Hi everyone, Looking for a little info and guidance. DH and I have been TTC#1 for a year. In April 2014 I was diagnosed with PCOS after having several 60-70day cycles after coming off BCP. I had two cycles of Provera and clomid, (50mg then 100mg). I ovulated on 50 but not on 100. The only monitoring I had from my Gyno was a 21day prog level. I felt like my situation was not being handled appropriately by my gyno so I made an appointment with a RE and infertility specialist. I really loved my new doc and began to feel a sense of hope that I hadn't felt in several months. Plan was to begin with a US and lab work, then begin a first cycle of Femara. Came back a week later for these tests, and was told after my US that I have a septate uterus. I wasn't told exactly how big it is, just that it was "quite large". From what I saw on the US, it's completely dividing my uterus in two. Has anyone else been diagnosed with this? Treatment is to have a resection to remove the extra muscle and tissue. I still have a couple weeks until I meet with my RE for more info, but I'm curious about the procedure and recovery time and when we can start TTC again. Any info or pointers would be greatly appreciated! I see that many of you on this thread have conceived without correction of the anomaly... Congrats to everyone!