TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Bab-Hopefully mommy is right and ur friend doesn't know what to say. For someone that had never gone through it they may not understand what u r feeling. Hopefully she figures it out and can give u some support.
Mommy-it says boy for me. Have u heard of the Panorama test? Its a blood test to replace the 12 week nt scan but it can also tell u the gender and is 99% accurate? I've seen a lot of ppl talking about it on here. In Canada the cost is $795, not sure about the US.
Perse-I understand how u r feeling. Once u have had a loss it really taints things. I haven't felt pg and have been super anxious from day 1. Now that ms is setting my hope is growing but I still am scared. The 1st tri is the most nerve racking time but the worry never ends. It just translates differently...are they moving enough in there, are they going to make it to Vday, will they make it unharmed through birth, will I drop them or forget them, will they get hurt at school,will they be safe walking down the street to their friends, will they break anything snowboarding (my son this weekend). It's called motherhood and it starts from the point of knowing u r pg to.......forever! I'm sure that didn't make u feel better but worrying is what we do. I sometimes cry to myself when I think about how fast time goes once u have kids. I'm feeling super emotional today so sorry if I'm not helping lol.
On another note I can't stand dh. Basically since the end of wk 4 everything about him pisses me off. I would usually feel this the days pre af but it seems as though it's not dissipating. I watched What To Expect When Your Expecting last night and there's this screen where the one woman tells her husband all she wants to do is punch him in the face and thats totally how i feel haha. It's bad!
Bab-Hopefully mommy is right and ur friend doesn't know what to say. For someone that had never gone through it they may not understand what u r feeling. Hopefully she figures it out and can give u some support.
Mommy-it says boy for me. Have u heard of the Panorama test? Its a blood test to replace the 12 week nt scan but it can also tell u the gender and is 99% accurate? I've seen a lot of ppl talking about it on here. In Canada the cost is $795, not sure about the US.
Perse-I understand how u r feeling. Once u have had a loss it really taints things. I haven't felt pg and have been super anxious from day 1. Now that ms is setting my hope is growing but I still am scared. The 1st tri is the most nerve racking time but the worry never ends. It just translates differently...are they moving enough in there, are they going to make it to Vday, will they make it unharmed through birth, will I drop them or forget them, will they get hurt at school,will they be safe walking down the street to their friends, will they break anything snowboarding (my son this weekend). It's called motherhood and it starts from the point of knowing u r pg to.......forever! I'm sure that didn't make u feel better but worrying is what we do. I sometimes cry to myself when I think about how fast time goes once u have kids. I'm feeling super emotional today so sorry if I'm not helping lol.
On another note I can't stand dh. Basically since the end of wk 4 everything about him pisses me off. I would usually feel this the days pre af but it seems as though it's not dissipating. I watched What To Expect When Your Expecting last night and there's this screen where the one woman tells her husband all she wants to do is punch him in the face and thats totally how i feel haha. It's bad!

Thank you, Ready! It does help to know that I am not alone and that I'm feeling what everyone else is feeling. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
If anything the loss(es) really increase the gratitude for when u do get ur rainbow. U don't take ur children for granted because you know what u had to go through to get there.
Ready, sorry about the emotional stuff. I get that way with AF sometimes. In answer to your other questions: My longest was just a few days over eight weeks for HCG, ten weeks until bleeding started. I don't know if it makes it a 10wwk mc or an 8 week.
Injectables do different things. One main type produces more eggs., the other type they can do forces all the follicles that are larger to release eggs where the body will normally do one.

Perse, I have everything crossed for you that your tests are going to come out ok. Sorry you are just getting the back ache symptoms.

Mommy, thank you so much for the prayers. I still believe one day my hubbs and I will make it.

Babbs, sorry your friend hasn't gotten back to you. I hope it is something as simple as she is trying her best to find the right thing to say, before she responds. If she is your friend she may be trying to figure out something that is comforting.
Ren-I am putting it out to the universe that it is ur time for a rainbow. I would say u have dealt with enough crap and now it's time for the good!
Ready- Yes yes and yes ! I worry probably a little TOO much about the kids, from the time I knew I was pg with them to current and forever . What if this? What if that? I try to just let it go and give it to God knowing I can't control every little thing but it's hard. So I totally agree. Also DH is posing me off too with every little thing and I'm just so not into him right now! He wanted to have sex the other night and I'm usually sooo into it and want it before he does and I was just eeh... I didn't want to! Lol.

oh and they have a gender preditor here at cvs for 24$ and its 99.9 accurate , my friend used it with her angel who just passed due to heart complications (rest his soul) and it was accurate, so I guess I could get one of those after wednsdays scan.

Pers- I can't wait until your appointment ! I don't know if this helps any but with my first and second babies I had ZERO symptoms , NONE. just slight back ache and some cramps. Turned out to be my uterus stretching. Didn't feel pg until second TRI , I think that's why so many women go without realizing their pg. And it doesn't sound stupid, your anxious and worried and it's totally normal, but I would say the emotions is a good indicator that things are looking good! And get use to It because they'll be there all nine months and then some! Lol the worrying too like ready said that starts now and lasts forever *hugs*
Hey gals!! Sorry I haven't responded in a few days. I left work early Friday per dr orders to get some rest. I came home and slept from 230-530 then went back to bed at 10 and didn't wake up til 10 sat morning. I guess I needed it. I did go see my parents and nephew on Friday night, and my nephew gave me the most kisses he has ever given me.....turns out he has influenza b, so I called dr office again this am and they told me to get my tamiflu filled and go home. I was feeling ok this am but have started throwing up this afternoon. So again I'm home with the starts of the flu. I hope the tamiflu kicks in quickly and I am well tomorrow. We have our gender scan tomorrow at 230 so I really hope that I am better. Sorry I haven't read back yet I'll try to later this week. I hope you are all doing well. Oh and Smommy text me and is giving birth today so keep her in your thoughts. Last time I talked to her she had her epidural and was dilated to a 5, that was at 745 this am. I'm sure she's had her by now. Again hope you all are well.
Mommy-2 days left!!!
Mrs-sorry u r feeling so crappy. I'm so excited for ur scan. I say girl!!!
Thursday morning actually. It had been scheduled on Tuesday but Norman played hide and seek and didn't show up full force until two days later so I had to reschedule. I still get excited for every scan.
Ready - tomorrow it is something still doesn't feel right but we'll see

Ren- Come on Thursday!

Mrs- Oh no! The flu ): I hope u feel better soon!!

BAB- is everything ok? Hope you're feeling better too, you're in my thoughts

Scan is tomorrow but not sure how I feel exactly.I have a strong feeling they still won't see anything. I wouldnt be completely devastated because I was really planning for June/July because that's when we're moving BUT come what may.
Ren I have my fingers crossed for you!

Mommy I hope you have good results!

I am heading to my scan in about 30 minutes. The only thing that bothers me is that they never tell you anything when you are at the scan. Like I'm not asking for a lot. I just want to know what's there.
Hey all
Not really in the mood to play catch up :/ Sorry...
I have been up and down about what to do and how I feel about this. I think I want to try again asap. I also think I am going to get a new doctor.
I have an appointment for today at 11:00 and sadly my doctor couldn't make any time for me. She is "booked" until the end of February. So I am seeing a different doctor today and am going to find out which doctors I can choose from.
Not sure what to really expect at the appointment.. I mean, I have already been researching the heck out of early miscarriages and what to expect (although it seems so varied and hasn't really helped.) so other than getting my blood drawn to make sure hcg is below 5 idk what will go on there.
I have pretty much stopped bleeding. It played games with me on Sunday and acted like it was stopping but then would pick up again. Monday was mainly all light brown crud (sorry for tmi) and today it looks like I am just spotting, so far. Hopefully this is a good thing. Idk how long I am supposed to bleed for. I doubt the baby was very big yet. The biggest tissue I passed was the size of a 'light' tampon, so not very big at all. Hopefully this means that the bleeding won't last as long as others.
:hugs: babs, I am sorry you are going through this. If you want to just talk about it just send me a pm on the forums. If it has transitioned from heavy red to brown that is a good thing. Keep walking when you can to help flush out the brown gunk faster. The clots sound about right for how far along you were. There may be a second set of red flow, that sometimes happens, but more often than not the brown signals the end. No problems with you not wanting to read and respond to everyone. Do what you need and practice self care.
Don't apologize, Babs. I was very much the same way after my loss in March. If you ever need to talk, please feel free to PM me.

I had my scan and it looked good. A tiny sac that was so hard to see but the technician was so nice and she pointed it out to me. Which I really wasn't expecting.

Doc called and said my blood work looked good. When I pried him he told me it was 255 which seems good for 4 weeks. I have my OB appt on Thursday so we will see if she sends me for more blood work or not.
Bab-I'm also here if u need to chat/vent/cry/scream. We have been there and totally empathize. Ur dr sounds like an a-hole, sorry u have to deal with that on top of the loss. Hopefully u can get a new dr that is supportive and will help u with ur rainbow.:hugs:

Perse-how did ur scan go?

Mommy-1 more day to go. I'm sure things will be good and u will be surprised. GL

Mrs-tell smommy I said congrats. I can only imagine she has given birth? I hope u r feeling better?

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