We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Jessy- I hope you feel better soon and you get to come home! I have been trying to follow you FB posts, but bing isn't always the best translator, LOL. I am glad Charlie is doing well.

I am still doing good. I feel like crap this morning, but I am so incredibly pissed at DH because we are getting carpet installed in two of the bedrooms today and he waited until right before he left for work to finish cleaning out the rooms! So I had to sweep and clean the hard wood floor in one room and vaccuum the other. I can barely walk 5 steps without feeling winded, so as you can imagine I was not too happy to be cleaning by myself! It is a good thing no one was checking my bp then, I am sure it was sky high during my hormonal rage! Ah the joys of pregnancy :)
Oh yes, and DH waited until last night to paint in DS's room, and now he realizes the paint didn't cover good and doesn't match the other walls, so it needs to be repainted. He thinks he is leaving it like that for now. But I have news for him, we are NOT moving one piece of furniture into that room until he repaints! I am not moving furniture twice (OK well technically I am not moving any furniture, but you know what I mean)
Lolol Stace men can b the biggest pains sometimes for that stuff. And i mean why u know? It s not hard to do housework..jesus..

U shouldnt b stressing urself out hunny. It s not ok that he left that stuff for u to do grrrr
I don't think he really thinks it is a big deal if I still do alot of stuff around the house. He moved all the heavy furniture, and then told me all the little stuff was mine to clean up. Well DS had random things on his floor and I think bending over 500 times was worse than moving the big furniture! Finally last night I told him I am done cleaning up in DS's room that all the blood has rushed to my head and non is left for the baby, LOL. I wish we could make them pregnant for 1 day, I bet they couldn't last an hour! My DH doesn't fully understand how hard it is to do even the easiest of tasks when you are carrying an extra 30lbs around your midsection (although he should understand ;)) OK that was kind of mean.

Are you feeling any better Jess?
Carpet installers are here now and between them banging and the dog barking I am going to have a huge headache just in time to go to work! Best of all I get to repeat this process at the end of the month when we have the rest of the carpet installed!
Morning all! Sorry I've been a slacker at posting lately but I have been stalking and trying to keep up. Sounds like everyone is doing well! Still holding out for some more BFPs! Fingers crossed for you girls!
Also, yay! Another team Blue! They knew our little man was a little man at our 13 week scan and clearly nothing changed so I'd say your team blue!
Men would totally never survive pregnancy... or post pregnancy either... plus they'd whine so much it wouldn't be worth it!
Lisette- I hope your enjoying your time off! Yay for escaping work!

Although, I'm not sure that I could handle as much time off as you guys get up north. I'm already looking forward to heading back to work in 3 weeks. Keeping up with a little person is much more challenging haha. It's amazing how they can keep you going all day even when they sleep half of it. I'm sure I'll miss this time by the time I put one week in at work! On another note: little man had his 2 week apt yesterday and he's a beast haha went from 7lbs12oz (birth) to 7lbs3oz (4 days old) to 9lbs9ozs (2weeks 4 days). They were expecting that he'd be back to his birth weight. He's grown 2 inches and is in the 85th percentile for his size. For the most part he's an amazingly easy baby. However, Monday I wanted to pull my hair out and couldn't wait for DH to come home and save me from the crying. Apparently Cam was just having a bad day because he's been amazing since then. He sleeps 3 hours, eats, sleeps 3 hours, eats- at night and currently eats every 1.5 hours during the day. Tonight we're going out to dinner with some friends and there little ones wish us luck :)
Awww, good luck going out with him! You are breast feeding right? Maybe something in the breastmilk didn't agree with him on Monday. He sounds like a very good baby though! I hope my little guy follows suit! Right now I am not holding my breath though, he seems like he is going to be high maintenance, LOL.

Well BP check today was 141/85, I was hoping it would go down some since I got to veg at home instead of coming into work, but nope. I'll take it once more this afternoon before I leave. I would love to see something 135/80 or below, which is where I was at early in the pregnancy...

Well we have carpet in two rooms in our house :) I can't wait to start moving furniture into little dude's room, but since we are getting carpet in our living room/ dining room/hallway completely organizing the room may have to wait :( But I am going to make DH open the dresser and crib tonight and move it in the room so I can see how it will look :)
jessy i hope ur get better real soon xoxoxoxoox

stace, i hope ur bp goes down :(

liz hope ur doing good!! cant wait to see cameron pics!

80 % team blue at almost 13 weeks is pretty certain i feel..cud be girl tho..i have my scan on aug 27 he said he can tell me gender!!!!!!!!!!!!
jessy i hope ur get better real soon xoxoxoxoox

stace, i hope ur bp goes down :(

liz hope ur doing good!! cant wait to see cameron pics!

80 % team blue at almost 13 weeks is pretty certain i feel..cud be girl tho..i have my scan on aug 27 he said he can tell me gender!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well even if it stays 141/85 I think my Dr. will be OK with that... that just doesn't leave me any wiggle room though!

Ooooo Aug 27 is not that far away, then we will know for sure ;)
Aw jessy babe, poor you, hope you feel better soon xxxx

Lisa Aug 27th is my & DHS 6th anniversary!
Jess i feel so bad for you girl. I have a friend whose had kidney stones and my gosh all she did was cry. She said they were SO painful to pass. I know that can't be good along with carrying a baby. I feel for you. Get some rest and try to not let it get the best of ya! :hugs:

Liz your little man sounds like a good boy. Wow he has gotten a lot bigger in just 2 weeks LOL. I figured you were gonna say he gained like 3 oz but holy guacomoley! Do you have any new recent pics of Cam? Does he for the most part sleep through the night?
Hello my loves,

Sorry I've been away as well...had a not o great appt today...long story short I may need a c-section...will know more Friday :(

Jess baby how u doing today? Praying better chica :hugs:

Stace how was the bp afterall? Hope it can stay stable for u sweetie!

Lisa shopping soooooooon :) how's the nausea today?

Rach :wave: any signs?

Emm spotting still? Hoping not my love xxx

Liz what a good eater u got! Niccceeeee :) Need new chubby pics!

Hope u girls are all doing well...Lauren u back soon hunni?
Awwww Lis...Sorry to hear about the c-section news. I know how disappointing it is but just think, anyway little Melina gets here is going to be special and beautiful! Thinking of you!

Hope you feel better soon Jess...Kidney stones are horrible. I hope that they are taking good care of you at the hospital!

Stace...at least you got upset with your DH for a reason. Last night I was soooo angry at my DH bc he didn't bring me skittles home. I was really actually, genuinely upset...Men do not understand women at all, especially pregnant women. lol Hope your BP stays under control for you hun.

How are you feeling Rach? Any sign of AF?

Love the new u/s pic Leese. What a little cutie! :)

What a chunky monkey Liz... I want to see more pics too. Keep them coming! Glad he is being a good boy for you! :)

Hi Em!
Jess- hope your feeling better Chica! Kidney stones :/ ouch!
Lisette- hope things are ok girlie! I had a cs with ds and I was terrified of it but mine really was not bad and I healed very quickly! I know you will do great either way!xoxo
Rach! What's going on girlie? Need an update from you?
Thanks u guys!xxx
Just scary when its out of left field...staying calm & relaxed for me & the baby as much as possible till I know more Friday! I'm lucky I've got good dr's, my momma home & H who is bein great too!

Kris sweetie I understand...its the little things that mean a lot some days :hugs:

Kim where u at in ur cycle babe?
Are they thinking soon for your section Lis? Hope you are ok...
Lisette- Sorry to hear that you might need a c-section, but I say whatever way is the safest to get our babies here is what should be done. So fill us in, why the C-section talk all of a sudden???

Kris- LOL, sometimes skittles are important, and DH's should know that! So far everytime I have taken my BP it has been around 140/85, so hanging in there. But I don't have a cuff at home, only a machine at work and I am not sure how accurate it is. DH did decide to order me a home one off Amazon, so it will at least give me some peace of mind and hopefully I won't have any surprises at my next Dr. appt :)

Liz- Your man is quite the rolly polly! We need new pics, I am sure he has changed a bunch.

Lauren- How is the little girlie?

Rach, Kim- What is the current status?

Em- How are you feeling? Is AF here or just spotting?

Well, DH was a good husband and finished painting DS's room last night :) So tonight we can start moving furniture back into the bed rooms. I really hope he opens the baby furniture. I am so anxious to see what it looks like in the room!

I had some more eye floaters when I got home from work yesterday, so I am assuming I had another BP spike, but I don't have a cuff at home so I have no idea how high it was. It never lasts long, so I just laid down for 15-20 minutes and made sure to relax. If it happens again I am going to call the Dr, but I don't know if it is a problem if it only lasts for a short time and then returns to normal? Ugh! It is so confusing.

Speaking of calling the Dr., let me tell you about how I freaked myself out this morning. It was me and DS in bed and DH was on the couch (because of painting DS's room last night). Well I got up at 4am to pee and when I wiped there was some bright red blood. So I wiped again and there was some more red blood, but just small streaks on the tp. OK, so I start to panic just a little trying to figure out what it could be. I decide to go to lay down and see if it is better when I get up for work in an hour. Well, I was laying there in bed and usually when I get up to pee, the baby wakes up too and decides to kick and roll around, but he isn't moving much at all, just a few slight movements here and there. So then I really start to worry. I keep laying there waiting for him to move and getting more scared, but I can't say anything because it is DS next to me and DH is on the couch. Finally after 20 minutes or so little man start rolling and kicking like normal. Apparently he was sleeping and couldn't be bothered :) Well when I got up to get in the shower I checked again and still the same amount of blood, but I came to realize it is coming from some kind of scratch or irritation I have down there. Apparently either the last time we had sex it was a little rougher than usual, or my undies have rubbed a raw spot, or I just scratched myself while sleeping, I don't know. But seriously, was glad to figure out where it was coming from. Could you imagine me calling the Dr. at 4 am with these "symptoms" only to find out I was freaking out about my baby sleeping and a scratch on my vajayjay? I really think I have lost my mind!
Omg stace! I wud have been nervous too but hes like mom chill im tired lolo

Lisette it may stink hunni best watevers best to get little melina out! Cant wait to see her did they say when??

Jess thinking of u hope ur doing good!!!

Kim rach em any cycle news??

Kris how ya feel

Still naueous lisette but i only threw up 2 times yesterday so i am hoping its getting better!!!! Fxd!

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