TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Thanks for the bday wishes everyone! It's been a bit of a stressful one with this pregnancy or unpregnancy but had fun with DH and kids.

Bab- the line will probably be low until your numbers rise or until you're further along but congrats honey!!!! I am so happy for you, your dreams ment something!! At least your pregnancy dreams (:

Ready- Everything I've read up on about your situation says that seeing only the yolk sac at 4-6 weeks is totally normal, so I know for your next scan you'll be able to see your little peanut. Stay positive ! And, Congrats!!!!

Mrs-anything new? Have you and DH done any baby shopping lately??

I got my first round of bloods done today and the second round I'll do Monday ...results will be in on Wednesday. My positive lines are too dark for us to see absolutely nothing on the scans. Either ectopic or miscarriage seems more than likely but ready is telling me her lines have been dark really early on too. Another woman here said her scan showed nothing at 5 weeks and she went on to have her baby boy..... Oh the wait is tearing me up
My doctor refuses to do blood tests before 8 weeks because he says its too early...that's why I'm not really in a rush to call because he makes me feel like an idiot.

WHAT? 8 weeks? for bloods? That is a lie and just down right wrong.

1. You get blood test done early because you need to know if your progesterone is high enough to support the pregnancy. Between 8-12 weeks the placenta starts to take over so you don't worry about it as much after.

2. How do you think they check for early ectopic pregnancies before they can see it on the ultrasound. By HCG progression that is how.

3. If the HCG goes away but you still don't start bleeding before 8 weeks they can actually start the MC process, rather than waiting until latter and going through much more bad stuff.

Not testing blood before 8 weeks is silly. If your doctor is making you feel stupid it is time to find a different doctor. I understand if bloods look good not doing say an ultrasound until 8 weeks but blood work is specifically supposed to be done early in the pregnancy.

grr, not mad at you just mad at your doctor. How ignorant can he be?


ohh mommydk, the wait is so stressful. i really really hope you dont have an extopic. They are rough. if you start having any bad pain get into see someone asap. crossing my fingers for you.
Your post makes me feel so much better. When I was pregnant in March he told me, "well you're in here really early. I mean most people don't even come to me until they are 8 weeks because they've missed two periods." And when I mentioned to him that I had read about how women with PCOS have lower progesterone, he told me that progesterone wasn't my problem because I'd gotten pregnant.

I've wanted an excuse to leave this doctor for awhile, and now that we live in a different city I'm finally going to do it.
Ohh plenty of people with faulty progesterone get pregnant. They just lose the pregnancy in the weeks after. Is there a clinic or something you can go to? You already have two MCs this past year. I hope you can find someone who will draw prog and HCG. You have very reasonable concerns and it is important to have these things looked at.
Congrats to all the ladies with BFPs!

babs- I'm so excited for you!!

Mommy- I hope you bloods are good. Try not to stress!

Ready- you have to consider that conception does take place immediately after ovulation, so that could be the reason! Try not to stress to much

Ab- congrats on baby boy!

Pers- you should get a new doctor! Don't let some cranky wanna be bully you!

Ren- I hope this month is better for you!

Sorry I have been Mia lately, it's been a rough couple of weeks. Luckily I do not have Pre eclampsia, but I started to lose my mucus plug on Tuesday. I have been admitted to labor and deliver twice since New Years. Everything end up being ok, just needing to rest and drink fluids. I am 37 weeks tomorrow, and I am 1 cm dilated and 40% effaced. So we shall see when this little one decides to show up. I hope the new year is doing good for you all!
Bab-yay for bloods!!!!!! As for your lines remember all tests are didn't with different amounts of dye in then even the same 2 in a box of 2. At the beginning i was looking at tests online with hcg levels attached and some frers were dark and the hcg was 80 and the same line on another frer was 250. Glad your dr is being proactive. Did they tell you what your hcg was?
Perse-Your dr sounds like he is 100 yrs old. My old ob/gyn wouldn't see you until 2 missed periods unless you had complications previously. I think it used to be pretty standard back in the day but now that there are so many known complications there is no more "standard". There are a lot of drs that think they know and therefore give misinformation and causing undue stress for people. Definitely find a new dr! GL
Mommy-like I said to bab dark lines on tests differ as far as hcg levels. There were so many varying levels of hcg and line darkness there really is no way to say unless having bloods drawn. I think you are still early and in a couple of weeks will see what you are looking for. Thanks for the reassurance.
Afm-I'm trying to just stay positive and figure things will be as they are meant to be and I have no control. Hopefully I see a bean and a heartbeat next week but if not I will deal with it then. I have read sooo many stories of people at the same stage as me have the same thing happen and a week later all is good. FX'd
Hi smommy! That's a little scary but glad baby is still holding out. Almost full term and things can happen whenever. I can't believe you are so close to holding your baby...You must be so excited? I hope all goes quickly for you and can't wait for the details.
I'm kinda feeling like the whole thing is moot anyway because I have lower back pain and slight cramping now. :cry:
Pers- DEFINITLY get a new Doctor! He sounds like he doesn't know his head from his butt!
You can get bloods NOW to confirm! It shouldn't be hard to get into a new doctor right now since pregnant patients are priority :)

mrs- THANK YOU!! It's funny because now that pregnancy is confirmed, aside from my night of bawling uncontrollably on Tuesday, all of my symptoms have gone away! I am pretty exhausted but that could be the could.

Mommy- I hope they would hurry up and figure this out for you!!
I am positive you are preggo! I'll bet that baby is just hiding ;)

Ren- I agree with you! I see a lot of ladies in my PCOS support groups get pg and have VERY low progesterone! They end up having to get started on pills to avoid mc.

smommy- Super glad to hear that you don't have pre-eclampsia! My sister had it and gave birth to her son a whole month in advance. I need to talk to my doctor about these concerns because not only is it genetic it is also common with pcos patients! :/
Sounds like the LO is giving you a good heads up, or I guess in this case down :hehe: I can't wait to see pics!! Keep us updated and I will be sending prayers your way!!

ready- they did but it went in one ear and out the other xD I was trying to be quiet because hubby is home sick as well today! lol But I put together a little basket with a blanket, bottle, the tests, pink and blue balloons and a drawing of a bun saying DUE 09/15 Lol
Pers- that isn't a bad sign this early :) your bean is just reminding you that he/she is there.
thanks everyone, I will try to keep everyone updated as quickly as possible. School starts back on tuesday. So hopefully, i can update during class lol
Oh wow! You have a lot going on this month! What courses are you taking?

afm- my doctor had called me at like 5:00pm yesterday from what I think is her personal phone...
She said that to her my hcg was concerning and low but my progesterone looked great.
My hcg was 15 at 11 dpo cd 28 and prgesterone was 31.35...
What is all of your opinions??
I don't have any good tests left, just the dollar tree ones and there is barely anything there :(
Ugh... I wish that I didn't have to wait until Monday to get another draw!
Smommy- Keep us posted and try to rest as much as you can before LO gets here!!

Bab- I think those #s sound normal just from what I've read from a lot of other moms experiences . Did she mention that if it is early on those numbers are normal? I'm hoping the numbers rise by Monday (I'm sure they will ) so she can stop scaring you and ease your mind

I haven't had any energy to do anything! Idk if it's stress from everything that's going on with this 'pregnancy' or the stress from arguing with DH. OR a real pregnancy is growing and it's causing me to feel exhausted and tired. I can take a nap wake up and STiLL be tired! I get a tiny bit of energy to talk to the kids and make them some food and then boom I have to go sleep again. Really really drained. I'm glad DH is off to help with them this weekend!
How's everyone else?
Bab-I posted and nothing came up! Very annoying!!! Anyways with dd at 14dpo hcg was 57, dr said that was really low. So around 11dpo it maybe was around 20 say. Drs look at textbook cases and base their opinions (Yes opinions) on such cases. The number means nothing it is the progression that should be the only focus. Unfortunately you can only wait at this point and hopefully come Monday ur numbers are up there. In my experience I have been scared, stressed and misinformed on numerous occasions by drs because they give their opinions instead of knowing all of the facts. GL
Mommy-I can tell you I am zapped of energy and have been for a couple weeks. I get up in the am and don't feel like i have slept. I come home and nap and feel more tired after and just wait for the clock to reach 8pm and go back to bed. This past week has been the worst mixed in with the waves of nausea and headaches.
Bab-i forgot to mention that i had my bloods drawn again at 17dpo with dd and they were over 180. That was the last time i had b-hcg checked cuz it was too stressful waiting for results.
ready- I hope so.. I don't have enough money to buy anymore FRER tests and at this point I don't trust the cheap tests since they aren't working for me... They keep stressing me out :/
I feel like they should be showing a better line other than just a shadow line.
The only thing keeping me from going completely insane is my FRER from yesterday. The line has dried to be pretty decent unlike the first one.

I just need to become a flabotomist and get my own mini lab lmao then I would be able to do my own tests xD haha

mommy- I have been completely drained as well! At least this morning I felt energized but suddenly some symptoms have started up again (THANK GOD!)
I went to the store to get some groceries and felt like I was burning up. i got nauseas and like I was about to pass out.
So I guess that is good? lol
Ready- Yes ! You sound just like me this week, it's a drag, and I feel like it's hard to move on or fully enjoy anything because I'm waiting around to find out what's going on. Are you taking your prenatals and folic? I just started back up yesterday . I had given them a break for a few weeks before bfp

Bab- I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling so super tired and exhausted I think this may be a good sign for all of us. My symptoms went in and out too. Today I feel more nauseous and hungry and a little more sensitive to smells ... Like what ever DH is cooking down stairs has me gagging. Yesterday I was dizzy. Did your dr say when they would plan to do a sono

Does anyone else feel/look really bloated after eating or drinking? I noticed in the begining of my other pgs I would get really bloated right after eating or drinking. Almost like my body was giving me a preview of how I was going to look in a few months
Does anyone else feel/look really bloated after eating or drinking? I noticed in the begining of my other pgs I would get really bloated right after eating or drinking. Almost like my body was giving me a preview of how I was going to look in a few months

Oh god yes. It is terrible. I am so bloated. And after eating and drinking, its just constant burping and the like. So nasty. Poor
I haven't gotten really bloated yet, but today I am really feeling pregnant @_@
Same as you mommy, I have been pretty freaken sensitive to smells. My guinea pigs cage that I just cleaned the other day makes me gag and for some reason my husband smells like oysters and I cannot deal with his smell. idk why he smells. He just took a shower this morning!
My little brother had spent the night here and he is a teen so he is struggling with proper hygene lol He didn't brush his teeth and I could smell it from across the room. Everyone thought I was crazy xD
Ended up getting a head ache and having to lay down for a while.
Perse, I have been terribly gssy for the past day or two xD thankfully they haven't stunk! haha
Bab-The cheapies are not a good indicator of any type of increase until u r further along. I didn't bother with them until after af was late.
Mommy-I have been taking my vitamins steady for months. I had bloating for the first week but then it went away. I find at night when i go to bed i feel it.
Perse-What is ur plan as far as getting a new dr and getting bloods drawn?

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