We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Hey grls!! I had my beautiful baby boy at 12:45 pm 2/10/13. Hes 6lbs 8oz and 20 inches long!! After 27 hours of labor... Apparentyl some people the epidral and only work on ONE side so i felt EVERY thing... It was horrendous.. I went in 2/9 at 9 and was 1 cm dilated .. made it sil 10 cm on 2/10 at 11 or a little earlier 1045 maybe...The rushed me to er after 2 hours of hard pushing b he was posterior and gettin stuck...so did an emg c section and now hes here!! Hes doing great and hes so beautiful and words even describe....xoxooxoxx

Im not sure how to post pics from iphone to here if i cant figure it out i asked jess to post when she can!

Thanks for all your support gives i love u girls xoxoox
Aw huge congrats hunny, glad he's here safely and you're both doing well, lots of love xxx
Congrats Lisa! Naughtly little Nicholas deciding to be posterior, but so glad he is here! I can't wait to see a pic!
Lisa, CONGRATS!!! Baby Nicholas is here!!! Sorry your labor was so long/dreadful, but glad you are both okay.

Emma, 2nd Tri and a beautiful scan pic! Congrats!!!

Rach, so sorry I was feeling so good for you as I was reading, stupid AF!

AFM, hope you are all doing well. I am not sure when I last updated but Emily was released from the NICU on Tuesday and is home now. It is so nice having her home, but also nerve wracking. I am most afraid of her having another apnea episode now that she if off the monitors and that I won't know. I am also worried about her eating enough/gaining and her in general. She went to her pediatrician on Thursday and had gained since being discharged so she said we could change her feeding schedule around and she is now exclusively breastfeeding, sometimes on my schedule (She still rarely wakes up) and sometimes on demand. There is the rare time she gets a bottle of expressed breast milk if she has a really poor feeding, but we are off formula and the supplemental bottle of breast milk at each feed. I am terrified she isn't getting enough/gaining but we go back to her Dr tomorrow to check her weight. Hopefully it will be up, if not we will just have to change things up again.

I am exhausted and so emotional. I am not sure how much of the emotion is "normal" post-pregnancy hormones/exhaustion/etc, how much of it is coming from everything we've been through... I do worry that it might be/turn into Post Partum Depression and I am not sure how I would even differentiate that from just having a ton of emotions about all we've been through. It is going to take this Mama a long long time to recover from watching her baby stop breathing and turning blue.

I am still having issues with my blood pressure as well. It was pretty good at my one week follow up but at my 2 week it was really high. They had to do bloodwork/check my urine because they are concerned about me developing preeclampsia again. I guess that it is rare to redevelop it post-delivery but that it can happen. Luckily my bloodwork/urine were okay but my BP, at a follow-up the next day, was still high. They have increased my meds and told me to be vigilant about watching for signs of Pre-e and to call immediately if I notice any. I have another follow up with them on Thursday and am hoping the increase in medication will have done the trick. I just want to be healthy/okay/my body to be back to "normal."

Here are two more pictures of Emily... the one with the bunny is from last Wednesday, when she turned two weeks old. The other is from a few days ago.


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I am so glad Emily is doing great. It is completely normal to be emotional, but let a health care professional know if it becomes overwhelming. It will get easier as you settle into a good routine.
Can't wait for pics!! Sorry it was so rough! But glad that you're both well and he's happy and healthy!

Emotions are completely normal post pregnancy and I can't imagine coming down from the stress level you've endured with Emily being in the hospital. I was a mess from worrying about everything the first month so I can't imagine if Cam had been in the hospital for longer and plus you have your own health to worry about. Talk to a professional if you're concerned though. Sometimes just letting it all out makes a world of difference!
congrats Lisa!!! So glad you and baby are doing well!! I'm sure you will have a speedy rocovery and be home with him soon!!xoxo can't wait for pics!!
Hey girls... Will post pics asap! :)

Nicky is doing great... Hes just the sweetest little boy and i feel so blessed love him so much xoxox
Awwww Lisa I'm sooo happy he's safe in ur arms now!!! Sorry he gave momma a rough time though :( Even worse than Melina...maybe we'll set them up one day - lil trouble makers! Lol soak up all these 1st days sweetie xxx

Amy, Emily is just adorable :cloud9: Like the girls have said the 1st few weeks/months can feel like ur a full time nurse watching & holding ur breathe with each little thing...add to that all you & her have been through its any wonder u feel overwhelmed! Massive hugs ur way :hugs: definately talk about what ur feeling & let those close to u know so they can help & be sensitive to u as well! It DOES get better :hugs:
Thanks everyone! Ive been in so much pain between labor pushing ans the section... Got a fever and was severly constipated... Still kinda am... My temp this morning was 99... Hopefully gets back to normal bc i need to get out of here omg!!! Nicky is doing great.. I just wanna kiss his face all day xo

Thanks for all ur support. Love u guys... When im home i will post pics!
Ok peeps i have a most fantastic idea to post in a direction i havent gone in a freakin long time and to also honor valentine s day of love and hotness i figured we could maybe bring back a bit of hilarious sex talk???

How do u manage to juggle sex and babies??? I canot just put charlie down on her carpet to play and get all raunchy with dh cuz damnit what if she starts to fuss??? Do u guys actualy manage to stay in the mood if that happens????? I sure as shit dont..

Also im kinda umm..loud..ish..while in the boinkin mood now when will i have to give that up??? When would charlie start to actualy hear it and get curious about it?? 6 months? A year?? How would i be able to mute myself??????? Is that even doable?? Do i tell dh to get the job done less???? LOL pff as if that last one will happen..

Any interesting sexcapades as of late?? Noteworthy??? Plz feel free to over share in every possible way cuz as i always say TMI is for pussies :) :)
Also like to add congrats Amy on a gorgeous lil peanut!!! The hormones and stress are vompletly normal after what u went threw i can just imagine the stress. But give urself time and it will all work out. Everyday u will breath a lil easier :)

In the mean time plz read all the interesting sex talk to come since lolz is always the best medicine to help u unwind easier :)
For valentine s day were celebrating on friday cuz the restaurants on the 14th r a fucking mad house..so im debating..ive got this very amazing wireless remote control egg..u think dh would freak if i secretly let him know ive got it..in action..by giving him the remote at the restaurant???

Or does that make me uber slutty?? In a good way??? Too freaky??

OK, I have been a Mommy for 9+ years so let me tell you I am an expert at squeezing sexy time into sleep/nap time LOL. I was given some good advice that we should not be too quiet while the kids are sleeping so they get used to background noise, so really they don't wake up. BUT the baby is also in his own room now, so that helps. We have two doors inbetween us so really there isn't much chance he would hear us. I am more worried now that our big one will walk in on us (plus he is going to be at the age where he understands what sex is so that could be interesting). I usually turn on TVs to help coverup any noises that might ummm slip out.

The baby crying does put a damper on the mood, which usually involves one of us running in to give himm a binkie LOL. But Mommies have to be flexible when it comes to sexy time (no pun intended- OK maybe a little one ;)) so I pretty much just try to roll with the punches now.

As far as our plans go... we have NONE! I haven't even bought DH a card yet (I am a terrible procrastinator now!). So pretty much an quiet evening at home, which will hopefully include some Mommy and Daddy time (It better, I didn't shave my legs this morning for nothing!)
hey girls! finally guna post some pics..

had a rough first night, he was so gassy and pooped so much and his peepee was so red and sore and was hurting him...he finally went to sleep longer then 10 minutes at 730 am!

well anways

heres my love-

i will def post more soon, most are on my camera! ill take some more phone pics later on!


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He is very cute! Lots of vaseline for the circumcision site (I assuming that is what is bothering him ;)) We went through the whole tube the hospital gave us and I sent DH to buy more! I hope you are doing OK with your c-section incision. I think the trick is to do as much as you can, but not overdue it, which is hard to judge!
He is so handsome! Your little Nick! I hope you are able to get some rest at some point and that you are taking care of yourself as well. Lots of love to both of you from Emily and I.

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