Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hey Jennifer! True, it's been so long since we heard from you!! Glad to hear the move went well and I m still jealous!! Sorry to hear ttc hasn't been easier after the resection, does your doc have an explanation or theory maybe? I don't remember, had you had a post op to check everything was cleared after your resection? Tube open, endo not there, polyps not there and septum definitely gone??

We re well! I don't remember if I had already had maya last time we spoke but yes, had maya on 7th June at 39+1 with a wonderful vbac! She's 4.5 months now and growing sooo fast! Nik n nat have finally adjusted and are totally in love with her. She's got pretty bad reflux but getting better I want to think! That's it! Will be looking out for your news and updates! Pm me if you want :)
Hey Jennifer! True, it's been so long since we heard from you!! Glad to hear the move went well and I m still jealous!! Sorry to hear ttc hasn't been easier after the resection, does your doc have an explanation or theory maybe? I don't remember, had you had a post op to check everything was cleared after your resection? Tube open, endo not there, polyps not there and septum definitely gone??

We re well! I don't remember if I had already had maya last time we spoke but yes, had maya on 7th June at 39+1 with a wonderful vbac! She's 4.5 months now and growing sooo fast! Nik n nat have finally adjusted and are totally in love with her. She's got pretty bad reflux but getting better I want to think! That's it! Will be looking out for your news and updates! Pm me if you want :)

I was going to congratulate you on your baby!! I'm so excited and happy for you love! Ugh my baby sister had pretty bad reflux (she's 6 now..I know, holy age gap right?!) and it was awful! Is it causing her to have colic?

I had my post op sonohistogram(sp?) late November after surgery and he said it was all clear. I had another one in July and they said that there didnt appear to be any scarring or anything.. It's so strange that we are having problems getting pregnant lol.. Before I was super fertile but couldn't hold a pregnancy..Now even Jim Bob Duggar couldnt even get me pregnant girl!

Are you guys done with kiddos or are you going to try again in the future?
Lol I love your attitude n sense of humor!!!
Her reflux used to make her scream day in day out but she now basically just spits up everything but is not in pain it seems! How long did it take for it to stop for your baby sis??

So what's your docs explanation?? It's so weird..

I would love to have another babe but I think we probably couldn't afford a forth one. I am seriously thinking of becoming a surrogate at some point though, I can't think of a better way to say thank you for the blessings I have.
Hi ladies.
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing?
Hey girly!! How are you??? It's been a long time!!!!
We re good here, maya is 6 months already (wow where does time go???) and growing like a weed! She's a really good baby and I ve been super relaxed with her so been able to enjoy the baby phase for once!!! The big ones are giving me a headache from time to time but we ve generally fallen back into a routine and it's not so difficult as some might expect it to be with 3!
How are you? How is Eva?? Have you decided are you ttc??(only asking cause of your sig, ignore me if I'm being nosey ;) )
Oh wow c I can't believe maya is 6 months!! How time flies. So happy to hear she's a good baby. Eva was like that. She was such a pleasure.
No I'm due a repeat MRI on my uterus in Feb so until then we're holding off.
I really would love another but given all my complications I'm extremely anxious about ttc.
Eva is great. She's so into christmas this year.
It's all very exciting.
My ohs grandma passed away a couple of weeks ago which was hard as they were very close.
Christmas will be hard without her and I feel for my mil.
Big hugs to you and all yours c!! Xx
I m so sorry to hear about your husbands nan..it was a hard blow when mine passed away so I can relate. Hopefully being together with your mil and Eva during Xmas will make it a little bit easier.
Girl, remind me, is it a uu you have? I totally understand your anxiety and would get not wanting a 2nd but if your heart wants it then go for it hun, you don't want to be caught in what ifs in the future.
Natalia is still not in Xmas spirit although nik is. Maya is obviously oblivious!!
Wishing all the happiness and blessing in the world babe :)
Hey C - I can't believe maya is 6 months already ! Well I sort of should be able too really because Oscar is 15w on Wednesday........ It's flown by so quickly

He is an absolute angel, from day 1 he has been as good as gold. I think the 9.5w stay in hospital proper chilled him out. He rarely cries, he sleeps for 6-8 hours at night, is becoming a right little porker, being powered by booby juice is working wonders ��

He was definately worth the 5 year wait xx
Ooowwww hope I see pictures of him of fb...he's an absolute stunner!! He looks like those babies right out of a magazine cover! I m so happy for you every time I look at them, and so glad he's an easy baby! Why did he have to stay 9.5w in the hospital?? Isaac will be such a proud brother looking over <3
Oscar didnt have to stay in for 9.5w, i stayed in for 9.5w and i think all the relaxing and chilling out i did had a knock on effect :) x
Ow yes, now that makes sense, I remember you stayed in as a precaution right? Lol glad you had your relaxation dosage, I need some right now!!
Hi ladies. I hope you don't mind me popping in. I am newly pregnant after a miscarriage in October. During the scan they noted that I had a heartshaped womb. Baby impanted top left. They didn't say whether this was a factor in the mc. I had a successful IVF and birth in 2013, but worried now that they worked because they implanted the baby in the lower bit of the womb. My heratshaped womb was never mentioned during IVf so assuming it is a mild case but I have no idea? Looking for reassurance I guess and any suggestions on what help to get from medical profession (Im in the UK). Thank you and congrats on all your lil ones!
Hey. Firstly congrats on your pg. I m very sorry to hear about your loss though. Thing is right now, with you being pg there is no digging around. If indeed your uterus is only heart shaped then that mc probably had nothing to do with it. A heart shaped uterus still has sufficient blood flow so the only problem it could potentially cause is lack of space after the second tri (but that again really mostly applies to bicornuate uterus, not so much for a heart shaped-as the baby grows it will push the shape up-a c section is often suggested if there is no space for the baby to turn but I delivered my son vaginally with literally half the space). So, I wish you a very happy n healthy nine months!! If God forbid something were to happen again (and I m only saying that because it took me 3 mcs for someone to actually finally point me the right direction-would have wished they did so earlier even though it might have hurt) I d suggest you have either an MRI or a hysteroscopy to make sure you know your exact mullerian anomaly. There are so many misdiagnosed septums (mine) that are easily fixable and could prevent further heartache. Also, even if it's a heart shaped uterus (be happy, that's the best of all in a weird way) ask them to monitor your cervical length. I carried my son to 38+4 with no problems whatsoever but for my two daughters I had a cerclage. It was just as a precaution and I didn't show any signs of shortening BUT it kept my first daughter in until 35 weeks. Bare in mind that everything I tell you comes from someone with a very long and broad septum so they hopefully never will apply to you but IMHO I d rather know all the facts!
I m blabbing...a very happy healthy and uneventfull 9 months, hope you pop in to update us, I always love following journeys to little rainbows :)
Ok I just read back and maybe I might not be so reassuring..so here's it..2/3 babies were born perfectly healthy despite my septum (which is way way worse than a heart shaped uterus!). Without knowing your circumstances I m guessing that since your first pg was via an IVF you ve had your share of u/s and if it was anything more pronounced they would have noticed :)
Christiana thank you for taking the time to write such a helpful reply. I do feel a bit reassured. You're right if it was very bad it would have been picked up at onbe of my many ivf scans. Thank you :hugs:
You re welcome hun I hope I didn't scare you with my first msg, seriously had no intention to. Ow and my 3rd baby was super healthy too, she just came after the septum resection :)
You re welcome hun I hope I didn't scare you with my first msg, seriously had no intention to. Ow and my 3rd baby was super healthy too, she just came after the septum resection :)

Not at all. Dr Googlecwas ALOT more scary :thumbup: thanks again
Hi Mrsmax!
Congratulations on your pregnancy.
I have a Unicornuate (half) uterus and managed to carry my daughter till 34 + 5.
Even though she was early she was very healthy. She did spend 2 weeks in nicu but just as a feeder and grower.
Overall I would say that having a pregnancy with a uterine anomaly is extremely stressful but many women including many of us on this thread have gone on to have successful pregnancies and healthy babies as you have yourself. There is no reason to doubt why your body cannot do it again.
Miscarriage unfortunately has been a reality for many of us too but please don't let this take over your mind too much.
I was diagnosed via MRI and I have to say that regular scans are not really reliable for picking a UA.
I would definitely recommend having an MRI after your baby is born to determine severity etc.
I hope you have a very happy healthy pregnancy.
Thanks sbl. I didn't realise they were tricky to diagnose just on a scan. I was actually overdue with my daughter and was induced at 42 weeks so hoping that a good sign for going fullterm again if I can get passed first tri. Will def discuss with doctors this time round.
Hi lovely so I have a quick question :). With an unicornate uterus is the uterus always small or can it be a normal size? I was told when I was 21 that I had an unicornate uterus but last October I had an abdominal scan, they didn't tell me anything apart from I have 2 kidneys on my left side. Today I went to the Drs to get re referred for our last round of IVF and I was told that on the report of my scan my uterus was a normal size? Anyone else? I'm so confused!! Xxx

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