Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hello hello! I m doing fine, 26 weeks tomorrow and will go check little bub out at the docs so hopefully everything is ok! She s been kicking and sticking her feet out a lot which is reassuring! This pg does feel a lot different to my previous ones, I m always tired but I guess having 2 kids and working a 8:00-19:00 work shift will do that to you! I have 3 more weeks of school and then I m off for a month! Yay! Then back to school for about a month till I give birth hopefully!
Hubby changed his mind on the name so we ve been arguing a lot lately over that as he wants to name her ioanna after his mom and I don't!

How are you doing? How's Eva?
Hey mamas!!! Glad to hear youre all doing well!! C- can't believe your 26 weeks already!! Time sure does fly! I had my check up yesterday , currently 34w 4 days and bed rest has been lifted!!! Although I have the go ahead to walk around and do what I want, I get a lot of pressure down there and my back starts to hurt so don't think I'll be doing much anyways lol.
So we're hoping to be booked march 30th for the c section! Was given the option for a vbac but to be honest I figured with a stomach already messed up from one c section and now another I would prefer that than a messed up tummy scar and a ruined vagina lol...
Ow wow j that's not even a month away!! How exciting!! I totally know what you mean about back pain...I m way behind you but my back is killing me aaaaaalllllll day long! So happy you can get on your feet if you want to though!!
I had to laugh at your c section vs vbac comment! I ve had one of each so I m aiming for vbac this time but I get your point lol!!

Went to the doc yesterday, bub is doing fine but she's feet down. She obviously has plenty of time to turn but I d appreciate it if she just did so soon! She weighs 820g, waters are good n cervix is long and closed, stitch holding up well!he tried taking a 3d pic of her face but first she put the umbilical cord in front, then she added her hands and finally added her feet too! She's a circus baby! So we got no pics whatsoever!
Ah girls your pregnancies are flying!
I'm so glad to hear ye are doing well.
We are good. Eva is full of fun.
We still have not decided whether we will ttc this year.
My hyperemesis was just so bad the thoughts of ending up in icu again frightens the crap out of me.
But I sure would love another.

Hugs to you both x
Hey sbl. I ve heard this comment before. I know a lady who was pg with twin n had hyperemesis...she had to terminate at 12 weeks due to chromosomal issues and what she told me was "I was glad to terminate because I couldn't take another day with feeling so sick". It must be really horrible. Is there any treatment you can get for it? Or anything to prevent it?
Glad Eva is such a good fun girl for mummy! And at least when/if you decide you do want to get pg again, she ll be old enough to help out if you indeed have a difficult pg. :)
Hey mamas!!! Glad to see everyone is doing well as usual. Currently 37w 2days and feeling fed up!! Everything hurts! My belly is constantly sore from her moving and kicking and my back from contractions here and there.... My bum from haemorrhoids..lol. As much as I'm trying sooooo hard to enjoy the last week and 2 days till my c section... It's hard when I feel so crappy! I keep reminding myself to cherish every minute cause there will be no more babies after this princess! Hubby is getting snipped hahaha!
Proof from our maternity / family photo short back at 33 weeks!


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OMG only 2 days to go j! Wow.
Best of luck!
Beautiful picture. X
Hey j! Your pic is beautiful! Is that a week n 2 days or just 2 days??? I totally know how you feel though...I m enjoying this pg but I m still so curious for our lo to come out n meet us! But I ll keep my mouth shut now cause last time I remember shouting "come out already"...she did n she was early! Is hubby really getting snipped? Dh keeps making this joke with the doc that even if lo is turned head down he should lie n give me a c section to tie my tubes but I keep telling him to get himself snipped if he wants no more! Anyway hope you enjoy this last few days as much as possible, remember you ll be missing your belly n these kicks at some point!

Afm we re doing good, had my first ever glucose test (weird, you d think after so many pg I would have tried it at least once lol!!!) and OMG I ve never felt this awful before! I kept wanting to be sick, I felt extremely dizzy...good Lord, I never imagined sugar could do that to you!!! Expecting the results tomorrow n hoping they re ok cause other than for the obvious health reasons it's hubby's b day tomorrow n looking forward to some good Chinese food!!

How is everyone else doing? Hope r u still around girl?been thinking of you! Ow n Littlemama..I know this is unrelated but big congrats, saw some wedding pics n you look amazingly good n happy! Such a beautiful couple!
Hi Christiana

I am still around at the moment, i had another episode of bleeding again, at 10w but scan showed all was ok. I have my dating scan tomorrow and am shitting it. Cant seem to shake of this bad feeling i have, the joys or PARL x
Ow God hope, I didn't know you had one before but this is soooo stressful. Having lost your precious boy I know you won't relax until your baby is safe in your arms. Did they say what caused the bleeding? I ve had 2 episodes of bleeding with this pg, one rather heavy n one more like spotting. The first was a membrane abruption n the other probably the stitch scratching the cervix after contractions. How far along are you now? Really hope your scan tomorrow shows a perfect little baby waving hello. Update if you want, I ll be thinking of you.
Hope- I had bleeds in Both pregnancies and they turned out well so keep positive!!
C- my c section wAa supposed to be Monday but with Easter next weekend the hospital is booked so my doctor set it for next Thursday instead and hopefully I don't get bumped fr emergencies cause they aren't booking people for the Friday to Monday due to Easter weekend. Had my app yesterday and baby is low engaged and putting a ton of pressure on my cervix ( hurts like hell) but joy dilated at all!!!! Se happened with Brooklyn!! Bed rest to keep the cervix from shortening more and ten when I was able to move around off bed rest nothing happened lol.
Hoping she kinda makes her own appearance like my water breaking or something cause I'm sooo uncomfortable! That an just suuuper anxious to meet her!
And yes c the glucose tests is horrible!! Failed it soooo many times. Was borderline having gd in both pregnancies which meant diet control :(
Thinking of you all!!!
Just letting you know baby was fine at scan, I'm 13w tomorrow :) x
Yaaaayyy hope so so happy for you! Wishing n praying it's smooth sailing from here on!

J wow that's so close, I still can't believe it every time I write to you! If your water does break will they still do a c section or will you try a vb? Anyhow, we can't wait for the birth story!
So mamas tomorrow is the big day!! 9am is my schedules c section and as scared as I am I'm soo excited to meet my princess! Sad to leave Brooklyn at home but my mom will bring her to visit! A little depressed I'll never have this feeling again of being pregnant but sooooo thankful every day that I've been so blessed!
I'll update and send a picture as soon as I can!!
Ah I thought it was yesterday j!
Very best of luck. Update as soon as you can.
Ow good luck hun, wishing you a very safe n speedy delivery! I know the feeling you re talking about but the best are ahead!
Hey mamas!!! So just got home from the hospital! Soo happy they didn't make me stay an extra night! Pretty sure and moving around isn't eaay but I know everyday will get better.
So delivery ( c section) went well! After surgery my doctor approachesy husband and told him I am not allowed to have anymore children! She said while my first was growing in my right horn/side it was ok this baby was in my left and we are truly lucky we had her when we did cause I was a day or two away from a uterine rupture aide there was no room on that side.
I can't even imagine how deviating things could have been if we tried naturally or waited till next week to book my c Section.
On a better note charlotte Olivia is here and healthy and I'm totally in love!! I'll post pics!

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