Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hi, I had my 8 week scan today and good news all round. The baby is measuring bang on 8 weeks with a great heartbeat. It looks like I dont have a haematoma in my second womb but just thickened lining which explains any brown bleeding that Ive had. Im really thanking the progesterone for working, I reckon without that my other side would be shedding like a period just like last year which was v. distressing!
justkeeptrying- this is awesome news hun, huge congrats again!!! Even if your second womb had shed its lining it would still be ok but i know what you mean about distress!!! Even though i knew the blood was from my non pregnant side it still scared the shit out of me!!!! Great great news, just try to keep as relaxed and tired free as possible and keep your feet up whenever you find some time...even if it makes no difference whatsoever now you re going to need it in a few months time!!! Would love to see a scan pic of you have one!
Thanks v much. Im going to try and get my scan pics uploaded asap. I noticed a big difference yesterday. At 6 weeks it was a tiny blob but yesterday could see a defined head and body area..so cute.
I need to get my husband to set the scanner up x
Oh also meant to mention to you that the sonographer said the gest sac was high up in the right side.

Which i believe is a good thing isnt it??

I'm so confused with information been thrown at me from all over the place!!

Hey sbl! High is good, both my son and this baby were quite high and on the right side of my bu...what you dont really want is for the placenta to grow towards the mid part because that usualy doesnt have good blood supply...but i think it is quite difficult to know at this stage where the placenta is growing... I kept asking again and again and he kept telling me "it looks as if it is growing to the side, not the middle, but we cant be sure yet".... He was finally sure at my 12 week scan! When s your next scan hun?
Thank you hun, your info is so helpful and greatly appreciated :hugs:

My next scan is Wednesday...I am so worried. :nope:

My hcg levels not rising as much as they should is not a good sign and I fear the worst.

Dh keeps telling me to chill that there was only 16 hours between my two tests.

I havent had any spotting yet so I'm praying for a good outcome [-o<

Boobs are still sore and I've felt slightly nauseous off and on today.

Just gotta take it one day at a time wednesday cannot come quick enough till We just know one way or another.

thanks for putting up with my questions and ramblings your a star hun :hugs:

if you re doc tells you not to worry you should listen to him...usually they try to scare us more than they should! 16 hours between bloods is too short for anything to show...i am sure your bubba is fine and growing! Ow and believe me, i was exactly like you (sometimes still am) so you can ramble and ask as much as you like! You have a long way ahead but just take it one or two weeks at a time and time will fly! The one thing that kept me more sane this time round but i know some women dont like the idea of (and i totally respect that) is that i bought that fetal doppler...after i started bleeding and in between the scans it was the only thing that could keep me sane!Hugs!
No not my doctor but my husband, he is staying very positive about things.

I on the other hand do not want to get my hopes up.

I dunno, its all so stressful.

If I'm lucky enough for this pg to get to 15 weeks I think I will purchase a doppler.

How are you doing anyways? Me rambling on about my problems!!!

You must be so excited! will you be have a section??

Well your dh is right hun...i vote dh!!! I totally get not getting your hopes up, even at 33w today i still havent bought anything and i m still not discussing it much! I hope to deliver naturally, 2 weeks ago bubs was head down so if she still is then my doc hopes my cervix will open up as soon as the stitch is out at 37w and he ll deliver then! I d rather not have a section as it wouldnt be easy with 2 los at home. But i guess that s the least of my worries!
Anyway, keep positive hun, you dont have any spotting and symptoms are coming up (which they never did for me so even if they go away dont be alarmed) so i can bet we ll be exchanging fantastic news on wednesday (i have my next appointment then too!)
Hey ladies .. Good luck with everything SBL bub is prolly growing big and strong and F'Xd everything goes awesome for you!! Xx
Awesome to hear justkeeptryin wishing you a h&h 9 months Hun xx
Not long now Christina won't be long and you'll be holding your little bubba girl!!
Soo today I thought I would test it was bfn but it's only 10 dpo and I didn't use fmu so I am thinking I will test again in the morning and see how it goes F'Xd it's a BFP :) xx
Hey littlemama, i ve never had a 10dpo bfp (even my 11dpo was so faint it was almost non existant!!!) so your bfn doesnt mean anything hun, i m keeping my fxed for tomorrow or even the day after that!!!any bfp Actually will be fine at any dpo!!
Hi girls,

Had my scan this morning.

all is looking good gestational sac was 8mm and yolk sac was present.

back next friday hopefully to see bubs heartbeat.

not out of the woods yet I know and i will be more happy once i see the heartbeat.

how was your app chistiana?

hey, that's Great news sbl!!! so happy for you! Of course you ll relax a little bit more once you see that little heartbeat! It s great that you re having such good monitoring...make them keep it up!

My appointment went well too..doppler was fine, placenta not aging yet and bubs is still head down! We got to see her 3d which was awesome but she kept putting her hand in front of her face and in her mouth which made it difficult to see many details! Awesome though! Back to see doc in two weeks and then stitch removal two weeks after that....fingers crossed we ll have no surprises till then!

How s everyone else doing? littlemama? justkeeptrying?
hey im doing ok got the flu at the moment and my bbt dropped below coverline so am expecting af today or tomorrow as im 14 dpo :( so devastatsed really thought this month was it but oh well looks like on to next month...
glad to see both your apps went well ladies and not to long now christina you must be excited and sbl so glad to see everything is going well and hoppefully next scan you will see a beautiful little flicker xx
Thanks littlemama, hopefully all will be ok next friday :thumbup: god willing.

sorry to hear you've got the flu :cry:

Feel better soon hun :hugs:

and keep the chin up, ttc is so stressful :nope:

Thanks littlemama....so sorry to hear you ve got the flu and stupid bbt dropped...just remember it takes time and this month or the next or sometime really soon you wont be expecting it and all of a sudden you ll see that bfp and be on cloud 9!
Hey chistiana,

I thought I replied to you last night :dohh:

Ah that must have been so lovely to see your little woman in 3D. I am so happy for you everything is going well.

Fingers crossed everything goes just as good for me.

I've got some light cramping today which is kinda worrying me but I know it can be normal so trying not to worry too much!

Yes they do seem to be watching me fairly well thank god.

hope your doing good today :hugs:
Sbl, dont worry babe, cramping is so very normal especially during the early stretching stages as long as it is not excrutiating or accompanied with bleeding (even though it did for me!) i was actually more nervous when i didnt have the cramping!
Thanks guys hopefully feel better soon :) sbl I was the same with my pregnancy panicked at every little thing but as the same as
Christina I bled and cramped for 16 days before my mc but everything will be ok and it won't be long and you'll be getting ready for your little one :) xx
so the :witch: got me today but the thing i dont understand is my bbt dropped yesterday reight below my coverline then shot back up today to the highest its ever been? whether its because i ahve a cold or whether i am pregnant an bleeding from the other side of my uterus i have no idea guess we will wait and see but on to next month for my :bfp: how you girls going i am getting so excited for you christina have you got any scan pics to share lol sbl i am wishing the happiest and healthiest 9 months i just know everything will good for you cant wait for you to share a scan pic and cant wait to hear how strong bubs heartbeat is :) xx

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