Collie litterally lol'ing at your "how u doin"!!! The crazy stuff in our heads eh
I'm doing ok today...a few emotional moments as I have a co-worker who's also a good friend and my back up/buddy due in January and we were so excited we'd be only 4months apart and on mat leave together (a year here in Canada)!!! Now its a sad little reminder every day and I love her dearly so trying very hard to be "normal" for her still ask how she's feeling, what she's bought for the LO ect ect...not so easy some days
Gem, I'd be happy to help ya get started with charting and temping on fertility friend when you're ready. I have a VIP membership that I paused and will probably start back on once AF comes and I have a regular cycle. For now we're just gonna see what happens...maybe AF won't ever come!!! Ahhhh a girl can dream
Ohhhh that would be great, thankyou!
I didnt temp today mind as didnt expect af to show but i will temp in the morning, will that matter?
I have a fertility friend account but not vip.
Awww i hope she doesnt show for you xxx