TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Wow Ren that is impressive. I know this is going to work out for you, I just have a feeling!

Thanks, Mommy! It really does lessen when I walk around, but I'm in an office all day. I'm really going to have to remind myself to get up and walk around.

AFM - Just saw an email from my doctor that I missed earlier. He is going to get the blood test results tomorrow and will call me if something doesn't look right. Ehh, I wish I could just know what they were either way.
Bab-time does heal but don't let anyone tell u that u should be "over this by now". Those are ppl that have never experienced a loss. If u r sad for months than be sad. Everyone grieves differently. I was 4+5 when I had my mc and someone had the never to say to me it wasn't even a baby yet. As soon as u see the + hpt u have connected to your baby and put all kinds of hopes and dreams in to that future. Nobody can tell u how to grieve.
Mommy-Those pains are stretching just like u told perse. I had a couple when i was bent over and then stood up they caught my breath. And ur right, they are more prominent the further along u get.
Perse-I had an electrical shock feeling down my left hip/leg that was off and on with dd for almost the 1st week. It eventually went away. Take it as a good sign that bean is nestled in and body is making room.
Ren-That is a lot of stuff to take but I agree with perse that I feel ur time is close. The stars will align and u will have ur rainbow.
As far as gender preference I have absolutely non. I have one of each and love them both. It's been all boy stuff for years and now all girl stuff (their preference not us putting it on them) and both are so fun. I'm really just praying that baby is healthy and this pregnancy is successful.
Bab- i am so sorry about your loss. I know its not easy, and I hope you have plenty of support.
Well, I think it might be over for me soon too. I'm having a lot of back pain today and once in awhile I get a distinct cramp that feels like period cramps.

Blah. What a crappy way to start the weekend.
Perse-I'd call the dr and ask for the actual results. I would want to know also. I hope that your cramping goes away and you can rest on the fact that bean is doing good.

Ren-Yay for scan next week. Go lefty go!! fx for you girly!!

Bab-Sorry you had to work, I was 5 weeks when I lost mine also. I hope you get some rest this weekend.

Mommy-Your numbers sound great, just try to relax and not worry. When do you go back for your scan again?

Ready-I am so happy for you and can't wait to watch you progress. A little over 2 weeks til you see your MW, right.

AFM-I am still having those pulling cramps, dr said to call if they kept on so I think I will since I have had them everyday since the 12th. I am sure they are just "growing" but I am just gonna call since they told me to. I have been up since 3am, I was not able to go back to sleep and had some cramps in that time that kept me awake. I am super tired and really just want to go home and take a sick day, I might do that if we stay slow this afternoon. Hope you gals have a great weekend.
Perse-I had cramps and lower back ache for the first couple weeks. I don't get af cramps but its what I think they would be just very achey and icky feeling. My fx'd that its just ur body adapting. Have u called ur dr?
Mrs-did ur dr say what they might be aside from regular stretching and pulling? My mw appt is feb 4 so I'm trying to remain positive. Ms has kicked in daily and at all different times of the day. It's coming in weird waves for no rhyme or reason.
Smommy-How r things?
Ren- and here I thought I had to take a lot of pills! I will probably be adding some vitamin D and requesting progesterone supplements to my little list though lol
That ovary had better make some eggs this round!

mommy- I am sure you are fine. I understand your concerns, but I think you will feel better at your next scan :)

pers- hopefully those are normal pains! I will be praying that everyone's babies keep growing and get stronger!

ready- I think I feel worst right now because I feel like I let my friend down. She has been waiting for me to get pregnant for quite a while now and she was one of the few people who found out. She was extremely excited and went and got me a newborn sleeping suit and a penguin onesy. (sp?)
I haven't told her yet that I've had a miscarriage and honestly idk how to tell her... I talked to my husband last night because he wasn't showing his emotions about it, as usual, and he aditted that he was upset and let down. He knows it isn't my fault at all but I still can't help but to feel like I screwed things up some how for everyone.

Sooo.. since neither you or hubby have a preference do you think you will try to wait on finding out the gender?

mrs- I agree that it sounds like stretching or growing pains! :)
Glad to hear that your doctor is being cautious though!
It seems like 4-8 weeks is the most common time for miscarriages. I have been reading up on what could have gone wrong and had seen a lot of ladies say they lost their pregnancies around those times. Sooo you should be in the clear :)

afm- exhausted. I just got my arm poked again for a blood test which they should have done a while ago. Apparently if I am rh- I will need a shot called Rogan (sp?) to prevent complications for my next pregnancy. I am supposed to get it within 72 hours of a miscarriage (if rh-) sooo waiting those results.
Bab-YOU had no control over the mc so please try not to take the blame. It's hard eenough to deal with the mc let alone thinking u let ppl down. I'm sure ur friend would give u comfort and support. Please talk to us as much as u need about this.
I will still find out the sex only because i have no patience to wait lol. Dh is the same.
Pers- I hope everything is alright! Get plenty of rest and eat some healthy comfort food! I'm sure your bean is just being restless and getting comfy :hugs:

Bab- Don't blame you, these awful things happen and it's hard to understand that there is no one to blame but nature. You WILL get pregnant again and it WILL be a healthy pregnancy ! And I will continue to speak that into existence for you. I'm so glad your drs are doing what they need to put you at ease and secure things for the upcoming pregnancy . I hope you've gotten your rest and are having a good weekend :hugs:

Ready- haha I'm super impatient too! I almost called a phsycic the other night and DH told me I better not! He says their evil and against God so I backed off. I need to find out if this pg is even viable at all. Waiting game. How are you feeling ? Is DH excited ?

Mrs- Im sure they are stretches and pulls from your baby girl ...... She's getting comfy in there! Tell her not to get too comfy tho, you will be kicking her out soon! Lol let us know what your dr says

I took dd to a birthday party yesterday and as I was talking with her friends mom I started to get SO dizzy it was so embarrassing. I have never felt anything like that. I felt myself getting pale in the face and had to sit down. Walking back to the car I felt much better and I felt a huge gush like AF had come but it was just watery fluid...? Still cramping on and off . I've never had any mcs do these sound like what you might experience just before mc?
Mommy-the dizziness is from the extra blood pumping which tends to cause low blood pressure. I had it with both kids. The increase in discharge is perfectly normal as well. My mc started with back and pelvic pain that felt like very mild labour pains. I think u r fine.

Perse-How r u? Did the cramping subside?

Bab-How r u feeling today? Hopefully u can take the wknd to take time for u.

Ren-scan time is coming soon. ...fx'd for that left side! I have to say u r well versed on fertility issues and solutions. I've seen u on several threads and ur knowledge is insane. 3 yrs of ttc would do that I guess. I just so hope it happens really soon for u.

Wishing-Have u had any more fake babies lately? Lol I hope exdh has been behaving?

Smommy-anything going on with baby yet?

Ab-How are u and the little man doing?

Afm-ms has totally set in. The past few days its been gaining strength but last night and today it's pretty evident it's here. Dh cooked himself dinner and I had to hide my nose under a blanket until even that didn't work so I went to my bedroom. He came in later but I made him leave as I could still smell the food on him.
I'm hoping it doesn't get like it was with dd cuz I cater meals for a living and if the smell of food cooking is an issue I'm going to have some real problems.
Ok thanks ready, I never even thought about the blood flow. And I do remember some discharge with the other kids but not a full on gush. Guess every pregnancy will be different amounts and things.

Also ready when you get a chance can you check out for me ? I can't remember if you said you already tried this one or not but I am curious to see how accurate it is for your babies! And I hope the sensitivity to smells passes and quickly since you cater! I'm sensitive to DHs Breath and certain foods
Well I had to end up calling the on-call nurses and doctor to get an answer for my blood test. Thankfully I am O+ so no need for any Rhogam shot.
I am upset that my doctor didn't care to keep her word and call me back to ease my mind.

Mommy- I have heard that lots of cm is a good thing during early pregnancy! :)

Ready- That is awesome that both you and mommy have accurate results on that gender chart!
Maybe when I get pregnant again i will get a little girl! It says that March is my month for a girl and I am think that is when I will be trying again..
I will look forward to March then Babbs! If this month on femara doesn't cut it we are stepping up to injectibles possibly in March. So you will have a buddy.

Mommy, I hope the dizzyness passes, no fun. I get it badly when I am pregnant, even if I don't make it far into said pregnancy. My understanding is it is normal in pregnancy, like Ready said. Your blood volume increases a ton.

Ready I am both super happy you are having "morning" sickness as well as feel super bad for you. I hope this helps bring you a smile at least.

Mrs. Burch, glad to hear you are doing ok. I hope the pulling cramps don't end up slowing you down too much. SO SO glad your sickness is going away and that you won't have it fully through your entire pregnancy.

Persephone, anything new?

Smommy! Long time since I saw you in here, how are you?

AFM: Nada, took my last femara pill today so the rest is out of my hands. Thanks for the leftie cheers. I really really really really hope I can actually get an egg on that side.
Hey friends, sorry I disappeared. The cramps did subside, and seem to be all related to the bathroom. UGH. lol. Usually they subside once I've done my business. Not that that is happening very often!!! It's not
Bab-That pisses me off that the dr didn't call u back with the info. They need to get on top of things. Little girls are fun but look out...they are a handful! Lol
Perse-glad it was nothing serious. I have had constipation issues since I saw that first bfp. I never have issues but I have been going only every few days. It makes me feel sick. I hope yours subsides soon.
Ren-That gave me a giggle. I haven't been hugging the porcelain but I have spent most of my day with my head on the pillow.
Are the injections just a stronger dose or what's the difference? What is the longest duration of pregnancy you have had?
Ren- If this isn't your month this I hope that March is!! It would be nice to have a cycle buddy :)

pers- glad to hear things are going better.

ready- Sorry to hear about ms but I am happy that you are getting some good strong symptoms finally!

afm- my friend that was excited about the pregnancy texted to find out when my firsr appointment was. So I had to tell her what happened and she still hasn't replied. This was over an hour ago :(
Ready- Crap! I was hoping you'd say it was wrong! Lol it says girl for me ); ds will be so disappointed .... It was right for both of mine too ... It doesn't show for my oldest because I was 16 when I had her . Oh well maybe next round TTC . I plan on doing the Irish twin thing . What did yours say for this baby??

Bab- That makes me mad about your dr too, they should be calling YOU within a 24 hr period with blood results. I'm thinking your friend just didn't want to say anything yet because she's not sure what to say. Sometimes that is a really soft subject for people to speak on, I'm sure she will be calling or texting you back soon :hugs: are you ok?

REN- hope you and BABS get your rainbows in March! Such a perfect way to bing in the spring :flower:

I've been praying for all of us and God is clearly answering , so babs and Ren i kno he's working on your miracles next and I am excited for us. Hold on girls!

Mrs- How's it going ???

Pers- Glad it was just constipation ! So now you don't have to worry (-: Maybe it's the prenatals ? They do it to me every so often and I have to chug prune juice :~\

Had back and abdominal pain last night for a few minutes and then it went away. (Tmi) Kept checking my underwear but just more water. 3 more days until scan
Yes, Mommy! That's what I am going to be getting today.

I have to say I'm feeling really emotional and crappy today. Everything makes me sad, and I just don't feel pregnant. Which is stupid, I know, but I can't help thinking about last time. It's like I want to hope that everything is going well, but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up because I was so sad for months afterwards. :cry:

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