Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Oh littlemama sorry huni :hugs: Keep your spirits up though hun. I Know how hard ttc is and disheartening it is to get AF.
We were TTC for 2 years before we got our first ever BFP.

I'm not getting too excited yet, maybe when if i see the heartbeat I will feel a little less anxious. maybe :haha:

I know chistiana is nearly there now so exciting!! yes get those 3d scan pics up????

Have a good day girls
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well. Im really happy, I had my 9 week scan yesterday and the baby was measuring 9+3 and started jumping and wriggling around on screen. Im starting to feel more positive.
Chistiana, whats your opinion on this? Apparently Im meeting with my consultant at 12 weeks as he recommends that I come off teh progesterone then. Im a bit worried about this so going to start collecting evidence why I should stay on it. Im worried that it will make me start bleeding from my other side and also I know about the risks of premature labour with our uterus anomalies. So I thought it was recommended for that aswell.
Its all new to my consultant as they've not really had people with my condition of didelphys!
I've got some light cramping today which is kinda worrying me but I know it can be normal so trying not to worry too much!

Hi SBL, that light cramping is perfectly normal growing and stretching going on. I still get it very ocassionally but nothing compared to 4-6 weeks when it was most.
Its a crazy thing I used to worry when I felt it at times but then Id freak out if I didnt feel it as its reassuring that theres still something growing in there!
Thanks hun,
Good to see your getting on well.it must have been lovely to see your bubs wriggling around :thumbup:

its just so nerve racking particularly after mc in dec.

I am hoping if we are lucky enough to hear the heartbeat next week I will be a little less anxious.

happy friday
Littlemama- i m sorry the witch got you hun and it really does sound pretty weird that your bbt rose again but try not to think of it as bleeding while pg because you re going to drive yourself crazy. On to next month, i m rooting for you!

Sbl- how's that cramping hun? I think i wrote this already but just like justkeeptrying i too was more worried when i didnt have the cramping!! I m sure you ll relax more after you hear that hb, it is those mini milestones we set!!

Justkeeptrying- Hey hun, so so happy your scan went great and bubs is already waving around!!! Plus it is so great you re measuring ahead...i always measure behind and it really sucks!!! Now re the progesterone...i really really dont think progesterone has anything to do with premature labor....if you were to go in pml it would be either because of no space left for baby to grow or because of IC, so nothing progesterone can fix....on the other hand it does strengthen the uterine lining so yes it would prevent your empty side from shedding its lining....i actually started bleeding at 12+4 and stopped taking the progesterone at 32weeks. Also, progesterone helps prevent contractions so that is another thing. How much are you on? You could try asking them to remain on it but on a lower dosage at least until mid second trimester. As your uterus grows and pushes the other empty one on the side, the empty uterus gets weaker and weaker so even if it was to shed it would really affect the pg. Anyway, try not to worry too much hun, everything is going great, focus on that. One last thing...make sure you ask them to monitor the length of your cervix regularly.
Thanks Chistiana, yes Ive read the importance about being monitored for cervical incompitence, I hope they agree to do this for me as it dosent seem to the teh done thing in this country. But I will push for it.
Ive spoke to others on here with didelphys and it dosent always seem to be the done thing to put them on progesterone but I did push for it. We shall see what the consultant says.
Not long for you now aswell, you must be getting excited. When I first replied to your post asway back in December you were only 13 weeks!
Yes i just cant believe we ve made it this far...i still havent fully realised everything that s happened...havent bought or prepared absolutely anything yet!!
With my ds i was only prescribed progesterone for a week due to some spotting, nothing else. I dont think it is something they prescribe as a preventative measure so even if they insist on you stopping dont worry about it. Now as for cervix checks really push for it! You probably have absolutely nothing to worry about but if a simple cervical check can reduce even the slightest of risks but risk it?!
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to Sbl for directing me here. I have been told that I have a bicornuate uterus. My story goes like this (its a bit long - sorry):

Friday the 27th April at 5 wks 4 days the u/s showed gestational sack and some yolk. I was pleased as I have previously had a mmc in 2008.

Monday night (30th April) at 6weeks 1 day I started spotting very lightly. Just one spot when I wiped and looked. Ive had a missed miscarriage before and this was how it started.

Tuesday night (1st May) 6weeks 2 days I had the same thing happen - then it stopped.

Wednesday I really didnt feel up to going into work and only had two classes so stayed home - I just didnt feel right. At 2pm I started bleeding bright red blood. I took a shower, packed some things, and phoned my partner to meet me at A&E. By the thyme I got to A&E I was bleeding quite heavily and clotting stringy bits. By 6pm the clots had become dark red and almost the size of the bottom of a water bottle. By 10pm I had passed about 6 of these large clots. My blood results came back and the dr said that my HCg levels were high but that that could happen with a miscarriage anyway. So we went home.

At home I passed more clots and my partner and I resigned ourselves to the idea that I had miscarried. I texted a close friend and said that the only thing I could think of was if there was a hidden sack but that I was probably being unrealistic. Was going to have a big glass of wine but my partner said he was worried about the alcohol thinning my blood so I didnt.

On Thursday 3rd May I went to the EPU and they did a scan. I said that I had been bleeding and passing big clots and they clicked their tongues sympathetically.

After what seemed like hours of silence, the sonographer called the dr over to have a look. The dr called my partner over to have a look, they then said that they needed to do some explaining.

There was the embryo that we had seen Friday...still intact! With a heartbeat!!! 144. Then in the other horn of my uterus there was a second embryo surrounded by clots and bleeding. There was a sack but no heart beat.

So, it was the second unknown embryo that I am currently miscarrying.

The sonographer also found out that I have a biconical uterus..which means that theres a valley and a big dip (im still not entirely sure what that is and need to google further)...the dr said that this increases my chances of miscarrying the viable embryo (embryo 1) and that there will be problems with the baby's position because it is in the horn of my ueterus.

As you can imagine Im on a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions here: I really thought I had lost the embryo we saw on Friday and altho I am sad to be losing the second one - I didnt even know it was there.

Because Embryo 1 (with the heartbeat) is in the right horn and Embryo 2 (which I think I have fully passed over the weekend) is in the left horn - does that mean that Embryo 1 has a good chance? Ive just been reading online and there seems to be some success stories...

I read that when the Embryo is in the horn, theres a possibility of not drawing enough blood from the uterus and that miscarriage is quite high :(

Also, do you think this is hereditary? My mum said that she has always bled heavily with her pregnancies and that her babies always came out face down instead of face up...

And, my mums sister had twins, but they didnt know she was having twins until the delivery because the other twin was hidden...I know that was 27 years ago, but it makes me wonder if its hereditary...

Sorry - so many questions. What do you all think?

Im so glad Sbl found me wandering around looking for people who have this!


Thanks and best wishes,
ok - so Ive been reading through everyone's stories on here and I am coming up with a list of questions to ask at my next scan (which is 2 weeks away)...or do you think I should be pushing for an earlier scan?

Im pretty sure I passed the sack from Embryo 2 over the weekend after 3 days of heavy bleeding and clotting...anyway...Im back at work tomorrow...I wasnt told that the miscarriage on the left side could affect the right side, but I was told that theres a higher chance of miscarriage because of where Embryo 1 had implanted...should I be on bedrest? Ive been taking it easy the last 5 days because of the bleeding and clotting but when I asked if there was anything I should do, the dr said there was nothing I could do but that I should take 5 days and self certify to get past the physical and emotional stress of the likely miscarriage of Embryo 2.

Ok so my list of questions for the sonographer:

1. How divided is my bu?
2. Where exactly in the right horn has the Embryo with a heartbeat implanted?
3. Do i need to be taking baby asprin (I think I have outgrown my allergy from when i was a kid)?
4. Am I high risk?

Can any of you think of other things I should ask?

Hi Melanie,

From what I have gathered it is quite difficult to tell how long the septum (divide) is (and sometimes there is no septum) from a US.
A laparoscopy is usually the best way to find out, but obviously thats not an option whilst your pregnant.

I think once you've been diagnosed with BU you are classed as high risk and should be monitored closely.

yes it is good to know where you baby implanted as if it implants to close to the septum it will not get enough nutrients as there isnt a good blood supply to it.

also with regards to location, if the placenta grows towards towards the middle of your uterus I believe this can also cause problems.

Thanks Sbl, do you think I should present myself to the EPU? When I had the scan last Thursday they said that if the bleeding gets worse or I have pain, I should go to the EPU - but the bleeding has turned brown and I'm not in any pain - really Id only be going to see if the right Embryo (Embryo 1) was still there...I should just wait for the 2 weeks, shouldnt I? Is 'close monitoring' every 2 weeks? Or is 'close monitoring' weekly? What do you think?

When do you go and have your next scan? Im 7weeks 3 days...
I have had 2 scans already and I have another friday to hopefully hear the heartbeat.

You should go to the EPU if you thats what you feel like doing, after all it will do you no harm and it may put your mind at ease.

Yes from what I have heard every 2 weeks is about right.

I really hope everything works out for you, so sorry to hear you've lost one but I pray that your other little bean is gonna be strong and healthy.

I have had 2 scans already and I have another friday to hopefully hear the heartbeat.

You should go to the EPU if you thats what you feel like doing, after all it will do you no harm and it may put your mind at ease.

Yes from what I have heard every 2 weeks is about right.

I really hope everything works out for you, so sorry to hear you've lost one but I pray that your other little bean is gonna be strong and healthy.


Fingers crossed you hear a heartbeat - will be thinking of you x
Welcome melanie and congratulations on your pregnancy! Hun, what you re going through is really tough but pretty common among bu. first of all even though i m sorry you mc the second embryo i have to say that if that hadnt happened your pregnancy would be double or triple high risk both in terms of lack of space (we lack space with one baby, imagine 2) as well as with IC. Bu is often accompanied with ic so double the pressure and i m not sure even a stitch could help. Anyhow, re the monitoring..every two weeks is ok for the first trimester... Then they usually switch to every three weeks. Once you re past the first trimester make sure you ask them to monitor your cervical length frequently. Also have you been put on any progesterone? It can help the lining from shedding and stops contractions which is vital for you now as contractions from the mcing side might affect the other side. Re the bed rest i ve been burnt twice so i am
A big fan of bed rest. Maybe try it at least until all bleeding/spotting has stopped???
Slb is right about positioning... What my doc told me is that you want the baby to implant in the horn, high up but not on the mid part because it doesnt receive much blood supply.
Re the baby aspirin... I took it this time round even though no blood clotting disorders were found after my 2 mcs...i dot know if it played a role but doc told me it cant hurt.
I think the fact that you know where the blood is coming from is positive plus your little bub has a really good hb so just stay strong and positive girl! Shoot away any questions, i wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!!
Hi Everyone,

I had stopped bleeding on Tuesday and went to work Wednesday and Wednesday night started bleeding fresh blood that had some small clots. Ive taken today off work and 're-presented' at the EPU but they couldnt give me a scan until tomorrow.

I have a bad feeling that it is the viable Embryo that I am now losing.

The nurse suggested bed rest until the scan tomorrow. Ive now had a total of 5 days off work and am worried that there's going to be negative repercussions on my attendance record. I live in the UK and know that antenatal appointments don't count toward the total amount of days you have off sick - but does that count for miscarriages too? Are miscarriages antenatal?

Anyway, hope everyone else is having more luck than what I am at the moment - have my fingers crossed for your scans.

Christiana - i think you were right about the bed rest... I will ask about the prgesterone at my scan tomorrow. My dr seems quite young and experienced - which I didnt mind when everything seemed to be going ok but now with a bicornuate uterus Im going to ask if theres someone who has dealt with that particular abnormality...
hey Melanie..i m so sorry for this new scare...even though i dont want to raise any false hopes and you might be right i just want to you to bare in mind that the side which mc'ed has definitely not emptied from all the blood yet...let me share my experience and maybe it will help you....with my 1st mmc i would bleed for 3-4 days stay on bed rest then it would stop then i d get up and 2-3 days later the bleeding would resume. This lasted from w6 to w12 with 4-5 major bleeding episodes. Each and every time the blood came from the non pregnant side and not from the embryo side. In the end all this blood detached the placenta and thus the mmc. What i mean to say is that even this new blood might be from the originally mcing side..the lining is very thick at this stage so it would take A LOT of blood for it to actually empty. Even with this pg when i started bleeding at 12w4d i bled and spotted until w17!! And there wasnt even an embryo in the non pregnant side, just the lining shedding. I will hold out faith for you that tomorrow you have good news but please please stay on bed rest. Even though i m in Greece, i m sure your doc can write you sick leave to cover you at work. Just think of it as giving your baby the best you can. When the bleeding has well stopped and the placenta has grown more you ll be able to do whatever you want. Best of luck tomorrow hun. Please update us when you can.
hey Melanie..i m so sorry for this new scare...even though i dont want to raise any false hopes and you might be right i just want to you to bare in mind that the side which mc'ed has definitely not emptied from all the blood yet...let me share my experience and maybe it will help you....with my 1st mmc i would bleed for 3-4 days stay on bed rest then it would stop then i d get up and 2-3 days later the bleeding would resume. This lasted from w6 to w12 with 4-5 major bleeding episodes. Each and every time the blood came from the non pregnant side and not from the embryo side. In the end all this blood detached the placenta and thus the mmc. What i mean to say is that even this new blood might be from the originally mcing side..the lining is very thick at this stage so it would take A LOT of blood for it to actually empty. Even with this pg when i started bleeding at 12w4d i bled and spotted until w17!! And there wasnt even an embryo in the non pregnant side, just the lining shedding. I will hold out faith for you that tomorrow you have good news but please please stay on bed rest. Even though i m in Greece, i m sure your doc can write you sick leave to cover you at work. Just think of it as giving your baby the best you can. When the bleeding has well stopped and the placenta has grown more you ll be able to do whatever you want. Best of luck tomorrow hun. Please update us when you can.

Thanks Christiana, Ive since heard from my work and they seem to be fine. I am still holding hope that it is still blood from the miscarriage side. Thanks for sharing x
hey Melanie..i m so sorry for this new scare...even though i dont want to raise any false hopes and you might be right i just want to you to bare in mind that the side which mc'ed has definitely not emptied from all the blood yet...let me share my experience and maybe it will help you....with my 1st mmc i would bleed for 3-4 days stay on bed rest then it would stop then i d get up and 2-3 days later the bleeding would resume. This lasted from w6 to w12 with 4-5 major bleeding episodes. Each and every time the blood came from the non pregnant side and not from the embryo side. In the end all this blood detached the placenta and thus the mmc. What i mean to say is that even this new blood might be from the originally mcing side..the lining is very thick at this stage so it would take A LOT of blood for it to actually empty. Even with this pg when i started bleeding at 12w4d i bled and spotted until w17!! And there wasnt even an embryo in the non pregnant side, just the lining shedding. I will hold out faith for you that tomorrow you have good news but please please stay on bed rest. Even though i m in Greece, i m sure your doc can write you sick leave to cover you at work. Just think of it as giving your baby the best you can. When the bleeding has well stopped and the placenta has grown more you ll be able to do whatever you want. Best of luck tomorrow hun. Please update us when you can.

Thanks Christiana, Ive since heard from my work and they seem to be fine. I am still holding hope that it is still blood from the miscarriage side. Thanks for sharing x

Good news! You were right Christiana! The bleeding is still left over from the miscarriage and Embryo 1 is still hanging on.

The got the consultant in to have a look and he said that he couldnt really see any evidence of a bicornuate uterus - the sonographer didnt look like she believed himand there was a bit of tooing and froing between them - but Im hoping that if I do have a bicornuate uterus, maybe its not very pronounced.

They changed my dates though - why do they do that? I know exactly when i ovulated and also when I had sex and now I think their dates are a week behind mine. I got the impression that they did it so that the growth would be in the normal range and not slow...should I be concerned? The heart rate was also slower than last week. Last week it was 155 this week it is 141...they assured me that was still in the normal range.

So, Im not 7 weeks 4 days anymore - now Im 6 weeks 6 days...
Melanie- yayayayaayayay i am soo sooo happy for you!!! Yay for beany 1!!! Dont worry about dating..any deviation up to 2 weeks is absolutely normal! Woth ds i was always 1 week behind and with this one i am 3 days behind! They give you two dates, one that corresponds to your last menstrual period and one that corresponds to the actual growth of the baby! Beeing a few days behind only means that you either got your ovulation wrong and it happened a few days later than what you thought, or implantation happened later. Dont worry at all! Also hb ranges, it is not always the same and it also depends on the time, if you ve had to eat before hand ect. As long at it is over 120 you re absolutely normal! Re the bu, either it is not so pronounces or your uterus has already stretched to the point that it is not possible to see the septum. I definitely have a bu but we havent been able to see any midpart since quite early on! Congrats again!!
hello to my fellow bu ladies :flower:

great news Melanie! don't worry about dates too much, at 6/7 weeks it's a matter of a fraction of a mm and they can easily be out, one of the reasons why they leave it to 12 weeks for your "proper" dating scan.

How are you Christiana? You must be close now! Is your little lady still head down?

AFM I'm ok, had 3 scans in total now and am 10 + 3 today, so far so good :thumbup:

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