Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Go back and enjoy! Just as a start...i have a su (with a huge septum that hasnt been corrected) and have two healthy babies
(one full term and a 35weeker)!
I just read some stories and it has made me feel so much better. I feel so out of the loop. My OB said she has only had a few patients with a BU. I ask questions but she doesn't seem too concerned. I had an early scan when I was 5 weeks to confirm the baby was in a good spot. I try to explain to my close friends about the condition but eh that is difficult enough because I don't really know much.
Well feel free to ask anything you want hun and we ll try to answer if we know anything about it!!
Hi girls!
How is everybody doing?
Alls great my end, Eva is doing great thank god. We have her christening Saturday so its busy, busy, busy!! She's got her 2 month injections Monday so I'm quite nervous about that.
Mamaxo... Welcome, lots of women do just fine with BU and if its any consolation I went to 35 weeks with a Unicornuate uterus (half).
As chistiana has said any questions just ask!
I am doing fine today! I am 18 weeks today :) Dealing with a little bit of morning sickness & not wanting to eat much.
Great to hear you re doing good mamaxo! I guess the ms is reassuring (on a positive note!) and re the not wanting to eat... I wish i could have said the same!!
hey girls thought id give you an update been slack lately lol, i have had some brown spotting again so doc sent me for a US which discovered i have a bleed next to my gest sac he said not to big and spotting is on and off which he is happy about and said it should absorb itself ina few weeks, bub heartbeat was 115 at 7+2 weeks and was measuring for the right dates growing perfectly :) been on mostly bed rest and found lately sleeping on my chest is really starting to hurt lol still getting nausea of a morning which i like to think is a good sign, have another scan booked for 9 weeks and then another for 11/12 weeks and have a app with gyno on 15th feb :) xx
Hey littlemama! Your news sound really hood and the slight bleed is i think pretty normal for bu mamas, if you remember i had bleeding/spotting for a good 4-5 weeks! Have you asked your doc about sleeping on your belly/chest? Mine had told me not to. He had advised me to sleep on my left side so that baby gets better blood flow.
Yeah I been sleeping in my left side as have a bad shoulder and only side I get relief but sometimes I wake durin the night and have rolled onto my tummy as this use to be how went to sleep I roll straight back to left side but boobs are already saying ouch by then lol tiredness is starting to affect me no time I just have no energy and sometimes feel hubby has more fun away from me then with me, I know it's not the case but can't Leo feeling that way, my iron levels keep going down so be glad to get to see gyno hopefully be able to do something about it :) xx
SBL- hope the christening went well!!!

little mama-like chistiana said spotting is so normal for us but are you on pregesterone? i know many people with bleeds get put on it..helps keep things it there, but glad to hear everything is good so far.

mamaxo- happy to hear you doing well besides the annoying ms.
Chistiana- hope the kiods r doing well, i know they havent been feeling too great lately

As for me had my bi weekly app wed and sure enough have high blood pressure now. then yesterday i was getting up and pulled a muscle in my side kinda under my rib so when the pain didnt go away a few hours later and got worst i decided to go to the hospital. TUrns out my blood pressure is even higher but no pre eclampsia thank god! so on new and more pills now lol...gonna be a long last few weeks!
ooowwwww j i m so sorry about your blood pressure...it sucks having to be on so much medication...during my pg i was on 21 pills a day at some point!! but anyway, it s good there s no pre eclampsia and you ve found it early. hopefully the meds will help. just think of these last few weeks as you last chance to rest hun, soon you ll have a pretty sweet little handful!

afm: we re doing good, kids are both still down with the flu (new one) and nat cut her third tooth today! nik is still very much into the terrible twos but at least he s being nice with natalia! and i m longing for my bed rest times when i could sleep till noon!!!
Hi girls! :hi:

How is everybody doing?

Christening went brilliant thank god.:thumbup: I will post some photos when my photographer gets them back to me.
Eva was a little doll and never cried at all. The priest warmed the water for her,such a nice man.
My Mum too Eva after the meal for the night and we went out with our friends and family for a few :beer: It was lovely to get out.
Eva's doing great almost 11lbs!! Paed doesnt want to see her again till June :thumbup:

Hope ya'll are doing good.

Hello! I am doing good. Getting the morning sickness back :[ Losing interest in some food. Ugh it's so tiring! We go for our 20 week scan on Thursday to find out the gender :)
Hey sbl! I m very happy eva behaved so well for the christening and you had a nice time, especially going out afterwards...oh how i long for those days!!! We usually have grandparents over to look after the kids when we go out cause noone else has crib/bed at their house so we usually come back to screaming babies!!! And how great she s doing weightwise!!!well done mama!! Would love to see some pics!!

Mamaxo- ououou 2nd trimester ms???...poor you! I bet you re super excited about your gender scan...do you have a preference? Or a gut feeling? Let us know how it goes hun and hope the ms goes away soon!

Afm- nat said ´daddy' the other day and took two unassisted steps before falling on her face!!! She s been practicing ballance ever since and keeps wanting to stand 24/7!! Ow and we ve got a bad case of separation anxiety...whenever i m out of her sight she screams bloody murder!!
I know, I know! I thought it was over. I guess not! I am very excited. I have a gut feeling it is a boy, but I will be happy either way :)
hey ladies hope you are doing well

sbl - so glad everything went well at the christening :) x

mamaxo - i cant wait for my gender scan, hopefully bub co operates and lets you see lol x

christina - wont be long and nat be running around the house and you be wishing for the days when she was crawling and you could catch her easier lol

i am doing good have my 9 week scan tomorrow super excited havent had any spotting for nearly a week am tad nervous as its coming up to the 10 week mark, which is when we lost jellybean but i just know everything will be ok cant wait to gyno next friday and hopefully get iron levels up and am hanging for the 12 week scan so we can finally tell everyone so hard when we get asked all the time hows it going and we have to say yeah still trying lol xx
Mamaxo- Have you tried anything for Nausea? I had Hyperemesis garvadium and was on anti sickness meds but I tried loads in the beginning when I thought it was normal to be that sick :dohh: Ginger chews, sea bands, peppermint, crackers and black tea. Give them a go though none worked for me as I was just so sick.

Chistaina- OMG Good girl Nat!!! Thats amazing she's growing up so fast :cry:
She'll be flying it in no time now! I will try to get those pics ASAP.

Littlemama- Good luck with your scan today :thumbup: I'm sure :baby: s a ok. Let us know how you get on.

Sbl- soon you ll be seeing eva walk and that s when you REALLY wont believe how quickly they grow up! I was thinking today she ll be 1 an may and i kind of shocked myself!!!

Littlemama- yaaayy for no further spotting hun, i m sure bub is doing great!! Good luck tomorrow, you ll probably get a great scan pic so we wanna see the star!!!

Afm- just now i have one question....why is nik screaming as if his fingers are being chopped off when poor hubby is only clipping his fingernails?????sorry totally unrelated but it always has me wondering what it is with kids and cutting hair/nails'

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