We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Also just wanted to add i love the name Liam!!! If it werent for needing something that works in french too it would of been one of my go to boy names!!
What's everyone's plans for this weekend??? We're leaving tonight and staying in Syracuse for the weekend!! Baby shopping and maternity clothes shopping and etc!! I'm super freakin duper excited!!

Stace ok first off men change their minds every single second of every single day. Trust me just cuz he's saying no now it will most definetly change in 2-3 years like u said. See i've always been a 2 kid kind of person and lately i dunno...i'm actualy willing to maybe have 3! So i talked it over with DH and he has always only wanted 2...but he thinks the best would be to have 2 kids see how it goes and then when the time is right maybe consider another. Sooo i would put it out of ur mind. He's a guy. You will most definetly get another beany down the road i'm convinced!!

As for the MIL pffff i think they can all be some type of pain in the patooty at some point. God knows my in laws arent alway the easiest bunch sometimes...i really think she just said that for his benefit but damnit just be thankfull it's a healthy baby right?? She should of said ohhh well i know u wanted a little girl but little boys are great too! I'd also put that out of ur mind when u see her cuz it's just not worth it at all. U dont want to feel like ur walking on egg shells and u dont want to look like the crazy ranting pregnant women either right? Once again screw that lololol.

OMG right! I don't want to be the crazy pregnant DIL! But you have no idea how this woman is. My SIL's kids are way more important to her than mine! I am not exaggerating either. The lady has never even been to my house since DH and I have been married (over 5 years now). She didn't come into town when I had DS, but spent weeks with her newborn granddaughters! It is complete bullshit and I am so tired of even trying to please her! I guess because my kids were pushed out of her daughters vagina they aren't "real" grandchildren. OK starting to sound like crazy pregnant woman! She should not be allowed to visit when I can't drink!

As far as DH, I don't really think that he will change his mind. He told me this morning that he told me that he was fine just having DS and that he only had this one because I convinced him to have another... really? I guess he wants some crazy pregnant woman action too! So what am I supposed to think when I look at this baby? Oh sorry sweet little boy, but Daddy only really wanted your brother? Seriously don't say this crap to a hormonal pregnant woman! Ahhhhh!

OK rant over!
What's everyone's plans for this weekend??? We're leaving tonight and staying in Syracuse for the weekend!! Baby shopping and maternity clothes shopping and etc!! I'm super freakin duper excited!!


I am so jealous! Can I come too? Are you going to buy girl stuff? or try to stay neutral until your next U/S? They were pretty sure that it is a girl though right?
i hear ya mel..its hard....


im on cd 13, still no pos opk, i mean i just hope i get one before cd24-26 (my usual unmedicated pos opk)

im hoping by cd 20...well see tho!

im not sure if im guna do progesterone either right away...idk..what do you think....i just feel like i dont want any medication...and he said that its just precautionary. i feel like scared to take it..idk. bc the passed months have been big failures...im just scared that the meds are messing me up.....


how many dpo are you now mel?

Im now 9dpo...U can click on my ticker chart if you wanna see me chart! I think you should do what you feel like: nothing forced and nothing you have to convince yourself to. Try a stress free cycle and if that means no meds then so be it...:D
What's everyone's plans for this weekend??? We're leaving tonight and staying in Syracuse for the weekend!! Baby shopping and maternity clothes shopping and etc!! I'm super freakin duper excited!!


I am so jealous! Can I come too? Are you going to buy girl stuff? or try to stay neutral until your next U/S? They were pretty sure that it is a girl though right?

Yes they we're convinced it's a girl...but i dunno i'm still trying to keep an open mind just in case u know??? I mean what if....

So i'll stick to neutral! They have uber cute green thinggies i love lolol
Stace r u seriously telling me that ur DH has never said something uber stoopid and didnt realise it??? My DH does that ALL THE TIME. And i just give him this look...like r u fucking serious right now?? WTF?? LOLOL i think pretty much all men do that..
Good Luck Mel- hoping AF stays away!

Lisa- I have everything crossed for a normalish cycle instead of super duper long this month!

I am glad it is Friday, but I think this weekend might really suck. First I am barely speaking with DH. He makes me so mad. Someone asked us if we were going to try one more time for a girl and he said without hesitation, "No we are done." What??? I am only 29 and far from considering my family complete!!! It has nothing to do with gender, I am just not sure the this is my last baby. Ugh! I told him we would discuss the topic in 2-3 years. Plus we have a healthy baby boy, I do not want to be arguing about what may or may not happen years from now. I want to focus on getting this baby here healthy and safe! At the same time though I can't let this fester for years.

Then my DH called my MIL to tell her we are having a boy and her response was, "Oh thats too bad." WTF???? DH says she knew he wanted a girl and that is why she said it, but seriously that is not the correct response to our news. I have had issues with MIL for the whole time me and DH have been together, but I am beyond mad about this. Yet I can't say anything in front of DH because he will tell me I am over reacting! And my MIL is coming in town tomorrow with DH's grandmother who doesn't speak English (they are Korean). What a fun weekend I have ahead of me.

Oh and I hit a bird on the way into work... I think it was a sign of things to come.

Im sorry you are going through this: though if it might help men often feel overwhelmed by the slighest thing...2 kids for him might be overwhelming right now by as you said wait it out and you'll see how it goes.

The bird thing...U managed to hit a bird???...All jokes aside it might just be that you simply hit a bird and its no more than that. :D
Good morning my girlies :)

Stace I'm soo sorry your dealing with all this DH and in-law drama :( I agree...only should be aggravated to this level when large amounts of alchool are involved!!! It's easy to stay calm when it's not us but man I feel your pain girl! Try to focus on all the happiness within you right now and ignore the world! Can you fake being sick and hide in your room with lots of smut magazines and movies or something fun? Teehee!!!!

Jess ubber jelous! Me wanna go shopping across the border too!!!!! Take good notes for me ok chica! My mommy is coming home this weekend so maybe I can convince her to do a road trip with me to shop soon too :)

Mel your chart is looking good girl...did you decide if you'll test this weekend or not?

Lisa baby I think your gut is right...maybe get off it all for a cycle and clear your system! xoxo

Rach, Kim how are the cycle's going girls?

Any news from Emma? Thinking of her lots :hugs:

Weekend plans for me are lots of sun and RR!!! I'm watching my friends little cutie tonight as he bday gift so we'll be at the park and Mcdonalds! Tomorrow is lunch on a terrace with my cousin and my mom flying in at night so we'll have lots of catching up to do over the nice long weekend up here in Canada :)
jess ive been texting you...guess your a busy beaver..just wanted to say helloooo

thanks lisette-
i am scared not to take the progesterone, but he said it was just a precautionary...but idk...

i really dont know what im guna do..im scared maybe its working the opposite way on me..like badly..dont even think thats possible...but i freak out....ughhhhhh

maybe ill wait a couple extra days after o to start taking it...maybe 6 days after o inside of 4...idk...who freaking knows!!! in my crazy head i feel like it may ruin getting pregnant..i have no idea ...waaaaaaa

melllllllllllll how are you hunni
Stace r u seriously telling me that ur DH has never said something uber stoopid and didnt realise it??? My DH does that ALL THE TIME. And i just give him this look...like r u fucking serious right now?? WTF?? LOLOL i think pretty much all men do that..

LOL DH says dumb things all the time, the difference is he really doesn't get that they are dumb! He is the stereotypical clueless man.
emma if you come on. i hope you see that we are all thinking of you, xoxoxoxo
Lisa- I really don't think the progesterone is hurting your chances of getting pregnant, but if it is stressing you out, don't take it this month. Seriously the stress is way worse. I have everything crossed for you!
Thanks stace..im just scared say i really do need the progesterone that i miscarry or something u know...ughhhhh, everything scares me...

Is that wat u would do stace? Like just be "free" lol from everything..
Good morning girlies! Happy Friday! Happy May Long Weekend for my Canadian Chickies!

Stace...I feel your pain darling! My in-laws drive me nuts as well and it gets me so angry and so upset. Take a deep breath and don't let their comments get to you. You and DH love the little boy inside of you and that is all that matters! As for DH give him a chance to get his head out of his butt and then you can go all pregnant woman on him. LOL Doesn't he know that he is playing with fire!

Thinking of you this cycle Leese! Do what you need to do to feel comfortable, try not to stress! I know easier said than done!

Jess...so jealous of your road trip! I wanna come too! :) Have fun baby shopping!

Lisette...have fun babysitting and enjoy your long weekend! Are you expecting good weather this weekend? It is supposed to be beautiful here this weekend and I can't wait! :)

Hi Mel...When are you testing doll? FXd for you!
well my vag is still coming out and it seems to be getting worse, and NO doctor that can see me....so a couple of us are having a bad day I guess!! I just had a cry because my OB's secretary actually REFUSED to make me an appointment with him. are you fucking serious? what kind of fucked up healthcare is this??????? i can't stand it.

Stacie sorry about your DH's stupid man moment and your idiot MIL. fuck that...you're the boss! if you want another one, guess what...he can't stop you. You should tell your MIL that that's how you felt when you discovered what your MIL would be like, "that's too bad".

I hit a bird before. well...it hit me really, and I was pretty upset. :(

Can you tell i'm in quite the mood today/???/!!!! garrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I'm going on a road trip to the in-laws this weekend, and I'm pretty bitter that the weather is going to be uber fantastic here, and a little bit colder in cape breton. and that 2 of my beautiful and precious weekend days have to be practically wasted in the car because they live so far away. sigh sigh sigh!!!!

Hope everyone is having a better Friday than me!!!!
Lauren...that is ridiculous! Can't believe the receptionist is being such a cow! I would go to the ER and have them page your Dr. That will show them! Or just go straight to his office and wait until you see him in the office and insist on seeing him. That is unheard of! Jerks! Sorry you have to spend the whole weekend in the car! I am sooo angry for you right now!
Ugggg Lauren!!!!!!!! SSSSSSSSOOOBBBBB!!!!!! Want me to come beat em up for you love?? That's just plain RUDE! Like seriously what do you need to say these days to be taken seriously!?! Then they wonder why we go F****IN postal and just show up!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr
OMG JESSY if i still lived in New York i could see you in a heartbeat!!! I lived 35 mins from Syracuse. My parents still do! Too bad i wasn't home visiting. GRR!!!

Lisa i bet you get a positive opk before CD20. going natural this month would be a good idea. You're one day ahead of me in my cycle. I hope we O at the same time and can be in the 2WW together.

Mel your temps are still pretty steady. When do you plan to test?!
Lauren why the F are they not wanting to see you?!? Isn't that like against the law? UGHHH... i hope you have fun on your trip to the inlaws. It's suppose to be beautiful here all weekend too.

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