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Weight Loss Club for a BFP!*Weight loss thread 51lbs!***13 BFP's

Omg Leikela!!! Your pregnant!! Omg, I'm so happy for you, that is awesome!!!!

Omg Leikela!!! Your pregnant!! Omg, I'm so happy for you, that is awesome!!!!


Thanks so much Jsmom!! :) I attribute it to Preseed and OPK's! I am just praying for a sticky one. :)

There goes my plans for weight loss! Maybe that's why I gained a pound last week. LOL I will still go to the gym but with much less intensity.
Omg Leikela!!! Your pregnant!! Omg, I'm so happy for you, that is awesome!!!!


Thanks so much Jsmom!! :) I attribute it to Preseed and OPK's! I am just praying for a sticky one. :)

There goes my plans for weight loss! Maybe that's why I gained a pound last week. LOL I will still go to the gym but with much less intensity.

That 1 pound gain makes sense now. Lol. I will pray for your sticky bean to stay also. A happy healthy next 9 months to you! So have you told your other half? Super excited?? I hope we can follow your journey, although I have no idea how to use this site except to post. LOL!!

I just started using preseed, except I haven't been on it like I should. I would like to get 20 pounds off before I get my bfp, but don't get me wrong, I would love a bfp before then if it happened that way! Lol

I have no doubt you will still be active, gym etc. That is great. And now and then you can indulge because you have a reason...lol
I have lost at least 2 lbs so far this week. i weigh in tuesday for a accurate count..

i Just joined weight watchers i have PCOS and weight gain is common for PCOS and weight loss elp to conceive obviously lol Im not sure how much ive lost but i would like to lose 30-35 lbs

Hi hun and welcome. How you doing so far? x
That 1 pound gain makes sense now. Lol. I will pray for your sticky bean to stay also. A happy healthy next 9 months to you! So have you told your other half? Super excited?? I hope we can follow your journey, although I have no idea how to use this site except to post. LOL!!

I just started using preseed, except I haven't been on it like I should. I would like to get 20 pounds off before I get my bfp, but don't get me wrong, I would love a bfp before then if it happened that way! Lol

I have no doubt you will still be active, gym etc. That is great. And now and then you can indulge because you have a reason...lol

Thank you! I told my parents tonight in person and my sister on Skype. I haven't told DH because unfortunately he is away on business and won't be home until Friday. :( I didn't want to tell him about our first pregnancy over the phone while he is miles away. That isn't how I pictured it.

He is asking me if I took a test yet and I unfortunately panicked and lied to him and told him no. I am torn on what to tell him if/when he asks me again.

You can follow me through my Journal on here if you'd like. I haven't written much on it yet, but will start to.


Oh and the Preseed is great! And who knows, you may end up like me soon! :)
That 1 pound gain makes sense now. Lol. I will pray for your sticky bean to stay also. A happy healthy next 9 months to you! So have you told your other half? Super excited?? I hope we can follow your journey, although I have no idea how to use this site except to post. LOL!!

I just started using preseed, except I haven't been on it like I should. I would like to get 20 pounds off before I get my bfp, but don't get me wrong, I would love a bfp before then if it happened that way! Lol

I have no doubt you will still be active, gym etc. That is great. And now and then you can indulge because you have a reason...lol

Thank you! I told my parents tonight in person and my sister on Skype. I haven't told DH because unfortunately he is away on business and won't be home until Friday. :( I didn't want to tell him about our first pregnancy over the phone while he is miles away. That isn't how I pictured it.

He is asking me if I took a test yet and I unfortunately panicked and lied to him and told him no. I am torn on what to tell him if/when he asks me again.

You can follow me through my Journal on here if you'd like. I haven't written much on it yet, but will start to.


Oh and the Preseed is great! And who knows, you may end up like me soon!

Awwwwww! Exciting! Don't feel bad, your husband will totally understand your lil lie after he returns..lol! Yes, your right, you have to tell him in person! Gosh, thats a tough decision if he asks again, just say it was inconclusive at the time! Lol. The look on his face will be priceless and worth the wait. Good luck :)
Hello ladies!

Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in here ...

I noticed you guys were talking about Dr. Oz a little bit and thought id share a little.

I bought his book "you on a diet" a while ago and actually did the exercises. Its about twenty minutes a day, mostly floor work. Very low impact.

I noticed the scale wasn't changing much, so I started using a measuring tape for all the key parts of my body.

In ten days I lost two inches of my thighs(each!) And one inch off my waist! I was so impressed with the results. I didn't change my diet at all. And to be honest I didn't even et in a thrity minute walk everyday like suggested.

However, I eventually put it back on lol hence me reading this thread.

I was putting off losing weight because I heard it could impact TTC, but its been almost a year and still nothing so I figure WTH ill just go for it! Might give me something else to obsess over :/

Besides , I'm getting married in two years, so I need to be in the best shape of my life! I just picture myself in a wedding dress and /or honeymoon attire anytime I need motivation lol

I would love to hear any tips you ladies have!
Hello ladies!

Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in here ...

I noticed you guys were talking about Dr. Oz a little bit and thought id share a little.

I bought his book "you on a diet" a while ago and actually did the exercises. Its about twenty minutes a day, mostly floor work. Very low impact.

I noticed the scale wasn't changing much, so I started using a measuring tape for all the key parts of my body.

In ten days I lost two inches of my thighs(each!) And one inch off my waist! I was so impressed with the results. I didn't change my diet at all. And to be honest I didn't even et in a thrity minute walk everyday like suggested.

However, I eventually put it back on lol hence me reading this thread.

I was putting off losing weight because I heard it could impact TTC, but its been almost a year and still nothing so I figure WTH ill just go for it! Might give me something else to obsess over :/

Besides , I'm getting married in two years, so I need to be in the best shape of my life! I just picture myself in a wedding dress and /or honeymoon attire anytime I need motivation lol

I would love to hear any tips you ladies have!

Welcome!!! Yes we love Dr Oz! Sometimes it can be an overload of info, but I see it as I have to pick & pull what is useful to me. Lol

That's great that you lost inches, but not good about putting it back on, darn it. A healthy lifestyle is great for ttc! I hate the word diet! Lol. Regarding your wedding, I've been buying me a dress on or two sizes smaller, then work my butt off to fit in it. It works for me! I just bought a few more dresses as I have reached my other "goal dress". I have went from a size 28w dress to a size 18w dress & the dresses I just bought this weekend are size extra large. I fit into them but I need to do weights to help with my flabby arms and my darn hips are still big. So I'm heading to the gym to do some cardio and free weights! I love this machine called the arc trainer, Omg its amazing. Better than the elliptical. Lol. Sorry for the rant! Lol

Anyways, welcome :)
Awwwwww! Exciting! Don't feel bad, your husband will totally understand your lil lie after he returns..lol! Yes, your right, you have to tell him in person! Gosh, thats a tough decision if he asks again, just say it was inconclusive at the time! Lol. The look on his face will be priceless and worth the wait. Good luck :)

Thank you! :) My Mom gave me the good idea to tell him that I am just not going to test until he comes back because I want us to find out together. :) I think he will buy that line. :)

Oh and I have a friend that swears by that Arc trainer. She says it has helped a lot to reduce her thighs and cottage cheese on it. I have never tried it but it sounds awesome! And good job with your weight loss! 22W to a 18W is FABULOUS! :)

Hello ladies!

Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in here ...

I noticed you guys were talking about Dr. Oz a little bit and thought id share a little.

I bought his book "you on a diet" a while ago and actually did the exercises. Its about twenty minutes a day, mostly floor work. Very low impact.

I noticed the scale wasn't changing much, so I started using a measuring tape for all the key parts of my body.

In ten days I lost two inches of my thighs(each!) And one inch off my waist! I was so impressed with the results. I didn't change my diet at all. And to be honest I didn't even et in a thrity minute walk everyday like suggested.

However, I eventually put it back on lol hence me reading this thread.

I was putting off losing weight because I heard it could impact TTC, but its been almost a year and still nothing so I figure WTH ill just go for it! Might give me something else to obsess over :/

Besides , I'm getting married in two years, so I need to be in the best shape of my life! I just picture myself in a wedding dress and /or honeymoon attire anytime I need motivation lol

I would love to hear any tips you ladies have!

Welcome!! Yes, Dr. Oz is awesome! The latest tip actually was trying Raspberry Ketones. They are supposed to help you burn fat. JHarts tried to get some but after the show all the stores sold out and there is a waiting list now. Crazy! :)

Some other tips would be to identify your weakness and then replace it with a more healthy satisfying alternative. For me, I LOVE ice cream, cake, cookies, etc... So I buy Skinny Cow ice cream cones at the store. 150 calories and 4 grams of fiber and they are delicious! They also make flyer saucers. Also, to take the place of an ice cream sandwich, you take chocolate graham crackers and put Cool Whip in between two like a sandwich. Freeze them and eat. They are delicious! The key is not to deprive yourself. If you are satisfied, you stick to it. All the best to you. :)
Omg Leikela!!! Your pregnant!! Omg, I'm so happy for you, that is awesome!!!!


Thanks so much Jsmom!! :) I attribute it to Preseed and OPK's! I am just praying for a sticky one. :)

There goes my plans for weight loss! Maybe that's why I gained a pound last week. LOL I will still go to the gym but with much less intensity.

OMFG!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: so awesome you did it, you did it :happydance::happydance::happydance: congratulations omg how exciting xxxxxx
OMFG!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: so awesome you did it, you did it :happydance::happydance::happydance: congratulations omg how exciting xxxxxx

Thanks so much Tigerlilly! I was shocked and in denial at first! LOL :)

Leikela it's wonderful news your gonna ba a mom! How you planing to tell OH?

Thanks! :) I thought about getting a small calendar and writing in the month of October something like, "I should be here by now to meet you for the first time Daddy." Then asking him to page through the calendar until he finds it. :) And maybe have the calendar in the hands of a stuffed bear.
OMFG!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: so awesome you did it, you did it :happydance::happydance::happydance: congratulations omg how exciting xxxxxx

Thanks so much Tigerlilly! I was shocked and in denial at first! LOL :)

Leikela it's wonderful news your gonna ba a mom! How you planing to tell OH?

Thanks! :) I thought about getting a small calendar and writing in the month of October something like, "I should be here by now to meet you for the first time Daddy." Then asking him to page through the calendar until he finds it. :) And maybe have the calendar in the hands of a stuffed bear.

That sounds amazing! Great idea! Do share his reaction after you tell him. Your going to make us cry, lol!
Leikela all I can say is YAAAAY!! :happydance::happydance: Congratulations! H&H 9 months. So happy for you :happydance::happydance:

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