We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Kris- I'm with ya girl! Sometimes you just need skittles :).
Stace glad you figured everything out:) I understand your worry tho! If you are still seeing floaters I would let your dr know, even if they are occasional.
I'm cd 12 today.... Still waiting to ovulate. Cm is clear and a mix between watery and stretchy.
FXd for you Kim! Get your booty shaking hun and get some action!
Woo Hoo Kim! Definately getting close to some BD time!

Lisa- Hopefully you are moving past the nauseous part, but as Jessy pointed out sometimes it lasts the whole 9 months :(

My next Dr. appt is next Thursday, so if they aren't bad and most of my BP readings are good I will wait until then, but if they get more frequent I will definately call!
Morning girls!

Thanks for all the good wishes :) I know as long as its best & safest for baby ill be just fine...I guess I always imagined a c-section decision to come at the last minute if the baby were in distress or something! Well anyways at my appt yesterday the Dr goes to give me an internal & she stops to look & feel around the exterior...then says has this always been here?!? Ilaying there like "Has WHAT always been here?" Apparantly there is a wart/abnormal cell type thing right at the perenium/between the opening where the baby will come from!!! Poses a few problems here & diffrent dr's now have diffrent opinions on what would be best! C-section is one way (my dr doesnseem keen) alternately I've got the specialists nurse warning me if they touch me now ill never heal in time & will surely rip front to back during natural delivery!!! How nice eh! Oh and just leaving it alone will cause it to burst,tear anyways,bleed & perhaps affect the baby! Bblleeekkkk plus they cansee if any part is internal now just external so it would still mean a second procedure after the baby!!! Uuggggg! Seeing the specialist tmmr morning & then everyone will consult & decide...feeling pretty iikkk about the whole thing right now but nothing can do...if it will be a c-section will they schedule me? Will it be earlier than my DD? Will my dr sign off? All up in the air :( Sorry for the vent girls xxx
Oh lisette, I'm sorry Hun. I can answer one of your questions. Since I will be a repeat cs. I asked when I was preggo with my angel how much sooner they would schedule me from my dd. and they said I could pick a date up to 1 week prior.
Thanks Kim :) Its just all the unknown right now...not great for us girlies who need to plan & control stuff! Lol amature non-mommy right ;) Get ur BD on sweetie, hope the ferema is they key this cycle :hugs:

Stace really glad ur DH made up for his errors yesterday :) Scary 4am blood show hun! Good that u figured it out though! Lol

Jess baby tell us how u doing today?

Lisa happy to hear the nausea is getting managable for u :)

Kris hunni how u been these days? Bubs still super active? Are u having any gender feelings?
Yea lisette they will schedule, try not to worry hunni, i mean you dont wanna hear anything of possible problems but melina will be just fine! cant wait to see her!!!!

and i think it would be before ur dd..everyone i know of who got c sections went earlier. but dont go by me!! i wish u the best lisette everything will be just great!
Good luck at the specialist appt Lisette! I know how worried and anxious you must be! It will all go fine and you will soon have your little girl in your arms!

Lots of movement still and I really have been going back and forth on gender. Sometimes I think boy and other time I am sure it is a girl. I don't think I will know at all until I deliver...I am never good at guessing things like this. lol
OH, Lisette! That is awful to spring on you! How did they not notice it sooner? My Dr. did a pap/internal at 12 weeks! But at least they caught it and it wasn't a surprise when you are in labor! After you meet with the specialist you can get back to planning :)
i cant believe you dont wanna know kris!! ahhhhh i could never lolol

cant wait to find out!!!

stace ahh please dont even say that lol

well i do feel better....still nauseous but its better.. i decided to have a freaking taco at 10 am today. bc i felt "okay" just threw it up.....stupid thing to eat so soon..lol

but hoping that i feel back to normal soon!!!

definately gettin the round ligament pains OUCH!!!!
Hi y all! So i was released late last night and have been resting up bunches at home. Im pretty much dead energy wise but thats normal due to the meds and not being sble to eat anything the past 3 days. I had my obgyn app this morning and im at 10 pounds since the whole pregnancy. My dr says my belly right now is just all baby. He took almost 10 mind to lock down the hb cuz Charlie was all over the place. She kept kickin the moniter stick thinggy all the time lolol. Dr was like omg..thats one of the most energetic babies ive ever seen heeeheee goooo baybay!!

Lisette holy fuck how was this only noticed now????? Very nerve wracking for sure.....ok on the logical side if a csection is for sure the easiest way then definetly go for it. I think they usualy scedule between 1 to 2 weeks before ur due date to make sure contractions dOnt kick in. Definetly keep us in da loop for ur app tomorrow.

Stace r u feelin better sweety?? Can they not give u something for ur high bloodpressure? Something baby safe? Im glad most of the carpet is in! Betcha it looks fantastic!

Rach how u doin hunny? Cycle wise? Trust me kifney stones r the worse fucking thing ever..it feels like something is being ripped out of u front and back..i actualy think labor will b easy peasy now pain wise lolol

Liz ahhh thats so cute! Does Cam have the little chubby arms and legs?? I find that adorable on a baby!! The monday episode could of been due to gas or just something he couldnt digest.

Leese trust me it s sooo hard not being able to shop but u manage to hold off. My showe is in 2 freakin weeks so i havent bought 1 single thing yet. But the day right after watch out baby stores im hitting u like a mother fucking shopaholic hiihiii.

Kim that kind of cervical fluid sounds really promissing!! I betcha ur O date is within the nect few days which will b a perfect O cycle!!

Just wanted to add thank u all for ur thoughts and support while i was gettin my ass kicked in the hospital. It was definetly a huge cheer up for me by far!! Luv ya all bunches xxxxxx
so happy your back jess!!! woohoooooooo

heres my almost 13 week belly!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Lisette- I hope that everything gets squared away soon. I apparently missed why you were needing/looking at a c-section. But whatever the reason I'm sure everything will work out although I understand that you hate the lack of control. When Cam was breeched I was terrified by the thought of a csection and just the unknowns.

Jessy- glad you're feeling better! And I can't wait to see what you get for your shower!!

I don't think Cam is that chunky but his limbs are so long that they make him look skinnier. Although at this rate he'll be a giant in no time haha. My sister is on her way up from VA as I type, with her not so little man. He's 4 months and 26" and 19.5 lbs. He's wearing 9 month clothing. I'll share a pic of the two of them when I get one later this week. Looking forward to shopping and a pedi tomorrow-- seriously feel bad for the salon person though because my feet are horrific after months of me ignoring them haha


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Jessy- glad you are out of the hospital and I hope your days on bedrest fly by! Yes, they can give meds for high BP, but I think they try to control it other ways first (rest, diet, etc). But right now I am at the high end of normal most of the time, I just have random spikes, so I as long as it isn't constant I think it is OK.

Liz- He is adorable!!! He is a little chunky, just not quite rolly polly, but probably because he is so long. You look awesome btw!

Lisa- Your 13 week belly is so little and cute :)
I got my first pair maternity leggings..woohoo!!! Lol next is jeans

jess have u heard from mel..hope shes doing okay xo
Liz dayummmm girl u look freakin great!! And Cam is a total cutie patooty!!

Stace ahh well if it s just spikes it sucks but it s not too too bad right? More scary if it was constantly overly high.

Mel is doing good. They re going for IUI within the next lil while and im crossing my fingers it gives her a rainbow baby!

Leese omggg that is a cute lil belly chica :)
Aw Jess, glad you're doing better hunny :hugs:

Cam is sooooo gorge Liz :thumbup:

Lisa your mini bump is super cute!

I'm stillhaving the brown spotting, a bit more today so expecting full af right on cue 2moro....
Emma- boo for the spotting! If the witch is going to show, then she should come already and quit teasing!

A little over an hour left of work! I am ready to go home and start organizing little guy's room! I hope DH gets home quickly, because there isn't much I can do until he moves the furniture :)

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