UPDATED 4BFP!!! Praying to be pregnant and stay PAL

Awwww thank you soooo much for the baby dust!
Leinz I couldn't have written anything more perfect. I have a good feeling about this month! I hope I continue to stay positive.
We are in Savannah on our anniversary trip and it is beautiful. We are having the time of our life and so much in love!

Now something happened to me today that has never happened under my knowledge. I'm cd 12 and had eggwhite! A few days before I have had a lot of creamy cm! is it possible for the meds to do this??? I haven't been taking my bbt temp at the same time. I have to get better woth that. It's hard now that I'm not teaching. My face has been breaking out a bit and my boobs have been really sensitive and feel bigger!!!! I have no idea but this is good if I O early. I'm not 100% sure because I didn't bring any test with me on our trip :( I'm regretting that now haha! The only thing is my test is Tuesday sooooo. This will be an interesting next few days!

So ICH did you ever take a digi??

How are the symptoms ladies???
Srrhc: As long as you are including BD in your romantic anniversary trip. I wouldn't worry so much about not temping and OPK. Enjoy yourselves. I'm not sure what side effects the meds cause but its sounding good for early O. Some meds to cause early O, though.

Awwww... I would so love this anniversary baby! :) :happydance: :happydance:

AFM: I'm miserable at the moment. I have a mouth sore on my bottom gum and my bottom gums are swollen. It is so painful. I have a dentist appt. scheduled for July 11. But, I've read the mouth sore will go away in 3-4 days. I sure hope so.
I am so sorry about your mouth. That is so painful! I hope it goes away soon on it's own. I see you added me to your BFP wishes!! So sweet. Thank you!

Well DH and I are going to enjoy our last night in Savanna :( wish we could stay longer. Check in with you ladies tomorrow!
srrhc glad you are having fun!! ewcm is a sign of ovulation, i had mine for 7 days before i got a + opk this cycle. i hope you enjoyed your trip!

leinz im sorry hun =[ that sounds awful i hope you feel better

well my first doctor appointment/scan is today!!!!
How did you scan go today ICH? I am so excited for you! Leinz I can't believe 7 weeks and counting already!!!! Wow!

We got back from out trip and it was so much fun. I just had my first tutoring session and it was amazing too! Yay! Today I have had a lot of watery cm!!! I took an O test when I got home and it was negative. Maybe I'll O around the same time but just have cm earlier on than what I'm use to. I usually just have creamy for awhile and then 1 to 2 day of watery and then 1 day of ew...so as I said before this cycle is going to be interesting. It has been so far! :haha:

My med is still upsetting my stomach from time to time, but I'm trying to eat smaller amounts more often to keep food in my system and that seems to be helping.

Leinz has your sore got any better? I sure hope so!
hey hun hope you feel better. scan showed nothing and im really upset =[ my doctor said according to my ov date its too early but im scared this isn't a viable pregnancy
ICH: don't worry! You are pregnant. It is real early. Maybe it's still implanting and getting real snug in there. I bet in the next few weeks it will start to grow and you'll see it for sure on your next scan! :hugs:

I do feel pretty good today. I did forget to mention earlier about my blue veins. Every since i got prego in Feb. I have had them. They never fully went away, but they did lighten up a bit. They are sooooooooooooo dark today. I noticed it yesterday but didn't think anything of it. They are also darker in my hands??? I'm going to ask my doctor tomorrow if the meds have anthing to do with it because I can't find anything online. Everything says pregnancy symptoms which is true, but it's not possible for me to be pregnant yet so....

I'll update you on how my appointment and colop goes tomorrow.
Ich28: I'm sorry the scan showed nothing. But, I'm also sure it's because of later O. I wish there was a way I could reassure you. I hope your HCG levels will do the ease. Do you have to get another blood test, to see if they rise? :hugs:

srrhc: Yes, 7 weeks and counting!! Can hardly believe it! A little nervous for that scan... 8 days! I'm glad you had a wonderful trip... I was hoping you'd O and make your baby on that trip. Maybe you did? :happydance: That would explain the veins. Mine are that way now and on my leg I have vericose ones that buldge. When I was pg with DD, I was on my feet all day and they clotted... That was awful I had to wear medical hose my whole pregnancy. I also had to elevate my legs and not stand, sit or walk for long periods. I'm hoping it doesn't happen this time, as I'm a SAHM, but they have popped out again.

I hope your meds stop upsetting your stomach. It's really sounding like you're pg. Are these meds supposed to have so many side effects?

Oh about the mouth sore, definitley feeling better... Thank goodness! :)

Please do update with your appt. and everything tomorrow! Everything will go great! :)
Leinz: wow I am so sorry about your legs during pregnancy. I have to stand 90% of the day with my job too. I wonder if mine will be the same when I do become prego again.

My appointment went really good. My doctor is amazing! When he starting looking at me cervix he goes WOW your cervix looks amazing! There is nothing visible to the eye that strikes concern BUT since he such a great doctor and want to make sure everything is 100% he went ahead with the biopsy. So it was painful, but Tylenol is helping. I can't bd for 5-7 days :( so after he left I just start sobbing in my husbands arms (see I'm not always strong ladies! haha). I guess I'm out for trying this cycle too. BUT I am going to stay positive and I feel almost 100% the results are going to come back good based on what he saw. He said he can't even really imagine why the pap came back abnormal since my cervix looked so good. ??? who knows.

Well my only hope is that maybe I will O later now and still have a chance. Haha...usually I can't wait for O to come and now I want it to wait.

Hope you ladies are doing good today.
thanks ladies, i should get my beta back tomorrow. hoping for a big number to put my mind at ease

srrhc i am sorry you got upset at the dr =[ but it is good everything looks great. i love my new dr too!! p.s. last time i was preg my veins started showing a lot and before i got my bfp they showed up again
ICH I bet your betas are gonna look soooo good! I can't wait to hear about them!

Okay girls so what I expected has happened. Got home this evening and took an O test because I've notice slight cramps on my left side off and on today. Sure enough it was a BFP within second. I'm going to upload a picture. The last time hubby and I DTD was Sunday afternoon. My doctor was strict about no bd for 5-7 days so my hubby also says it's a no no because he doesn't want to hurt me or reopen the cut. If I ovulate tonight, tomorrow, or the Thursday do you think the sperm from Sunday has a chance? I have a lot of watery and EWCM on Sunday and Monday. Today not so much, but it's hard to tell from the colop...

But I am super excited to get a positive OPK on cd 14 instead of 21. BUT we will have to see what the temp does. I'm also worried that I can't rely on my temps this cycle since they have all been at different times sort of.
pos O 6-12.gif

So here it is girls. I'm going to take another one later tonight to see if it is even darker as mine tend to get very very dark right before.
urg the pic isn't working! I'll try again soon!
try again hun i wanna see.. i am sad.. my progesterone level was only 10 at 11dpo and i feel that is low
Don't be sad ICH. I'm not sure what progestrone levels should be but I do know everyone is different. The important thing is that everything rises. Some peoples hormones will rise very slowly and still be healthy. Don't worry! Enjoy that you are pregnant!

I still can't get the image to load :( I'm going to keep trying!
No the doc said NO bd for 5-7 days :(
I just took another one and it's even darker. I can just hope there are a few spermys in there. Please let there be! I hope I don't have to wait another cycle.

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