Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Poor thing........ But dr thinks the best for you and the baby, you can get over it!! I wonder if I need that this time or not. Will see how it goes.....
We are working on insurance and hope it will go fine.
Currently I am under the weather, I mean terrible morning sickness. I am in bed most of the day...... And loosing weight...... I am forcing to eat but sometimes it doesn't stay. I am staring at website "remedy morning sickness" but nothing really works..... Have to wait the time goes by.
Hope you have good rest every night and eat well!! I am tired now...... Going to rest.....
When you ve had previous preterm labour they usually advise for a cerclage.anyways hope you ms goes away soon.try to eat little bits every couple of hours, its better than keeping your stomach empty...have a good rest and i hope you feel better soon
hey christina, just wondering how you are going now?
i got my first period since me MC today so we are going to start trying again and hopefully soon we will find out we are pergnant :) xx
Hey littlemama, i m happy things are progressing with you, it took me 7 weeks with my first mc to get my period back so it seems your body has healed well (so good it happened naturally). Anyway i m doing fine, had my cerclage put it which led to some scary contractions and more medication but it s been in now for almost 4 weeks so i m happy about that. I m still on bed rest (i think i wont be allowed to get up before june) and i get paranoid sometimes (yesterday i was sure i was leaking amniotic fluid so i rushed to the hospital only to be told i was probably peeing myself!!) but otherwise i am thankful!
Did you go ahead with the wedding hun?i hope you did, how was it???
You rea extra fertile for the first 3 months after a mc so i bet you will get your bfp soon!!it might be worth asking your doc about baby aspirin. I dont know if your mc was bu related but both my mc were due to the fact that the baby had implanted very near or on the mid part which doesnt received good blood flow. So with this pg i put myself on baby aspirin from the first day of my mc and the doc never tried to telle not to!i stopped taking it after the first trimester.
Anyway sorry about the long post, i missed my bu buddy and really really hope we ll be sharing happy details very very soon!xxx
yeah pretty glad my body bounced back easy , hopefully i will get my bfp soon to .. i am still taking my vitamins and i did kinda go off the grid and not talk to many afterwards just my way of dealing i think i did start smoking again but have given up again and eating healthy and thinking positive again, what does the baby asprin do?
i go back to gyno on tomorrow to make sure my ulrasound showed everything was gone and to see if my levels have gone back to 0 and then the baby making fun starts lol i didnt know you were more fertile 3 months after a miscarriage so hopefully that will give me bfp within 3 months and having a beautiful little bubba by end of year :) i am not sure where bub implanted but will be asking tomorrow xx
so glad you re feeling better hun! I know what you mean about not wanting to talk to many people, i too shut down after both my mcs. The blood supply near or at the top of the horns or on the mid part the uterus is usually not sufficient which can lead to mc if the baby implants there. Baby aspirin helps increase blood flow and even if that wasnt the problem it definitely doesnt harm (at least that s what my doc said). As him just in case! You are way more fertile in the 3 months following mc because of elevated progesterone levels so fxed you ll get your bfp soon! Continue your healthy living you ll be holding your baba in no time!
Hey littlemama, i m happy things are progressing with you, it took me 7 weeks with my first mc to get my period back so it seems your body has healed well (so good it happened naturally). Anyway i m doing fine, had my cerclage put it which led to some scary contractions and more medication but it s been in now for almost 4 weeks so i m happy about that. I m still on bed rest (i think i wont be allowed to get up before june) and i get paranoid sometimes (yesterday i was sure i was leaking amniotic fluid so i rushed to the hospital only to be told i was probably peeing myself!!) but otherwise i am thankful!
Did you go ahead with the wedding hun?i hope you did, how was it???
You rea extra fertile for the first 3 months after a mc so i bet you will get your bfp soon!!it might be worth asking your doc about baby aspirin. I dont know if your mc was bu related but both my mc were due to the fact that the baby had implanted very near or on the mid part which doesnt received good blood flow. So with this pg i put myself on baby aspirin from the first day of my mc and the doc never tried to telle not to!i stopped taking it after the first trimester.
Anyway sorry about the long post, i missed my bu buddy and really really hope we ll be sharing happy details very very soon!xxx

Christiana - when you say you are on bed rest and not allowed to get up before June? Do you mean you have to lie in bed all day and not do anything at all?

That would drive me insane! Is this because you have a bicornate uterus?

I have been diagnosed today with a bicornate uterus, i have also had 3mmc! I got my own business so would be stuffed if i had to lie in bed all day. I'd have to lie on the sofa all day and get my other half to bring all my files to me that i needed everyday
Hey hope. So sorry to hear of your losses and only to have been diagnosed today with the bu (bu pg can be high risk so maybe closer monitoring and an earlier diagnosis could have saved you the heart ache?). Well with my ds i was only on bed rest for a week and the pg sailed smoothly. With the second pg i was on bed rest for 6 weeks but never took it really seriously and would get up and play with my lo. Third pg i was never on bed rest (i mc 2 days after first seeing blood). This pg around i wad put on bed rest at 12w+4d because of bleeding from the non pregnant side of my bu. i ve been here since then!and yes i do sit in bed and do nothing at all but even though you think it might drive you crazy in the thought of having a healthy baby at last you d do it a hundred times over!!!i do get up to go to the loo or to grab a snack but that s about it!i was hoping my doc would allow me to get on my feet around week 28 but it doesnt seem very likely. However dont stress about bed rest just yet...as i said my 1st pg was a walk in the park with hardly any bed rest so unless there is an actual reason other than the bu you dont HAVE TO be on bed rest!
Hey christiana

Thanks for the info, i'm reading too much into it too early i think. I am not even pregnant at the moment

I work from home so working from a bed would be possibly i suppose if needs be. The consultant explained that i would get scanned at 6,8,10,&12 weeks and then again at 14 to see if i would need a stitch put in

I am not really sure if the bu was the cause of the miscarriages as it has been discovered that i have thyroid antibodies attacking my thyroid causing it to be underactive. I am not even allowed to try for a baby until my thyroid is at the right level, i am going to see an endocrinologist to try and get it sorted asap as the thyroxine seemed to be working until i tested in january and my thyroid is worse than it was when we first discovered the problem

Hope all goes well for you

Hey Hope, hmmmmm it seems that next time you ll be covered...thyroid checked, regular scans checked and ic checked!It s good you ll be having such good monitoring, you will be safe next time round! Hope you get your thyroid problem sorted out soon and try not to worry too much, if you know the problem and you get it fixed it s all going to be great! I really hope we hear a bfp announcement from you soon, i love sharing successful stories with other bu ladies!!!Baby dust your way for whenever you need it!Ask away of you have any bu questions!
Hey ladies, thought I would update as I had another appt. with my consultant yesterday. Baby is still breech so I will be getting a section as she no longer has ANY room to turn. She is squashed and there isn't much fluid so her growth has slowed slightly so I am back again next week and regularly till she is here. They are just wanting to make sure no problems arise from these things but he is fine just now.
He also said that if she isn't here beforehand, we will get a section date for 39 weeks at the latest!!!!
Gonna ask him next time I see him if when I get my section, if the person doing it would check the severity of the BU. thought they might aswel have a peek while I'm already opened up :)
Hey victorial, so happy to hear of your update! It seems everything is going great despite the lack of space and they are monitoring you frequently so that is great!!!!I wish you a very happy and uneventful delivery whenever she decides to make her appearance!xxx
Hi everyone, i found out at early scan today that i have a BU apparently, still trying to work out what this really means!!!

Any help would be appreciated!
Hi mrs broody!! First of all congrats on your bfp!!i wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!! Ok, so you were told you have a bu..what is it that you want to know? Bu is rather common and it can have very very good outcomes! The main problem with bu is the lack of space during 2nd/3rd trimester which might mean preterm labor and breech babies. However many women dont face any of these problems (with ds i went to 38w4d and delivere him naturally) and go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies! It also depends on the severity of the bu, did the doc tell you it looked only heart shaped or is the split complete? Usually one side of the uterus is bigger than the other and it might be better if the baby implants in the bigger side. That though doesnt necessarily mean that implantation in the other side means failure. I m not sure if i answered any of your questions but ask away hun, i d be happy to answer if i can!! Congrats again!!!
Hey Christina how are and bubby going?? I am currently in my 2ww with fx that I will have + test this month can't test till after 13th march seems forever away lol :) xx
Hey littlemama, so glad ou sound so much better and are already in the tww!! we re doing good, baby is fine but she s not moving a lot which scares the shit out of me but as long as she s fine i wont complain!!!how many dpo are you now hun? I have everything x ed for you hun, cant wait till your testig day!!!
Hi girls,

I'm ttc again after an mc @ 6 weeks + 6 when I found I too have a bicornuate uterus.

Reading this thread has helped me so much to be positive about ttc again.

Thank you all so much, I hope you all are doing well.

Hey Sbl. First of all let me say how sorry i am am your loss, i know it is such a painful experience no matter how far along you are. However, i m very glad you feel ready to jump of the ttc train again and that you ve found this thread to be useful. Even though i havent had my baby yet and i cant guarantee everything will turn out well (sure hope so) i m happy when my story brings some hope! Do you know if your mc was bu related? As you know you re way more fertile after a mc so i really hope you get your bfp very soon and you get a super sticky bean! Your angel will look after you! If you have any worries or questions or anything and you want to talk i m definitely here for you!xo
hey sbl so sorry for you loss i lost my little angel at 6 weeks 2 days in january 2012 the cruelest and most heartbreaking experience i hope you get your bfp real soon sending lots of aby dust your way!! x
christina - i am dpo so only early i dont do charting or ov tests so its just a rough estimate but due for my AF on 13th march so hopefully she is a no show and i can test and get my BFP so excited and anxious it seems the tww goes on forever lolz xx
Littlemama soon it will be time to test hun, i know it seems forever now but time does fly! I have everything xed for a happy n sticky bean for you, you definitely deserve your happy ending, being so strong n determined!xo

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