Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Say Whaaaaaaaaatttttt??? OMG OMG!! This like from a science fiction! And this totally explains your nausea and everything!!!! I can't believe it! It's amazing! How did they screw up your results? What did they tell you?????? I know you re not going to but they deserve a freaking lawsuit just for the heartache they made you go through! Ouououououou can't wait for your update!!!!praying n keeping everything tightly crossed!
So baby is measuring 7w4d!! Saw and heard the heart beat! Worried now that I still may actually lose tho baby, it's completely freaking me out as I'm still spotting. Doc said not to worry too muh about the xrays I had but will have more thorough ultrasounds later on to double check stuff. I wish I lived in the states ause I could sue for this , not up in canada though.... Gonna make a formal complaint none the less.
Ah that's great!
Congrats again.
You are right to make a complaint. I wouldn't just let it go.
Try to rest. As for X-ray I had 4 of them with lo as my lung collapsed and she's fine.
Don't worry about that.
So happy for you.
Yaaaayyyyyyy j these are the best news ever!!! I don't even want to think of thd consequences if you had taken meds to speed things up...you should more than complain hun, this is ridiculous! I was actually telling my friend about your case today, she was dumbstruck! So happy for you!!!!!!n don't worry about the spotting, it's extremely common with bu!
Thanks for the support ladies! With Brooklyn having been dick I managed to catch her cold which turned into a sinus infection :(. Just need a break from all his drama! My husband said out lives ( mainly pregnancies) re always surrounded by complications and stupidity but that in the end it all turns out ok so gotta keep positive!!

How are you ladies doing?
So I'm assuming notjong is new or wrong with anyone since no has been piston which is great! No news is good news! How everyone doing?? I'm 9 weeks today and spotting started again ;(. I hate this!! I just want to get to like 14-15 weeks alright and be In The safe zone and relax. Have a wedding this weekend and obviously my tummy is bloated so nothing fits anymore so had to go buy a new dress and don't even like it muh but with the fall season clothes no cute dresses out anymore :(. Miss you ladies and thinking of you!!!
Ah j sorry to hear you are spotting. rest assured though its very common with UA.
When is your next us?
Have you a got a home doppler?
Try to enjoy the wedding though I know I find weddings hard at the best of times.
Haha. Such a long day. In Ireland our weddings start at 1pm and you would be on the go till 4am and then a big party the following day.
Hard work!! Lol.

All is fine with us. We're just home from our holidays. Had a great time.
I can't believe I will have a 2 year old in 2 months time!!
Its just flown by.

Here's pic of her stealing my glasses. :dohh:

C- hope you and yours are doing good.



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Sbl she s soooooo cute!! She has a very mischievous smile on!!!

J i m so sorry the spotting has started again but i m pretty sure its nothing to worry about. You ll be out of the first tri soon!! I cant believe time has passed already! I d get a doppler to keep you safe if i were you!
We got an offer for our house 2 mondays ago, packed everything in 3 days, found a new home and moved by thursday night! So we ve been in our new home for 9 days now but still dont have wifi, phone, tv ect! Its beautiful!! I started work on the 8th and kids both started nursery and pre k this past week so its been crazy busy!! I promise to be in more as soon as wifi is back on!!!
She's a little madam c!! Know's how to get what she wants too.

Glad to hear your settled in to your new place and so quick too.
How are Nik and Nat liking there new routines?
Lol little girls!!!

They like their new home but from time to time they moan they want to go "home" which is hard to hear but i know they re just kids and need time to adjust. Nik liked his new school way more than his last one and he s excited to go back tomorrow. Nat will always go half crying but then when i call an hour later shes always happily playing outside and when shes home she cant stop talking about her school! So i m assuming she s fine!! Will eva be going next year??
How is everybody doing?

C sounds like the kids are settling in fine. That's great and makes life much easier.

J- how is everything? Hope all is going smoothly.

We're good. I'm smothered with a cold so trying to get rid of that, work, do the house and all the other mummy things.
I'm asleep by 9 most nights.

Hugs ladies xx
Sbl hey hun, sounds like you re in a complete mommy mode! Sorry you re down with a cold and really hope it clears soon! How is eva??
Kids are very happy with their new home now and they are also very happy with school so that makes everything much easier! We were supposed to be be ttc this cycle but totally missed ovulation..ggrrrmfff ow well next cycle!

J how are you girl? How s little bub??

Littlemama thinking of you hun, hope you re better :)
I'm been quiet for quite a while, but I wanted to drop in and let you ladies know that my amazing, miracle, rainbow girl arrived July 31st! :) I'm absolutely in love with her and so thankful to have her!

Congratulations dodger, your pic is beautiful! Enjoy yor little bundle of joy!
Hi everyone, Looking for a little info and guidance. DH and I have been TTC#1 for a year. In April 2014 I was diagnosed with PCOS after having several 60-70day cycles after coming off BCP. I had two cycles of Provera and clomid, (50mg then 100mg). I ovulated on 50 but not on 100. The only monitoring I had from my Gyno was a 21day prog level. I felt like my situation was not being handled appropriately by my gyno so I made an appointment with a RE and infertility specialist. I really loved my new doc and began to feel a sense of hope that I hadn't felt in several months. Plan was to begin with a US and lab work, then begin a first cycle of Femara. Came back a week later for these tests, and was told after my US that I have a septate uterus. I wasn't told exactly how big it is, just that it was "quite large". From what I saw on the US, it's completely dividing my uterus in two. Has anyone else been diagnosed with this? Treatment is to have a resection to remove the extra muscle and tissue. I still have a couple weeks until I meet with my RE for more info, but I'm curious about the procedure and recovery time and when we can start TTC again. Any info or pointers would be greatly appreciated! I see that many of you on this thread have conceived without correction of the anomaly... Congrats to everyone!
Hi everyone, Looking for a little info and guidance. DH and I have been TTC#1 for a year. In April 2014 I was diagnosed with PCOS after having several 60-70day cycles after coming off BCP. I had two cycles of Provera and clomid, (50mg then 100mg). I ovulated on 50 but not on 100. The only monitoring I had from my Gyno was a 21day prog level. I felt like my situation was not being handled appropriately by my gyno so I made an appointment with a RE and infertility specialist. I really loved my new doc and began to feel a sense of hope that I hadn't felt in several months. Plan was to begin with a US and lab work, then begin a first cycle of Femara. Came back a week later for these tests, and was told after my US that I have a septate uterus. I wasn't told exactly how big it is, just that it was "quite large". From what I saw on the US, it's completely dividing my uterus in two. Has anyone else been diagnosed with this? Treatment is to have a resection to remove the extra muscle and tissue. I still have a couple weeks until I meet with my RE for more info, but I'm curious about the procedure and recovery time and when we can start TTC again. Any info or pointers would be greatly appreciated! I see that many of you on this thread have conceived without correction of the anomaly... Congrats to everyone!

I didn't have a completely divided uterus, but mine was also quite large. Here's a before and after pic of mine:

The top is before I had surgery. The bottom is after 2 surgeries. That difference you see there is about 6-7cm worth of septum. The remaining dip is because of an arcuate uterus and testing showed that there was good blood flow throughout my lining.

Are you having a hysteroscopy to remove it? That's what both of mine were. The recovery time varied. My first hysteroscopy I was in the OR and put to sleep for. I was weak and very nauseous for almost 2 weeks after, but I think that was moreso do to a personal reaction to anesthesia. They asked us to abstain from sex until my first official AF after surgery (about a month after) and then there were no restrictions and we were free to ttc again right away. I was on hormone therapy for that month following as well to help build my lining back up and bring on AF.

My 2nd surgery was *supposed* to be diagnostic with the slim possibility of needing to remove some scar tissue. I only had a local beta blocker and was awake for the procedure. Once she got in, she found that there was quite a bit of septum left and gave me the choice of waiting for the OR or going ahead without anesthesia. I wasn't about to wait, so we went ahead. Recovery from that was actually quite a bit easier (which is why I think I had a reaction to the anesthesia), and I had to actually rely on my body to reel me back in and tell me when I was doing too much because I felt great pretty much right away.

My BIGGEST advice is to make sure they are testing after surgery to verify that surgery was completely successful and that the septum is fully gone. My first RE refused to test after. His ego got in the way and he told me that it was all gone and that protocol didn't allow for testing. It took me two more miscarriages and requesting an indepth u/s for another reason to find that yes, there was still septum left. Even then I had an MRI that lied about it. >.< Once the septum was gone, my last pregnancy was pretty easy. They watched me closely to make sure that the 2 surgeries hadn't weakened my uterus or cervix and to make sure that my uterine shape wouldn't cause growth restriction (it did but only at the very end of my pregnancy).

Feel free to ask me anything. :flower:
Seg after being diagnosed with bicornuate uterus for more than 10 years and after having 2kids and 3mcs i was finally diagnosed properly with a septate uterus. I ve had 2 resections (first one left a 2cm long septum still in there and the second one has left a 7mm). I was told to wait 2 months after my resection and was given a combination of estrogen and progesterone for a month after the surgery to prevent scaring. It is also important to ask your doc to do the surgery early in the first bit of your cycle so that your endometrium is not thick already. Recovery was no big deal for me, had some bleeding for a few days along with some pinching cramps but that was all. I would definitely recomment the surgery especially with you having a complete division. Welcome on the thread and hope this can be the last of your struggle ttc :)
Dodger & Christiana,

Thank you so much for your replies! I do not know yet if we are doing the procedure laparoscopically or hysteroscopically. I have an appointment with my RE next week when we will discuss and set a date. I haven't seen AF since July, (I also have PCOS and don't ovulate on my own) so I wonder if he will want to induce AF before and after removing the septum. Dodger, I can't believe they didn't do follow up with you to make sure it was all gone! I will definitely push for that. I had so many issues with my previous doc not monitoring me but I feel that my RE is really on top of things... So hopefully that continues to be the case! I'm glad it sounds like we won't have to hold off on TTC for too long. Thank you both for sharing your experiences. Hope I'm able to come back in a few months with news of a BFP!
Sooooo girls......today it's 12dpo of our first cycle back to ttc...but on Monday I felt off n took a test...it was so faint hubby said I was imagining things...so Tuesday..10dpo I went for betas cause I just hate the mind torture...results came back at.....52!!!!! I m sooooooooo scared n nervous about it so trying to convince myself I ll be ok no matter what but kind of know I won't! Pls pls pls pray for us, pray this is our THB! Repeat betas planned for Monday! Can't wait!
Dodger can I ask you something? At your second resection you said you gad quite a bit left....do you know how much? After my first resection I had 2cm left and after the 2nd I have 7mm left...I m afraid it will cause trouble with this pg again :( also did you have any bleeding issues with your after resections pg????

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