG I cant believe I have actually posted my weght on here.....oh well at least its better than the 17stone Iwas mid December. Must admit I have not been to the gym religously had a bit of a downer week with it being Lillies due date. Need to get back on it tomorrow..................
What did you start off on the Metformin? I read anything under 1500 mg isnt effective,did they do any additional tests to see if metformin was workin for you?
How are things going for you hun?
Nat xxx
Hey Nat OMG - you must be so proud of that weight loss - it's fabulous !! - there is no way the dr can put off your clomid now after that !! Glad to hear your feeling a bit better - you must feel like you've been on an emotional rollercoaster. The excercise will def help!!

My BMI is 32.60 - I will aim to get it down to 31.60 ( am not as brave as you )- have been on Met since end Jan so not long really - I was on it for years prior to May last year when dr said to come off it as ttc and have just got back on after the mc in Dec - I went back on to the same dose I was on b4 May. Have never had additional tests - once it evened out my periods I guess they saw that as it - have moved since then so at diff dr's and they just followed on the treatment.

I am going to ask them to check my vit b12 and folic acid levels tho - bearing in mind I take supplements - have heard Met can reduce these - so am hoping if I am affected that super doses of supplements would help? They need to check my iron and ferratin levels soon anyway so don't see the harm in checking!

I'm generally ok - coming out of the worst side affects of the Met now. Am due my AF next week so might test but not holding out much hope - if no luck will be starting on the fertility monitor!!

Off to do my wii fit now!

Hey Nat OMG - you must be so proud of that weight loss - it's fabulous !! - there is no way the dr can put off your clomid now after that !! Glad to hear your feeling a bit better - you must feel like you've been on an emotional rollercoaster. The excercise will def help!!

My BMI is 32.60 - I will aim to get it down to 31.60 ( am not as brave as you )- have been on Met since end Jan so not long really - I was on it for years prior to May last year when dr said to come off it as ttc and have just got back on after the mc in Dec - I went back on to the same dose I was on b4 May. Have never had additional tests - once it evened out my periods I guess they saw that as it - have moved since then so at diff dr's and they just followed on the treatment.

I am going to ask them to check my vit b12 and folic acid levels tho - bearing in mind I take supplements - have heard Met can reduce these - so am hoping if I am affected that super doses of supplements would help? They need to check my iron and ferratin levels soon anyway so don't see the harm in checking!

I'm generally ok - coming out of the worst side affects of the Met now. Am due my AF next week so might test but not holding out much hope - if no luck will be starting on the fertility monitor!!

Off to do my wii fit now!


Hey Hun
No not proud I hate myself for being this big and I hate that it has taken something like this to loose the weight it cant come off quicker enough for me if I am honest. Then again I think I feel so bad because I see my weight getting in the way of my happieness and having another baby.Having a bad day today I have gained a bloody pound ,sticking to everything so wouldnt mind if I was cheating arhhhhhhhhhhhh

Not sure if I told you about my AF, well I always had 28day cycles which were very heavy but regular "which isnt norm for pcos suffers I believe" Anyway only started to mess up after loosing Lillie. I had a 40 day cycle last month,so was very worried that I would have another long cycle.It seems my period is on its way as had some spotting and its cycle day 28 so it looks as though its regulated again.

Oh Hun your BMI isnt that bad then hun,what have you been told to get it down too? might of asked this already but hats going on about chlomid will you get it?

Do you use the WII Fit board? and what games you using?

Noticed your from Cheshire,what part? I use to live in Cheshire

Oh have you seen the boots fetility monitors? How good are they not done much research on them to be honest. Still unsure whats going on with me until my appointment. The head Sonographer told me my folicles were to underdeveloped to concieve and thats why she said I had pcos but tubes clear...sorry sound a little thick but dont have a clue what see meant by my folicles were underdevelpoed arhhhhh

Glad your over the worse of Met hun and keep me updated for next week

Nat xxx

oh have fun on the wii lol
Yey to the 28 day cycle!! that's really encouraging!! - will know my fate next week! Was regular when I came off the met - when I got diagnosed I had had a spate of extra periods = 2-4 a month so it's almost opposite to what others get!!

I had a weight week like that last week - excercised like mad ate nothing bad at all and put on 3 lbs one day - took 4 days to get it back off - have lost another lb since then but only went down a teeny bit today - not a full lb,. Am not on a clomid quest ( yet!! ) but 25 is the point at which you go down in to the normal range so I am aiming for that as that apparently is where you get to optimum fertility.

The wii fit plus with the wii fit board is what I use at mo - I love it - generally do about 500 calories a day on the aerobic stuff - seems to be working!!

Am from just outside Chester but live in Middlewich at the mo.

Underdeveloped follicles is where the follicles try to develop but ( most likely ) due to the hormonal inbalances the eggs contained in the follicles to not mature and don't release - this in itself exaserbates the problem - this is where the clomid comes in.

And - seriously don't hate yourself - tried that and it doesn't get you anywhere - your weightloss is amazing and for anyone undergoing lifestyle changes - whether it's giving up smoking or drinking or weightloss or whatever - a good reason to do it is an amazing driving force. Seriously start looking at yourself and thinking about the good things and screw the negative thoughts as they will only screw with you - your baby will need a happy mummy and you'll be better off loving yourself too.

take care hx
Hi, hope everyone is ok.

I have taken this from HB1's visitor page as I feel it is relevant to me.

LH (luteinizing hormone) hypersecretion. Some women with PCOS have elevated LH during the follicular phase (first half of the cycle), which prematurely sends a signal to the egg that it is about to be released from its follicle. The egg then prematurely disconnects from its supporting cumulus cells, which causes the egg to pause in its maturation process.
It is thought that this interruption in the normal maturation process may result in abnormal chromosomes in the egg, which would then substantially increase the probability of a miscarriage. Other Hormones. Of course, other hormonal imbalances besides FSH and LH may be involved. Women who miscarry appear to have higher levels of testosterone and DHEA than women with continuing pregnancies. Women who miscarry may tend to have higher prolactin and androgen levels during the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle.

So, this is my 1st cycle since miscarriage, but I did ovulate on day 19 after the miscarriage, which is normal for me - but its hard to know when my cycle actually started so in theory it may not have been day 19 at all.
Im hoping the mc jump started my hormones and I will have the right balance to ovulate on day 14 with a healthy egg.
Anyway - Im now on day 12 (I think) and have had a few niggly pains in ovary yesterday am, but not like ov pains. I cant really check the cm as have been using conceive plus and also been bd'ing. Yesterdays ov test was negative, faint line, todays line is much darker but looks like a few days away from a positive....... so Im in limbo wondering if I will actually ovulate soon, or if I am just getting a raised lh level like the phrase above describes, and will get a false opk, or just keep getting a dark line for a few days.

Anyway - would clomid solve the problem above? Would this bring ovulation forward and balance horomnes to a correct level to release a healthy egg? (Although the same happened on my cycle I conceived ds - had to have a trigger around day 18 after getting ewcm on day 13 ish, and he is very healthy and normal)
Or would increasing my metformin to 1500mg a day bring ovulation closer?
I guess I need to ask the specialist this on the 24 th too. Just trying to get my head around things first!
Hello Lovely Ladys

I am under 15 stone at last,my weight is now 14.13 lbs which is still alot but considering I was 17 stone on the 20th December my restrictive diet and may be Metformin is helping...still got another 6 lb to loose before 23 rd Feb aka "fertility appointment and weight review to get Chlomid" Really nervous incase I cant get my BMI below 35 as I have tried sooooooooo hard with a very strict diet and upping my exercise. On another note my period has gone back to a 28 day cycle after last months 40 day cycle,so am thiking thats good.

HB1 ,hows it going hun for you so far. I have tried to buy a wii board but just cant find any in stock. Gonna start playing tennis with my OH until I get one. Oh thanks for the link it helped me and OH alot x

Chocolate. noticed your appointment is coming up too,do you know what they are gonna discuss or do for you? x

Hope everyone is well


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